This package contains different types of sources:
Thermodynamic equations are defined in partial models (package Interfaces.Partials). All fans / pumps are considered without losses, they do not change enthalpy flow.
Extends from Modelica.Icons.SourcesPackage
(Icon for packages containing sources).
Name | Description |
AbsolutePressure | Defines absolute pressure level |
Ambient | Ambient with constant properties |
IdealPump | Model of an ideal pump |
PressureIncrease | Enforces constant pressure increase |
VolumeFlow | Enforces constant volume flow |
(Infinite) ambient with constant pressure and temperature.
Thermodynamic equations are defined by Partials.Ambient.
Extends from Modelica.Thermal.FluidHeatFlow.Interfaces.Partials.SinglePortLeft
(Partial model of a single port at the left).
Type | Name | Default | Description |
Medium | medium | Modelica.Thermal.FluidHeatFlow.Media.Medium() | Medium |
final Temperature | T0 | 293.15 | Initial temperature of medium |
final Boolean | T0fixed | false | Initial temperature guess value or fixed |
Boolean | usePressureInput | false | Enable / disable pressure input |
Pressure | constantAmbientPressure | Ambient pressure | |
Boolean | useTemperatureInput | false | Enable / disable temperature input |
Temperature | constantAmbientTemperature | Ambient temperature |
Type | Name | Description |
FlowPort_a | flowPort |   |
input RealInput | ambientPressure |   |
input RealInput | ambientTemperature |   |
AbsolutePressure to define pressure level of a closed cooling cycle.
Coolant's mass flow, temperature and enthalpy flow are not affected.
Extends from Modelica.Thermal.FluidHeatFlow.Interfaces.Partials.SinglePortLeft
(Partial model of a single port at the left).
Type | Name | Default | Description |
Medium | medium | Modelica.Thermal.FluidHeatFlow.Media.Medium() | Medium |
final Temperature | T0 | 293.15 | Initial temperature of medium |
final Boolean | T0fixed | false | Initial temperature guess value or fixed |
Pressure | p | Pressure ground |
Type | Name | Description |
FlowPort_a | flowPort |   |
Fan resp. pump with constant volume flow rate. Pressure increase is the response of the whole system.
Coolant's temperature and enthalpy flow are not affected.
Setting parameter m (mass of medium within fan/pump) to zero leads to neglect of temperature transient cv*m*der(T).
Thermodynamic equations are defined by Partials.TwoPort.
Extends from Modelica.Thermal.FluidHeatFlow.Interfaces.Partials.TwoPort
(Partial model of two port).
Type | Name | Default | Description |
Medium | medium | Modelica.Thermal.FluidHeatFlow.Media.Medium() | Medium in the component |
Mass | m | Mass of medium | |
Temperature | T0 | Initial temperature of medium | |
Boolean | T0fixed | false | Initial temperature guess value or fixed |
final Real | tapT | 1 | Defines temperature of heatPort between inlet and outlet temperature |
Boolean | useVolumeFlowInput | false | Enable / disable volume flow input |
VolumeFlowRate | constantVolumeFlow | Volume flow rate |
Type | Name | Description |
FlowPort_a | flowPort_a |   |
FlowPort_b | flowPort_b |   |
input RealInput | volumeFlow |   |
Fan resp. pump with constant pressure increase. Mass resp. volume flow is the response of the whole system.
Coolant's temperature and enthalpy flow are not affected.
Setting parameter m (mass of medium within fan/pump) to zero leads to neglect of temperature transient cv*m*der(T).
Thermodynamic equations are defined by Partials.TwoPort.
Extends from Modelica.Thermal.FluidHeatFlow.Interfaces.Partials.TwoPort
(Partial model of two port).
Type | Name | Default | Description |
Medium | medium | Modelica.Thermal.FluidHeatFlow.Media.Medium() | Medium in the component |
Mass | m | Mass of medium | |
Temperature | T0 | Initial temperature of medium | |
Boolean | T0fixed | false | Initial temperature guess value or fixed |
final Real | tapT | 1 | Defines temperature of heatPort between inlet and outlet temperature |
Boolean | usePressureIncreaseInput | false | Enable / disable pressure increase input |
Pressure | constantPressureIncrease | Pressure increase |
Type | Name | Description |
FlowPort_a | flowPort_a |   |
FlowPort_b | flowPort_b |   |
input RealInput | pressureIncrease |   |
Simple fan resp. pump where characteristic is dependent on shaft's speed,
torque * speed = pressure increase * volume flow (without losses)
Pressure increase versus volume flow is defined by a linear function,
from dp0(V_flow=0) to V_flow0(dp=0).
The axis intersections vary with speed as follows:
Coolant's temperature and enthalpy flow are not affected.
Setting parameter m (mass of medium within fan/pump) to zero
leads to neglection of temperature transient cv*m*der(T).
Thermodynamic equations are defined by Partials.TwoPort.
Extends from Modelica.Thermal.FluidHeatFlow.Interfaces.Partials.TwoPort
(Partial model of two port).
Type | Name | Default | Description |
Medium | medium | Modelica.Thermal.FluidHeatFlow.Media.Medium() | Medium in the component |
Mass | m | Mass of medium | |
Temperature | T0 | Initial temperature of medium | |
Boolean | T0fixed | false | Initial temperature guess value or fixed |
final Real | tapT | 1 | Defines temperature of heatPort between inlet and outlet temperature |
AngularVelocity | wNominal | Nominal speed | |
Pressure | dp0 | Max. pressure increase @ V_flow=0 | |
VolumeFlowRate | V_flow0 | Max. volume flow rate @ dp=0 |
Type | Name | Description |
FlowPort_a | flowPort_a |   |
FlowPort_b | flowPort_b |   |
Flange_a | flange_a |   |