PollEx UDE

About PollEx UDE

PollEx UDE is Optimized unified management system for electrical-design in the mechanical-design based PLM system.

The UDE Platform provides Parts / Library, Design Data, BOM Management functions for the required product and history management stages. UDE supports the PollEx product interface.

The UDE consists of three main modules: Unified Part Management System (UPMS), Unified Design Management System (UDMS), and Unified BOM Management System (UBMS).

UPMS: Standardization and management module for library and part catalog information used for electrical design in the system.

UDMS: Unified management system which manages design data from creation to finish through managing each development process. Automated checking system for suitability of part and consistency between schematic, PCB and BOM.

UBMS: Generating BOM with the part list, which is extracted in design check in process, and supporting edit, report, manage variant and back annotation functions.

UDE System requires separate server installation (JAVA, Apache Tomcat, DB (MS-SQL, ORACLE, and so on)).

This tutorial describes how to use the environment after it has been configured.

UDE Platform

Figure 1.

This document is based on the PollEx UDE system built using MS-SQL database. Download and install the installation file and guide document from https://connect.altair.com before startup.

Login to UDE

UDE is an application used by the Web and is available through Login. Invoke a Chrome web-browser and enter the server URL. If you don’t know the URL, contact your system manager.

Server URL: http://[UDE SERVER IP]:[Port Number]/UDE/

For example,

To use the PollEx UDE, users with respective functional permissions should be registered to prepare, review, and approve drawings or documents. However, in this document, we will use the user who has full privileges for explanation and about the registration of the user will be explained at the end of this document.

Login using the user account and password as below.

ID: admin

Password: 1234

Figure 2.
Note: Because the admin account can work with system impacting contents, the account will be expired in 30 days to prevent the system failure by unintended operations. After the expiration, you should change the password to use the admin account.


Check messages from system such as the results of your own request and other’s request for your approval, change information of parts use, and your designation as the person in charge of the development process.

In Home, you can also check the KPIs for the status in Parts Registrations and Design Revisions.

  1. Check unread messages.
    1. Check the message box for messages.
      If there are messages, the message box will indicate the number.
    2. Click More info to check messages.

      Figure 3.

      Unread message will be listed in Notified message list.

      The number of unread messages may vary depending on the situation.

    3. Click the message list to check what is requested, and to proceed with the requested item.
      Depending on the message, the displayed items may vary.
  2. Check results of your request.
    1. Check the Completion Received message box for messages.
      If there are messages, the Completion Received message box will show the number of messages.
    2. Click More info to check messages.

      Figure 4.

      Unread messages are shown in Notified message list.

    3. Click the message list to check the result of your request.
      Depending on the message, the displayed items may vary.
  3. Check information of preventing and releasing part.
    1. Check the Information Change message box for messages.
      If there is any message, the message box shows the number of messages.
    2. Click More info to check the message.

      Figure 5.

      Unread messages are shown in Notified message list.

    3. Click the message list to check preventing/releasing information of part.
    4. In the Design Detail Information tab, click .
  4. Check changed information of person in charge.
    1. Check the Change Contact Person message box for messages.
      If there are messages, the message box shows the number of messages.
    2. Click More info to check a message.

      Figure 6.

      Unread messages are shown in Notified message list.

    3. Click the message list to check the changed information of person in charge.
    4. In the Design Detail Information tab, click .
  5. Check all messages.
    1. In the top-right, click .

      Figure 7.
    2. Click the message list to check detail information of the message.

      Figure 8.
    3. In the Design Detail Information tab, click .
  6. Check KPI widgets of UPMS, UDMS, UDVS.

    In the KPI (Key Performance Indicator) widget, user can check the status of the UPMS library registration, design project revisions, and verification performed during the check in with visualized charts.

    Figure 9.


Check the status of parts registration. The part class items in the KPI are specialized when deploying UDE system and cannot be changed.

Note: The graph of the KPI may have a different shape depending on the time of installation.

Figure 10.

Move your cursor over the chart to display the count of parts registered in the corresponding part class.

Figure 11.


Display the status of the causes of the revisions of the design projects over the past year.

