Search for symbols or nets in schematic design.
If you want to know the name of an object, you can easily find the location on the sheet and the number of sheets in which the objects belong using the Explorer tool.
- From the menu bar, click .
For object (net or symbol), select the sheet that you want to search.
- Searching keyword input box. If you want to search the Symbol, Reference
Name, Net name, or Text, use this. Also, you can search keyword input
box with Wild Card (*, ?, #) in Logic Explorer. Search keyword is
case-insensitive. The list is automatically updated as you enter
- *: String
- ?: One Character
- #: One Number
- " ": Searching the matching string only
- Objects selection in the basic search window.
- Example 1) C(or C*): Search for items starting with C (C1, C15, CA10, ...).
- Example 2) *C: Search for items ending with C (5VCC, GNDADC...).
- Example 3) *C*: Search for items containing C (VCC1P0, 5VCC...).
- Example 4) C?: Search for two-letter strings starting with C (CA, CP...).
- Example 5) ?C: Search for two-letter strings ending with C(AC, PC...).
- Example 6) *?C: Search for items ending with C and preceded by a letter (non-numeric) (AISC, SPKC...).
- Example 7) C#: Search for items staring with C and followed by a number (C1, C2, C9...).
- Example 8) C##: Search for items starting with C and followed by two numbers (C11, C20, C30...).
- Example 9) #C: Search for items ending with C and preceded by a number (1C, 2C, 9C...).
- Example 10) “CAP”: Search items that match exactly.
- Example 11) SPACE: Allow multiple searches by space.
- Search in Symbol Option
- Search in Symbol Properties: Option to search a symbol property.
- Searching keyword input box. If you want to search the Symbol, Reference
Name, Net name, or Text, use this. Also, you can search keyword input
box with Wild Card (*, ?, #) in Logic Explorer. Search keyword is
case-insensitive. The list is automatically updated as you enter
- Select the target object type among Symbol, Reference, Net, and Text. Select the object among the list. Selected objects are highlighted.
Sheet List tab. Detect where selected objects belong. If reference symbols are
placed in multiple sheets, you can easily detect their location in different
Note: Selected objects are highlighted in red. If Auto Zoom is activated, the selected object is focused and in zoom-in status.