Build a More Complex Flow

Everything done so far could have been done just as easily using make or a C-shell script. In this step we build a flow which neither make nor a shell script could handle efficiently. This is a flow that spans multiple directories.
# This is Flow2.tcl
for {set i 1 }  { $i < 20 } { incr i } {
    indir -create subdir$i {
        J vw cp ../aa bb
        J vw cp bb cc
        J vw cp cc dd
        J vw cp cc ee
The for construct is standard Tcl, while the procedure indir is a FlowTracer extension. In this case we want to create the subdirectories subdirN, so we use the option -create of indir.
% vovbuild -f Flow2.tcl 
% vsr -all 

You have to use option -all of vsr because this flow spans multiple directories and the default target of vsr is just the current working directory.