The reasons for revision are specialized when deploying UDE system and cannot be changed. In the samples which are copied during the installation don’t have revision contents, so there is no data, but for example, it looks like the following.

Figure 12.
In the UDMS KPI, move your cursor over the chart to display the count of design projects in the corresponding cause.

Figure 13.


You can verification check progress.

These items are specialized when deploying UDE systems and cannot be changed. Depending on the system status, the KPI may be changed.

Figure 14.

User Environment

Set the user environment.

  1. Click the username in the top-right and select Settings from the context menu.

    Figure 15.
    Settings for user’s environment menu appears.

    Figure 16.
  2. To change password, click Change Password.
  3. Enter the current and new password and click Change.
  4. To request authority, click Request permission.

    Figure 17.
  5. From the Request permission dialog, disable the Temporary User checkbox and click Send.

    Figure 18.
    If a mailing system had been set during the installation, the request is sent to the administrator via e-mail, and if the administrator finds out about the permission request, the administrator can grant permissions for the user.
    Note: For explanation, assume that the system manager has received an email for requesting permission and explain the process of approving user permissions as follows.
  6. In the Availability of permission request column, click Y.
    The List of requested permission dialog opens.

    Figure 19.
  7. Select Management > User Management.
  8. In the List of requested permission dialog, click the content of the Application Authority column.

    Figure 20.
  9. Check the requested permission and click Approval.

    Figure 21.

    If the permission request is approved by the administrator, it is reflected only after logout and login again.

    Figure 22.

Unified Part Management System

Unified Part Management System (UPMS) is a management module by standardizing part library and catalog information used in electronic circuit design in the system.

By registering parts used for electronic circuit design in UDE System, you can manage the revision history and usage of parts.

Figure 23.
  1. UPMS setting for generate UPF automatically.
    1. Select Management > UPMS Management > Default Setting.
    2. In the Setting UPMS Environment, turn on the Use create UPF option.
    3. Click Save.

    Figure 24.
  2. Click the New Part Request menu and enter the information of the part.
    Depending on the part category selection, additional characteristics are added in the input fields. If you enter as much information as possible during new part registration, it will be easier to manage and track the part. Enter the part information as shown in:

    Figure 25.
    Datasheet is a mandatory field because a library manager cannot determine the part shape without the datasheet. Any file format can be attached.

    Figure 26.
    A part can be used after requesting registration by hardware engineer and approved by library manager.
    Within this process, you can prevent the duplicated registration of a part and the inconsistency within the part standardization.

    Figure 27.
    You can search and select the library manager. Click Search and select the library manager. In this document, select the current user as library manager for convenience.

    Figure 28.

    Figure 29.
    The UDE supports to view the similar parts already registered with the part requested for registration.
    If there is a part which is almost same with the part requested, use the part registered already.

    Figure 30.
  3. Send new part registration request.
    1. In the Similar part list dialog, click Request.
      Because there are similar parts in the database, UDE asks you to apply or not.
    2. Click OK.
    3. Click OK.
  4. Part Requests.
    1. From the menu bar, click UPMS > Part Requests.
      In the menu, you can check the items requested, items requiring approval, and all items requested for approval.
    2. Click My Request box.

      Figure 31.
    3. Click CPN to display detail request information.
      Note: The CPN as it will be used in the part search function that follows this tutorial.
    4. Click in the Requested Information tab to close.
  5. Check the parts requested.
    1. Select My inbox to display the list of requested parts needing approval.
      This function is only available for those with Library Manager authority.

      Figure 32.
    2. Click CPN to display detail request information.
      The library manager reviews the requested contents and should enter the symbol and footprint information.
    3. Click Search in the right side of Symbol of Library Information.
    4. Enter R* in the search box and click Search.
    5. In the result, select R for adding logic symbol of the part and click Apply.

      Figure 33.
    6. Click Search in the right side of Footprint.
    7. Enter courier in the search box and click Search.
    8. In the result, select R1005-2PCB for changing footprint of the part and click Apply.

