This library demonstrates the usage of Complex blocks.
Extends from Modelica.Icons.ExamplesPackage
(Icon for packages containing runnable examples).
Name | Description |
ShowTransferFunction | Test Complex Transfer Function Block |
TestConversionBlock | Test the conversion blocks |
A Complex signal is defined by its length and angle, both linearly rising with time. Plotting the imaginary part versus the real part, you will see an Archimedean spiral.
Extends from Modelica.Icons.Example
(Icon for runnable examples).
This example shows the response of a PT2 defined by its transfer function
1 H(jw)=------------------- 1 + 2 d jw + (jw)^2
Frequency performs a logarithmic ramp from 0.01 to 100 s^-1.
Plot the magnitude locus (in dB) dB versus lg_w and the phase locus versus lg_w.
Extends from Modelica.Icons.Example
(Icon for runnable examples).
Type | Name | Default | Description |
Real | d | sqrt(2) ^ (-1) | Damping coefficient |
Real | b[:] | {1} | Numerator polynomial coefficients of the transfer function |
Real | a[:] | {1, 2 * d, 1} | Denominator polynomial coefficients of the transfer function |
Real | wMin | 0.01 | Lower bound for frequency sweep |
Real | wMax | 100 | Upper bound for frequency sweep |