Cross-probe between the PollEx PCB and the Excel report.
When exporting a DFM result to Excel, you can export a hyperlink that links to PollEx
PCB. A violated area or object is displayed in the PollEx PCB design data after
following the hyperlink. You can set the cross-probe with an Excel report in Step 4
of 4 in the User Defined Excel Format.
Note: Some items of consideration:
The Excel result cross-probe feature is available on Altair PollEx 2022
and later.
Design data must be saved as a PDBB file before generating Excel result.
Otherwise, the cross-probe link will not be created.
ECAD Design name must be the same as the PDBB file name.
Figure 1. Excel Export User Defined Format Setting
In the Excel Export User Defined Format Setting – Step 4 of 4 dialog, click
Set Predefined Item List. Move the cross-probing with
PollEx PCB to the Selected Predefined Item List by clicking
Add in the Predefined Item List
Figure 2. Cross-Probe between Excel Report and PollEx PCB
Open the design data in PollEx PCB and the Excel verification result report. The
cross-probe will not work with non-applicable data. Click the hyperlink in the Excel
report to highlight the verification result item in the PollEx PCB.
Note: The following
security notice may appear after clicking the hyperlink depending on the
Microsoft Excel Security Environment on your machine. Click
Yes to proceed.Figure 3. Security Notice Example