Test Case A

This example describesthe calculation ofthepoyting vector andthe maximum value of the field on an observationplaneofpointsnear the antenna.By calculating themultipolein this firstsimulation,thencalculatethe same dataonother observation, this timecylindrical,around yhe antenna and usingthe multipolefor a gainintime.

Step 1: Create a new MOM Project.

Open 'New Fasant' and select 'File --> New' option.

Figure 1. New Project panel

Select 'MOM' option on the previous figure and start to configure the project.

Step 2: Create the geometry model.

Execute 'plane' command writing it on command line and sets the parameters as the next figure shows when command line ask for it.

Figure 2. 'Plane' Command parameters

Step 3: Set Simulation Parameters

Select 'Simulation --> Parameters' option on the menu bar and the following panel appears. Set the parameters as the next figure shows and save it.

Figure 3. Simulation Parameters panel

Step 4: Set the antenna parameters.

Select 'Antenna --> Primitives --> Coaxial Feed --> Dipole' option and set the parameters as show the next figure. Then save the parameters and the antenna appears.

Figure 4. Coaxial Dipole Antenna panel

Step 5: Set Near Field parameters.

Select 'Output --> Observation Points' option. The following panel will appear.

Figure 5. Observation Points panel

To add a plane visualization, select 'plane' on the selector of 'Geometry Types' section and click on 'Add' button. The plane parameters panel will appear, then configure the values as the next figure show and accept it clicking on 'OK' button.

Figure 6. Observation Plane panel

The observation will appear as a dashed line on the position configured.

Figure 7. Observation visualization

Step 6: Meshing the geometry model.

Select 'Meshing --> Parameters' to open the meshing configuration panel and then set the parameters as show the next figure.

Figure 8. Meshing panel

Then click on 'Mesh' button to starting the meshing. A panel appears to display meshing process information.

Figure 9. Meshing process log

Step 7: Execute the simulation.

Select 'Calculate --> Execute' option to open simulation parameters. Then select the number of processors as the next figure show.

Figure 10. Execute panel

Then click on 'Execute' button to starting the simulation. A panel appears to display execute process information.

Figure 11. Execute process log

Step 8: Show Results

Select 'Show Results --> Post-Process' option to calculate the puyting vector of the observation. To see the result as a diagram, select 'diagram' on the selector of 'New Trace' option and click on 'OK' button.

Figure 12. Post-Process Trace panel

Then, a panel to configure the results appears. Set the parameters as next figure and add on 'OK' button.

Figure 13. Trace panel

The visualization of the results appears on the main panel.

Figure 14. Puyting Vector visualization

Select 'Show Results --> Post-Process' option to calculate the maximum field value of the plane observation. To see the result as a table, select 'table' on the selector of 'New Trace' option and click on 'OK' button.

Figure 15. Post-Process Trace panel

Then, a panel to configure the results appears. Set the parameters as next figure and add on 'OK' button.

Figure 16. Maximum Value visualization

Step 9: Save the multipole file to use it for calculating the second observation.

Select 'Show Results --> Export Multipole File' option to save the multipole file on a selected path for use on other simulations. Previous, select the step and frequency for the multipole file.

Figure 17. Export Multipole

Step 10: Delete the geometry model, the antena and the observation plane. Then set the multipole file saved as antenna selecting 'Antenna --> Multipole Antenna' option and selecting the '.suj' file saved en the step 9. Then click on 'Save' button and the multipole appears as green cone.

Figure 18. Multipole Antenna panel

Figure 19. Multipole Antenna visualization

Step 11: Set Near Field parameters.

Select 'Output --> Observation Points' option. To add a cylindrical visualization, select 'cylinder' on the selector of 'Geometry Types' section and click on 'Add' button. The cylinder parameters panel will appear, then configure the values as the next figure show and accept it clicking on 'OK' button.

Figure 20. Observation Cylinder panel

The observation will appear as a dashed line on the position configured.

Figure 21. Observation Cylinder visualization

Step 12: Calculate again (meshing is not necessary and not work without a geometry). This calculation uses the multipole antenna as the geometry and the coaxial dipole used in the first simulation.

Step 13: Show results again like step 8.

Figure 22. Puyting Vector visualization

Figure 23. Maximum Value visualization