Configure and Manage Monitor-basic

Both Monitor-basic and full Monitor are managed by the lmmgr command. It is essential that you use this instead of other ways to start the LM vovserver, because it also takes care of any DB schema updates, auxiliary daemon and startup changes needed by newer versions.

You use the configuration file of vovflexlmd in Monitor-basic to specify which FlexNet Publisher licenses you want the daemon to monitor. You do not need to monitor all licenses. In this exercise, we will monitor one. In most cases it is easier to use the browser UI to configure which license servers are monitored.

  1. Change to the working directory of the daemon and see whether it is already running.
  2. If you see an info.tcl file, then check whether the process named there exists on that system.
    % cd $VOVDIR/local/vovflexlmd; ls
    Example info.tcl file:
    # This file is created automatically by vovlmd: DO NOT EDIT
    # If you touch this file, the process 17400 will exit. 
    set host       "jaguar"
    set pid        17400
    set port       5555
    set cwd	 "/remote/proj9/cadmgr/licmon/licmon.swd/vovlmd" 
    set version    "2.0"
    set timestamp  1441146545; # Tue Sep 01 15:29:05 PDT 2019
    Note: If this directory already contains a file named config.tcl, your site may already be running . In this case, check for the file info.tcl. This file will contain the host name, process ID, and port of the daemon. You can verify that it is running by pointing your web browser to the URL http://host:port using the port and host in the info file.

    Even if the daemon is not running, we will use our own subdirectory to run our instance Monitor-basic, rather than use the default directory.

  3. Create a directory to run your own Monitor-basic instance.
    % mkdir ~/ncadmin/licmon
    % cd ~/ncadmin/licmon
  4. Start Monitor-basic, picking a port which is different from the regular one, if you are running on the Accelerator server host. The default TCP/IP port number is 5555. You can find the ports in use by vovproject list -a -l. For this example, we use port 5575.
    % cd ~/ncadmin/licmon
    % lmmgr start -name licmon<user> -dir . -port 5575
  5. Prepare a configuration file with a text editor, which names one of the FlexNet Publisher license files at your site.
    % vovproject enable licmon<user>
    % cd `vovserverdir -p vovlmd`
    % vi config.tcl
  6. Edit the default configuration file config.tcl, and enter at least one license file to monitor, using the add_LM_LICENSE_FILE procedure. The license may be in any format acceptable as a -c parameter to lmstat, that is, a full pathname or in port@host notation. It is better to use port@host than file paths, so that NFS is not involved.
    Example config.tcl file.
    # config.tcl -- vovflexlmd FLEXlm configuration
    add_LM_LICENSE_FILE -tag CDNS /remote/vendors/cadence/license/license.dat 
    add_LM_LICENSE_FILE -tag SNPS /remote/vendors/synopsys/license/pluto.dat 
    add_LM_LICENSE_FILE -tag SUNW 1726@saturn
  7. Verify that LM-basic is running and supplying license information. Examine the info.tcl file created by the vovlmd daemon, and point your web browser to the URL as described above.
  8. Stop the LM-Basic vovserver.
    Most of the Accelerator daemons may be stopped by touching the info file that they create. When it starts, the daemon records the timestamp of the file. Each cycle, the daemon examines the timestamp, and exits if it has changed.

    For Monitor-basic, the auxiliary daemons like vovlmd will stop when the Monitor-basic vovserver stops.