      Figure 34.
    9. After specifying the library, leave a comment and click Approval.
    10. Click Approval to approve the request.
      Note: When a part is approved by the library manager, PollEx UDE is invoked to create the part library file (*.upf) automatically. The library manager needs to wait until the part creation is completed and UPE is finished.
  6. Confirm the approval of the requested part.
    1. Click My request box to display the requested list.
      The requests that have been approved are changed to green letters.

      Figure 35.
    2. Click CPN to check the contents.
  7. Part Search.
    1. Click Part Search to find parts.
    2. Enter the CPN of the part created in step 4 in the search box and click Search.
    3. Search 1-0104-00004.

      Figure 36.
    4. Click CPN to display the information of the part.
  8. Check the part information.
  9. Check the library information.
    1. Click Library Information to check the library of logic symbol and footprint.
      The libraries for logic symbol and footprint are generated during the part registration approval, but the package is not generated at that time, so the package library is not shown. You need to add a package library for the part after creation and to edit the library, refer to the PollEx UPE user guide.

      Figure 37.
    2. Click the image of the logic symbol to invoke PollEx UPE.
      You can check more information using the PollEx UPE.

      Figure 38.
    3. From the menu bar, click File > Exit to close the PollEx UPE.
  10. Check the Part History.
    1. Click Part History to see the history from the creation to discontinuance and the usability of the part.
    2. Click the Request No. for more information.
    3. Click to close the information window.
  11. Check the level and unit price.
    1. Click Level to see the level and unit price of the part.
      The level means the usability of the part.
  12. Check the Alternative Part.
    1. Click Alternative Part to see the alternative parts which can replace this part.
    2. Click Add.
    3. Enter 1K in the search box and click Search.

      Figure 39.
    4. Select the CPN of the 0101-000034 part and click OK in the message box.
      0101-000034 part is added as an alternative part.
    5. Click CPN to display detail information of the alternative part.
    6. Click to close.
  13. Check the Usage.
    1. Click Usage to check the designs in the database which are including the part.
      Because this part is just created, so there is no design which uses this part.For example, if you search 0202-000037 part, you can see the list of design projects where the part was used as below.
    2. Click to close.
    3. Click in the upper-right side to close all dialogs.

Library Management of UPMS

Manage the part library and it can be only accessed by the library manager.

  1. Click Library management from the left side menu.
  2. Part Library Lock.
    The library manager can lock a specific part so that users cannot use the part.
    1. Click Part Library Lock and search the part previously registered.
    2. Search 1-0104-00004 part.
  3. Lock a part.
    1. Check the checkbox of the part.
    2. Click Lock.
    3. In the Lock Library dialog, click Lock.

      Figure 40.
    The Lock status of the part is changed to Y.

    Figure 41.
    If a part is locked, the display in the To Circuit Design (Insert) is changed from Insert to Locked.
  4. Unlock a part.
    1. From the left side menu, click Library management.
    2. Check the checkbox of the part.
    3. Click Unlock.
    4. In the Lock Library dialog, click Unlock.

      Figure 42.
    Lock status of the part is changed to N.

    Figure 43.
  5. Edit part library.
    1. Select Edit part library and search a part.
    2. Search 1-0104-00004 part.
    3. Click CPN to display the part information.
  6. Change part library information.
    In this menu, you can change the part library information and assign the official CPN.
    1. Scroll down the page and click Change.
    2. Click search to search a CPN from the neutral database imported from corporate system.
      CPN issued by UDE System can be used as the official code, but most companies can also issue and use the official code through the company system such as ERP and SAP.

      Therefore, it is used if the formal code exists on the database through the corporate system interface.

    3. Scroll down and click Save.
    4. Click to close all tabs.

UDMS Setting for Automatic Verification

To use automatic verification during the design check-in process, you must set it up in advance.

After you set this up, the verification stage is set in the design project, verification is automatically executed when the design is checked in.

