Flux e-Machine Toolbox: Export for Twin Activate / PSIM


A new type of Export is available in FEMT: *.mat format to export Lookup tables for PSIM or Twin Activate Altair software.

This allows you to create a System model of your complete drive systems including power electronics and your motor that is represented by an usual speed and current control Reduced Order Model that uses Look Up Table parameters (Flux_D, Flux_Q, inductances, ...).

Note: The export is not available in several cases:
  • if the test has not been computed with a Fast command mode MTPA Fast or MTPV Fast (no available with MTPA or MTPV command mode)

    → In this case it's advisable to change mode and choose a Fast mode and run again the computation

  • if the test has not been run with a FEMT version greater or equal than 2023.0

    → In this case, it's advisable to run again with a FEMT version greater or equal to 2023.0


To export the Lookup tables computed in FEMT:

  1. Open your FEMT component previously computed with a fast mode
  2. Display the test by double_clicking on it

    → the test is displayed in the central area and the ribbon bar of possible functions appears at the top

  3. Click on EXPORT

  4. Click on SYSTEM > LUT

    → the dialog box is opened to MAT export

    Note: The access to this dialog box can be also:
    • by clicking on the button Export (the button in the red rectangle below)

    • or Select the test and do a right click on the test and click on Export

  5. Choose the Destination Directory
  6. Choose a Name
  7. Validate the dialog box

    → a *.mat file has been created

    → a *.oml file has been created to be able to display the result in Compose

  8. Check the values and the maps in "Compose" (optional)

    1. double-click in the *.oml file

      Compose is opened and the *.oml file is opened

    2. run the *.oml by clicking on the Start button :

      → the maps are displayed

  9. Use the *.mat file in a model in Twin Activate or PSIM

PSIM use case

To evaluate the performance of your motor drive systems, PSIM Motor Drive Modules can be used to model a Speed or Torque control strategies of your motor.

  1. There are two PMSM (IPM) Drive (Flux) templates that are used for speed or torque control of the motor. These schemes use the mat files coming from FeMT as an input to compute the evolution of currents, torque and power for a given power electronic system.

  2. The second template uses the mat file coming from FeMT to compute efficiency maps of the complete driving system considering the inverter effects. Various PWM schemes can be selected to compute the efficiency maps.

Twin Activate use case

To evaluate the performance of your motor drive systems, Altair Twin Activate ElectricDrive Library can be used to model speed or torque control strategies of your motor for permanent magnet synchronous machines (PMSM).

The ElectricDrive Library for Altair Twin Activate is a collection of block libraries, scripts/macros, and example models to help build system models for an electric motor (e-motor) and drive systems, in particular for a three-phase permanent magnet synchronous motor (PMSM) based on field-oriented control (FOC), as shown below:

The ElectricDrive library supports block libraries and workflows to easily build system models based on e-motor models from Altair Flux(electromagnetic) and Altair FluxMotorsolutions.

Block Library

The extension supports five categories of components as shown below:

  • Drive: Components for building drive system (speed, current controllers, etc)
  • Machines: Components for building electric machines
    Note: Currently only permanent magnet synchronous motors (PMSM) supported
  • Mechanical: Components for building mechanical systems connected to machines

  • UsersGuide: Components to access documentation about the extension

  • Utilities: Miscellaneous supporting components (e.g., Park/Clarke Transforms, Steady-State Detection algorithms, etc.)

For more information, please see documentation delivered within Electric Drive library including a Getting Started guide and tutorial. ElectricDrive library is available for download on Altair One with registered account. Altair Twin Activate Business Edition (non-Personal) is required.