Revolution defined DUS files can be classified into two types those defined by a phi cut and those defined by a theta cut. The cut determines the coordinate upon which the emitted field remains constant. Thus, when a REV DUS file is defined by theta cut, the field does not depend on the theta coordinate but only on the phi coordinate, and vice versa.

The file format for a REV DUS file is very simple and consists of the following information (for each list item, a line is required):

  • A header line usually reserved for information on the program that generated the DUS file and information about the file.
  • The type of DUS file. In this case, it is the string "REV" (without quotes).
  • The type of cut, "TH" if it is a theta cut or "PH" if it is a phi cut.
  • The component of the field that is defined in this file. It always is "Ptotal" (without quotes).
  • A comment line, ignored by the software, that can hold any content.
  • Several values separated by whitespaces. These values are, in order:
    • Initial theta value.
    • The number of theta samples.
    • The theta increment (the difference between two consecutive theta samples).
    • Initial phi value.
    • The number of phi samples.
    • The phi increment (the difference between two consecutive phi samples).
  • Please note that either the first three values or the last three values will be ignored by the program if the file is defined as a theta cut or a phi cut, respectively. However, all the values must be provided in the file.
  • Another comment line that can hold any content.
  • For each theta/phi sample (depending on whether is a phi or theta cut, respectively), three values, separated by whitespace, are provided the theta/phi value, the amplitude of the emitted sound pressure wave (in dBPa) and the phase of the sound pressure wave (in degrees).