Note: It is because UDE use PollEx Verification, PollEx should be installed to execute the automatic verification.
  1. Go to the folder where PollEx is installed.
  2. Using a text editor, open the PollExService_Environment.ini file and add a verification working folder to EXPORT_WORK_DIRECTORY.
    The folder should be an existing folder. Example: EXPORT_WORK_DIRECTORY=D:\UDE_root\VerificationOutputs
  3. Save and close the file.
  4. Log in to UDE and select Management > System Management > Job Folder Management of UDEIF Daemon Service.
  5. Click Add and enter the information:
    1. For Server alias, enter Verification Server.
    2. For Daemon file path of verification server, enter the folder path defined in the PollExService_Environment.ini file.
      Example: D:\UDE_root\VerificationOutputs.

      Figure 44.
  6. Click Save.
  7. Execute an explorer and change folder to C:\Program Files\Altair\2023.1\PollEx.
  8. Double-click the PollExServiceMgr.exe file to execute PollEx service daemon.

Unified Design Management System

Unified Design Management System (UDMS) is a unified electrical design management system through check in and out function onto server for schematics and PCBs.

By centralized managing the design data, the UDMS can efficiently manage all design data instead of managing by each personnel.

It can prevent from the problems occurred due to the individual data management by each developer.

In UDMS, one PCB design data is managed as one design project.

Note: To check in or check out a design data for testing UDMS, download and extract the tutorial sample files from Connect to the folder as below. If the folder doesn’t exist, create it. C:\ProgramData\altair\PollEx\2022\Data\TutorialSample.
  1. Click UDMS (Design Project).

    Figure 45.
  2. Create Design Project.
    Each design project can be categorized by a customer, product group, or product type.
    1. Click UDMS (Design Project).
    2. Click New Design Project and enter the information of the project such as name, schedule, type, and so on like below.
      Items marked with * are mandatory.
      Note: As this is a test, attach an arbitrary file for the Development Specification.
    3. Click Process Setting.
    4. Click Import settings to use the default process setting.
      The default design process scheme includes Schematic Design, Schematic Verification, Part List, PCB Design, PCB Verification, CAE, Allowable Error checking, and Sample PCB Order. These processes can be modified depending on the company’s requirements and linked with the corporate system such as PLM or ERP. But in this document, we’ll use the default process.
    5. Select the box of Schedule and specify each schedule of the process and specify the current user as the project leader by clicking .
      If the project leader of all processes is same, click to set it in batches.
    6. Click Registration.
      In the Search Design Project, you can find the project just created.
  3. Search Design Project.
    When the project registration is finished, you can see the project information in the project search page.
    1. Click the design project number to check the project information.

      Figure 46.
      You can check the project information.
    2. Click Process Setting to check the processes and schedules.
    3. Click Schedule status to check the development progressing status.
    4. Click to close.
    5. Click the Model name of the project to check the design detail information.

      Figure 47.
  4. Assign the person in charge.
    For each design stage, assign the person in charge to perform the development.
    1. From the Design menu, select Person in charge.

      Figure 48.
    2. Click to assign the key person in charge and select Admin from the list.
      And then click to apply the person in charge for all stage

      Figure 49.
    3. In the same way, assign all key and deputy person in charge as Admin and click Registration.
      The messages that the person in charge have not been designated are removed.

      Figure 50.
  5. Schematic Check-Out / Check-In.
    You need to check-out the design to start schematic design. After finishing the schematic design, you can check-in to store the design and generate needed outputs.
    1. Click Schematic Design.

      Figure 51.
    2. Click Check-out.
    3. Click OK.
      The information of the design checked out is displayed. When checking out, the check-in data is downloaded. However, no data is downloaded for the first time since the creation of the design project. You can continue without any files downloaded. While uploading the schematic design data, UDE automatically converts the schematic data made by CAD tool into a PollEx Logic data (SDBB) and generates part list and netlist. The generated data is shown as an icon in the data column. But, for testing, we will use PollEx Logic Data (SDBB) instead of CAD data for check in.
    4. Select PollEx in the Check-in file type and click Check In.
    5. In the Check In dialog, click Search.
      Tutorial Sample Design can be downloaded from Altair Marketplace.
    6. Navigate to C:\ProgramData\altair\PollEx\2022\Data\TutorialSample folder, select PollEx_New_Sample.sdbb, and click OK.
      During the check in, UDE makes needed outputs such as netlist and part list automatically. You can check the status with progressive bar.After generating part list and netlist, Schematic Verification is executed automatically.After check-in, the icons of extracted outputs are shown in the design status page.

