Upload a File or Folder in Running Folder

Upload a file or folder for a job in Running Folder when the job is in running state.

  1. Click the Jobs tab located in the upper left-hand of the page.
    The job monitoring page is displayed with the list of the jobs that is submitted to a cluster.
  2. Perform one of the following options:
    • Click the running job name from the list.
    • Right click the running job and click the View Details from the context menu.
    The Job Summary tab is displayed.

    Job Summary Tab
    Figure 1. Job Summary Tab
  3. Click Running Folder tab.
    The job summary page is displayed with Running Folder tab.

    Job Running Folder
    Figure 2. Job Running Folder
  4. Perform one of the following options:
    • Right-click on a file and select Upload File from the context menu.
    • Click > File located in the upper right-hand.
    Note: You can also upload folder by selecting Upload Folder from the context menu or by clicking > Folder located in the upper right-hand.

    Job Running Folder - Upload
    Figure 3. Job Running Folder - Upload
  5. Browse and select the file to upload.
  6. Click Open.
    The file starts to upload. A progress bar is displayed in the lower right-hand side of the page indicating the progress of the upload. A notification message is displayed when the upload is complete.
    Tip: When you hover over the progress bar, you will get an option to terminate the file upload.