OptiStruct Interface


SN Curve Plot Functionality
Plot functionality exposed in the Model Browser material view for the MATFAT card defined with single/multiple SN curve definition.
Static Failure
The MATFAT and FATPARM cards are enhanced to input static failure definition for single/multiple curves in continuation to the SN line.
Moved Non-structural Mass and Non-structural Material Damping Cards
These cards are migrated from Group to Solver Mass entity.
  • NSM1/NSM/NSML1/NSML and NSGE/NSGE1 bulk cards are now mapped to Solver Mass entity.
  • NSMADD bulk data card is now mapped to Solver Mass entity.
Multiple Failure Criteria Definition
Multiple different failure criteria can be defined on a single MATF bulk card entry.
New MATTVE Material Card
A new material card MATTVE is added to define temperature-dependent nonlinear viscoelastic material.
Model Checker
Free 1D element nodes check is now available in the model checker.
DENSITY Option in I/O Options
A new DENSITY option is added in RTHRESH, THRESH, TOP, RTOP I/O cards.
The PBUSH and PBSUHT cards are enhanced to define KMAG and ANGLE continuation lines.
The SYSSETTING card is enhanced with a MULTIPLEOUTPUT option to define multiple formats of the same output request.

Resolved Issues

  • The JOINTG element type INLINE is no longer imported as INLIORIE.
  • Input files with DRAPE table no longer results in a segmentation error.
  • The PCONT and PSOLID cards in large field format now export correctly.
  • The MPF option is now available in the ERP card.
  • Component organization is no longer lost while importing input with includes created in previous releases.
  • In the Beam Orient tool, orientation in displacement is streamlined.
    • System selection and toggle basic/displacement to define orientation vector are removed from the microdialog. A direct option to enter components in the displacement system is available. A vector tool with user system selection to enter orientation vector is always in basic.
    • The OFFT key assigned to elements when assigning orientation in the displacement system no longer has issues.

    Figure 1.

    Figure 2.