      Figure 52.
    7. Click to view the schematic data using PollEx Logic.

      Figure 53.
    8. Click to see the result.

      Figure 54.
      The sign that means the schematic verification using PollEx Logic DFE has failed item which doesn’t meet the verification condition.
    9. For more detail about the result, click to execute PollEx Logic DFE.

      Figure 55.
    10. Close PollEx Logic DFE and click to view the part list data.
      The part list will be shown as a BOM list format.

      Figure 56.
    11. Close the part list dialog and click Schematic Design and Check Out again.

      Figure 57.
      Assume that the schematic data is modified, check in the schematic data again.
    12. Select PollEx in the Check-in file type and click Check In.
    13. In the Check In dialog, navigate to C:\ProgramData\altair\PollEx\2022\Data\TutorialSample folder, select PollEx_New_Sample.sdbb, and click OK.
      The Rev Data item is changed as below.

      Figure 58.
      After finishing the schematic design, you can start the PCB design. To start the PCB design, the PCB specification should be specified first.
    14. Select Schematic Design and click Registration of the PCB Specification Information.

      Figure 59.
    15. Click search and select PBA No. and PCB No., and specify the PCB specification information as shown below, and click Registration.
    16. Click OK and close the PCB Specification Information and Schematic Information dialog.
    17. If you have the Stack-up option enabled in UDMS Management, you can use Stack-up.

      Figure 60.
    18. Click to set up the layer stack up.

      Figure 61.
    19. Select 6L_4.0.
      You can check and modify the layer stack up of the PCB design.
    20. Click Cancel and close the Setting Stack-up dialog.
  6. PCB Check-Out / Check-In.
    You need to check-out the design to start schematic design. After finishing the schematic design, you can check-in to store the design and generate needed outputs.
    1. Click PCB Design to start the PCB design stage.

      Figure 62.
    2. Click Check Out.
      After check-out, the status is shown in the design status page.Assume that the PCB design is completed.
    3. Click PCB Design and select PollEx in the Check-in file type and click Check in.

      Figure 63.
    4. Click Search.
      Tutorial Sample Design can be downloaded from Altair Marketplace.
      Navigate to C:\ProgramData\altair\PollEx\2022\Data\TutorialSample folder, select PollEx_New_Sample.pdbb, and click OK.
      While uploading the PCB design data, UDMS will convert to PollEx design file and update the part and net lists. After uploading the PCB design data, PCB Verification is started automatically.
      When the verification is finished, the generated outputs are listed in the Data column.

      Figure 64.
    5. Click to see the PCB design.

      Figure 65.
      For more detail about the PollEx PCB, refer the PollEx PCB user guide.
    6. Close PollEx PCB.
    7. In the PCB Verification, you can see the sign that means the PCB verification using PollEx DFM and PollEx DFE have failed item which don’t meet the verification condition.
    8. Click of the PCB DFM item to see the DFM verification result.

      Figure 66.
    9. Close the result dialog and click of PCB DFM to see more detail information using PollEx DFM.
    10. Close PollEx DFM and click of PCB DFM to see the DFM input settings.

      Figure 67.
    11. Close the DFM input setting dialog and click to set up the allowable error.

      Figure 68.
      If an error is set to an allowable error, the verification does not determine the error for the same value.
    12. Select PCB DFM > Component_Spacing(24) and check the first and second items and click Save.

      Figure 69.
    13. Close the setting dialog and click of PCB DFM.
      The DFM verification is rerun.
    14. Click to check the result.
      You can see the first (C103 and X101) and second item (C104 and X101) are removed in the error list.
    15. Switch to Off of the Except allowable error to see the allowable error.
      This means the two items are no longer determined to be errors.

      Figure 70.
    16. Close the result list dialog.
  7. EBOM (Schematic & PCB Part List) review.
    When the PCB design is checked in, the physical information such as placement coordinates, angles and placement sides are added to the part list.
    1. Click to check the part list.

