Cross-Probe with Excel Result

Cross-probe between the PollEx PCB and the Excel report.

When exporting a DFM result to Excel, you can export a hyperlink that links to PollEx PCB. A violated area or object is displayed in the PollEx PCB design data after following the hyperlink. You can set the cross-probe with an Excel report in Step 4 of 4 in the User Defined Excel Format.
Note: Some items of consideration:
  • The Excel result cross-probe feature is available on Altair PollEx 2022 and later.
  • Design data must be saved as a PDBB file before generating Excel result. Otherwise, the cross-probe link will not be created.
  • ECAD Design name must be the same as the PDBB file name.
Figure 1. Excel Export User Defined Format Setting

In the Excel Export User Defined Format Setting – Step 4 of 4 dialog, click Set Predefined Item List. Move the cross-probing with PollEx PCB to the Selected Predefined Item List by clicking Add in the Predefined Item List dialog.

Figure 2. Cross-Probe between Excel Report and PollEx PCB

Open the design data in PollEx PCB and the Excel verification result report. The cross-probe will not work with non-applicable data. Click the hyperlink in the Excel report to highlight the verification result item in the PollEx PCB.

Note: The following security notice may appear after clicking the hyperlink depending on the Microsoft Excel Security Environment on your machine. Click Yes to proceed.
Figure 3. Security Notice Example