Package Modelica.​Fluid.​Examples.​ControlledTankSystem
Tank system with controller, start/stop/shut operation and diagram animation


This icon indicates a package that contains executable examples.

Extends from Modelica.​Icons.​ExamplesPackage (Icon for packages containing runnable examples).

Package Contents

ControlledTanksDemonstrating the controller of a tank filling/emptying system

Model Modelica.​Fluid.​Examples.​ControlledTankSystem.​ControlledTanks
Demonstrating the controller of a tank filling/emptying system


With this example, the controller of a tank filling/emptying system is demonstrated.

The basic operation is to fill and empty the two tanks:

  1. Valve 1 is opened and tank 1 is filled.
  2. When tank 1 reaches its fill level limit, valve 1 is closed.
  3. After a waiting time, valve 2 is opened and the fluid flows from tank 1 into tank 2.
  4. When tank 1 reaches its minimum level, valve 2 is closed.
  5. After a waiting time, valve 3 is opened and the fluid flows out of tank 2
  6. When tank 2 reaches its minimum level, valve 3 is closed

The above "normal" process can be influenced by three buttons:

The demo-run uses the following button presses:

This example is based on

Dressler I. (2004):
Code Generation From JGrafchart to Modelica. Master thesis, supervisor: Karl-Erik Årzén, Department of Automatic Control, Lund Institute of Technology, Lund, Sweden, March 30, 2004

Extends from Modelica.​Icons.​Example (Icon for runnable examples).