Standard package icon.
Extends from Modelica.Icons.Package
(Icon for standard packages).
Name | Description |
Capacity |   |
ExtendedCapacity |   |
HydTwoPortVertical |   |
HydTwoPortVerticalExt |   |
PartialCylinder |   |
PartialHydroMotor |   |
PartialReliefResistor |   |
PartialReliefResistorBase |   |
PartialResistorBase |   |
PartialResistorVariable |   |
PartialResistorVariableZFlow |   |
SimpleCylinder |   |
SimpleDisplacementMachineTwoDir |   |
SimplePlunger |   |
Type | Name | Description |
FluidPort | fluidPort | Hydraulic port |
Type | Name | Default | Description |
Volume | capacity |   | |
BulkModulus | bulkModulus | 2.1e+11 |   |
Type | Name | Description |
FluidPort | fluidPort | Hydraulic port |
Type | Name | Default | Description |
Boolean | forwardFluidProperties | true | Forward fluid properties between ports |
Type | Name | Description |
FluidPort | fluidPortA | Hydraulic port A |
FluidPort | fluidPortB | Hydraulic port B |
Extends from HydraulicsByFluidon.Components.Base.HydTwoPortVertical
Type | Name | Default | Description |
Boolean | forwardFluidProperties | true | Forward fluid properties between ports |
Type | Name | Description |
FluidPort | fluidPortA | Hydraulic port A |
FluidPort | fluidPortB | Hydraulic port B |
The component PartialResistorBase is the basic model of a flow resistance.
Extends from HydraulicsByFluidon.Components.Base.HydTwoPortVertical
Type | Name | Default | Description |
Boolean | forwardFluidProperties | true | Forward fluid properties between ports |
Type | Name | Description |
FluidPort | fluidPortA | Hydraulic port A |
FluidPort | fluidPortB | Hydraulic port B |
The component PartialIdealResistor is the basic model of a flow resistance that behaves either like an orifice or a throttle, depending on the parameter setting.
Flow is adjusted via the Input signal with nominal flow (as given by nominal flow/ nominal pressure difference) corresponding to an input value of 1.
Extends from HydraulicsByFluidon.Components.Base.PartialResistorBase
Type | Name | Default | Description |
Boolean | forwardFluidProperties | true | Forward fluid properties between ports |
TResistorTypes | resistorType | HydraulicsByFluidon.Types.TResistorTypes.Orifice | Type of the resistor |
VolumeFlowRate | NominalVolumeFlow | 5e-4 | Nominal volume flow |
Pressure | NominalPressureDifference | 500000 | Nominal pressure difference |
Density | ReferenceDensity | 860 | Reference density |
Type | Name | Description |
FluidPort | fluidPortA | Hydraulic port A |
FluidPort | fluidPortB | Hydraulic port B |
Simple model of a cylinder with Stribeck friction.
Extends from HydraulicsByFluidon.Components.Base.PartialCylinder
Type | Name | Default | Description |
Length | pistonDiameter | 0.1 | Piston diameter |
Length | rodDiameterA | 0 | Rod diameter @ port A |
Length | rodDiameterB | 0.05 | Rod diameter @ port B |
Length | cylinderLength | 0.2 | Cylinder length |
Length | rodLength | 1 | Rod length @ port B |
Angle | angle | 0 | Inclination angle |
Volume | deadVolume | 1e-4 | Dead volume |
Mass | massPiston | 50 | Piston mass |
Mass | massCylinder | 40 | Cylinder mass |
Real | fProp | 10000 | Velocity dependent friction |
Force | fCoulomb | 250 | Constant friction: Coulomb force |
Force | fBreakaway | 500 | Breakaway force |
Velocity | vM | 0.005 | Velocity parameter for Stribeck friction |
Boolean | relFric | false | if selected, relative friction is calculated based on relFricFactor |
Real | relFricFactor | 0 |   |
Velocity | vSmall | 0.001 |   |
Boolean | forwardFluidProperties | false | Forward fluid properties between ports |
Type | Name | Description |
Flange_a | flange_c |   |
Flange_b | flange_p |   |
FluidPort | fluidPortA | Hydraulic port A |
output RealOutput | strokeOut | Relative position of piston |
FluidPort | fluidPortB | Hydraulic port B |
Simple model of a plunger cylinder with Stribeck friction, gravitational forces and consideration of dynamic fluid mass.
Extends from HydraulicsByFluidon.Components.Base.PartialCylinder
Type | Name | Default | Description |
Length | pistonDiameter | 0.1 | Piston diameter |
Length | rodDiameterA | 0 | Rod diameter @ port A |
Length | rodDiameterB | 0.05 | Rod diameter @ port B |
Length | cylinderLength | 0.2 | Cylinder length |
Length | rodLength | 1 | Rod length @ port B |
Angle | angle | 0 | Inclination angle |
Volume | deadVolume | 1e-4 | Dead volume |
Mass | massPiston | 50 | Piston mass |
Mass | massCylinder | 40 | Cylinder mass |
Real | fProp | 10000 | Velocity dependent friction |
Force | fCoulomb | 250 | Constant friction: Coulomb force |
Force | fBreakaway | 500 | Breakaway force |
Velocity | vM | 0.005 | Velocity parameter for Stribeck friction |
Boolean | relFric | false | if selected, relative friction is calculated based on relFricFactor |
Real | relFricFactor | 0 |   |
Velocity | vSmall | 0.001 |   |
Type | Name | Description |
Flange_a | flange_c |   |
Flange_b | flange_p |   |
FluidPort | fluidPortA | Hydraulic port A |
output RealOutput | strokeOut | Relative position of piston |
Partial model of a cylinder with Stribeck friction, gravitational forces and consideration of dynamic fluid mass.
Type | Name | Default | Description |
Length | pistonDiameter | 0.1 | Piston diameter |
Length | rodDiameterA | 0 | Rod diameter @ port A |
Length | rodDiameterB | 0.05 | Rod diameter @ port B |
Length | cylinderLength | 0.2 | Cylinder length |
Length | rodLength | 1 | Rod length @ port B |
Angle | angle | 0 | Inclination angle |
Volume | deadVolume | 1e-4 | Dead volume |
Mass | massPiston | 50 | Piston mass |
Mass | massCylinder | 40 | Cylinder mass |
Real | fProp | 10000 | Velocity dependent friction |
Force | fCoulomb | 250 | Constant friction: Coulomb force |
Force | fBreakaway | 500 | Breakaway force |
Velocity | vM | 0.005 | Velocity parameter for Stribeck friction |
Boolean | relFric | false | if selected, relative friction is calculated based on relFricFactor |
Real | relFricFactor | 0 |   |
Velocity | vSmall | 0.001 |   |
Type | Name | Description |
Flange_a | flange_c |   |
Flange_b | flange_p |   |
FluidPort | fluidPortA | Hydraulic port A |
output RealOutput | strokeOut | Relative position of piston |
Extends from HydraulicsByFluidon.Components.Pumps.Interfaces.PartialPump
(Partial Pump).
Type | Name | Default | Description |
Volume | dispVolume | 5e-5 | Displacement volume |
Inertia | Jrot | 0.05 | Rotational moment of inertia |
Volume | deadVolume | 1e-6 | Dead volume at ports |
Efficiency | etaVol | 0.94 | Volumetric efficiency @ nRef, dpRef |
Density | leakageReferenceDensity | 860 | Reference density for volumetric efficiency |
DimensionlessRatio | ratioLeakageExtern | 0 | Ratio external Leakage / total Leakage |
Boolean | useLeakagePort | false | Enable leakage port, otherwise implicitly connected with tank |
Efficiency | etaHm | 0.98 | Mechanical efficiency @ nRef, dpRef |
Real | nRef | 1000 | Reference speed (1/min) |
AbsolutePressure | dpRef | 2e+7 | Reference pressure difference |
StateSelect | stateSelect | StateSelect.prefer | Priority to use phi and w as states |
Boolean | forwardFluidProperties | true | Forward fluid properties between ports |
Type | Name | Description |
FluidPort | fluidPortA | Hydraulic port A |
FluidPort | fluidPortB | Hydraulic port B |
Flange_a | flange_a |   |
Flange_b | flange_b |   |
FluidPort | fluidPortLeakage | Hydraulic port Leakage |
Model of a simple displacement machine without losses.
The displacement machine is parameterised by providing its displacement volume dispVolume.
Extends from HydraulicsByFluidon.Components.Pumps.Interfaces.PartialPump
(Partial Pump) and Modelica.Mechanics.Rotational.Interfaces.PartialTwoFlanges
(Partial model for a component with two rotational 1-dim. shaft flanges).
Type | Name | Default | Description |
Boolean | forwardFluidProperties | true | Forward fluid properties between ports |
Volume | dispVolume | 5e-5 | Displacement volume of the machine |
Boolean | flagIntVol | true |   |
Type | Name | Description |
FluidPort | fluidPortA | Hydraulic port A |
FluidPort | fluidPortB | Hydraulic port B |
Flange_a | flange_a | Flange of left shaft |
Flange_b | flange_b | Flange of right shaft |
The component PartialReliefResistorBase is the basic model of a flow resistance.
Extends from HydraulicsByFluidon.Components.Base.HydTwoPortVertical
Type | Name | Default | Description |
Boolean | forwardFluidProperties | true | Forward fluid properties between ports |
Type | Name | Description |
FluidPort | fluidPortA | Hydraulic port A |
FluidPort | fluidPortB | Hydraulic port B |
The component PartialReliefResistor is the basic model of a flow resistance that behaves either like an orifice or a throttle, depending on the parameter setting.
Flow is adjusted via the Input signal with nominal flow (as given by nominal flow/ nominal pressure difference) corresponding to an input value of 1.
Extends from HydraulicsByFluidon.Components.Base.PartialReliefResistorBase
Type | Name | Default | Description |
Boolean | forwardFluidProperties | true | Forward fluid properties between ports |
VolumeFlowRate | NominalVolumeFlow | 5e-4 | Nominal volume flow |
Pressure | NominalPressureDifference | 500000 | Nominal pressure difference |
Density | ReferenceDensity | 860 | Reference density |
Type | Name | Description |
FluidPort | fluidPortA | Hydraulic port A |
FluidPort | fluidPortB | Hydraulic port B |
The component PartialIdealResistor is the basic model of a flow resistance that behaves either like an orifice or a throttle, depending on the parameter setting.
Flow is adjusted via the Input signal with nominal flow (as given by nominal flow/ nominal pressure difference) corresponding to an input value of 1.
Extends from HydraulicsByFluidon.Components.Base.PartialResistorBase
Type | Name | Default | Description |
Boolean | forwardFluidProperties | true | Forward fluid properties between ports |
TResistorTypes | resistorType | HydraulicsByFluidon.Types.TResistorTypes.Orifice | Type of the resistor |
VolumeFlowRate | NominalVolumeFlow | 5e-4 | Nominal volume flow |
Pressure | NominalPressureDifference | 500000 | Nominal pressure difference |
Density | ReferenceDensity | 860 | Reference density |
VolumeFlowRate | ZeroVolumeFlow | 0 | Volume flow due to leakage |
Pressure | ZeroFlowPressureDifference | 500000 | Pressure difference for leakage flow |
Type | Name | Description |
FluidPort | fluidPortA | Hydraulic port A |
FluidPort | fluidPortB | Hydraulic port B |