      Figure 71.
      Move the scroll bar at the bottom to the right to see the additional information such as part coordinates, process, and so on are shown in the part list.
    2. Assume that all design process is finished, place the cursor over and click the right button of mouse and select Confirm BOM > Confirmation.

      Figure 72.
    3. Close the part list.
  8. Revise design.
    In the section 4. Schematic Check-Out / Check-In, if a schematic data is checked out and checked in for modification, the minor revision is changed (for example, 1.00 to 1.01). But after finishing whole design, a revision is needed to modify the design and the major revision is changed (for example, 1.01 to 2.00).
    1. Click of Design Action and select Revise.

      Figure 73.
    2. Enter the revise information as shown below and click Revise.
      The revisions of the schematic and PCB data are changed to revision 2.00.
    3. In the Revision selection, select 1.0 to see the 1.0 revision.

      Figure 74.
      The design status is changed to revision 1.0. After revision, all processes are same with previous revision.
  9. Check design schedule.
    1. Click Schedule status in the Design Menu.
      You can see the schedule information of the design project.
    2. Scroll down and click Read more in the PCB Specification Information.

      Figure 75.
      You can see the PCB Specification Information.
    3. Close the window.
  10. Check design outputs.
    1. Click Outputs in the Design Menu and enable the Schematic and PCB checkboxes.
    2. Click Execute PollEx CrossProbe.

      Figure 76.
      The PollEx CrossProbe is invoked and compare the schematic and PCB data.

      Figure 77.
    3. Close the PollEx CrossProbe.

Unified BOM Management System

Unified BOM Management System (UBMS) is a unified BOM management system which generates BOM data by using the part list created during the design check-In process.

UBMS supports to manage, modify, report the BOM data and to create variant BOM data. Many companies create the BOM data manually which takes lots of time and errors, but these problems can be prevented through the UBMS.

  1. Select UBMS and select Altair-Demo-04(Demo-04) > MAIN > Add sensor function (2.0).
  2. Edit BOM.
    To modify the BOM data, you should check-out the data. You can sort the list by reference name or part number. For editing BOM data, you need to check out the BOM data.
    1. Place the cursor over Add sensor function(2.0) item, right-click, and select Check In/Out > Check Out.

      Figure 78.
    The page changes to the BOM editable environment.
  3. Check design details.
    1. Click to check the detail information.

      Figure 79.
    2. Click in the Design detail information tab to close and select UBMS tab.
  4. View Mode Control.
    Currently, the BOM list is shown by the Reference order.
    1. Click and select Sort by CPN to change the view mode.

      Figure 80.
      Then the list is sorted by CPN.
  5. Edit part.
    Using the Edit function, you can add, change, and delete parts for electrical parts. You can also add and edit the non-electrical parts such as screws, heat-sinks, and other mechanical parts which are not included in the design.
    1. Select View Mode > Sort by reference.

      Figure 81.
  6. Part Change.
    In the BOM edit mode, if you want to change a part, only the parts which have the same footprint are listed on the table. This is because a critical defect occurs if the footprint is different from the original part.
    1. Select the C82 part and select Edit > Part Change.

      Figure 82.
    2. Search and select 0202-000035 part to change.
      Now C82 is changed to 0202-000035 part.

      Figure 83.
    3. Click Apply to apply the change information.
    4. Click OK to apply.
    5. Click OK to finish and the BOM is checked in automatically.
      You can check the editing history by part.
    6. Click of C82 reference to check the history.

      Figure 84.
  7. Edit mechanical part.
    Mechanical part means part which is not included in the schematic or PCB such as screw or heatsink or label. To add a mechanical part to BOM, check out the BOM again.
    1. Select Altair-Demo-04 > MAIN > 2.0, right-click, and select Check In/Out > Check Out.
    2. Select Edit > Add mechanical part.

      Figure 85.
    3. For Type, select Mechanical Part and click search.

      Figure 86.
    4. Select 0712-000061 part to add.
      Even though this part is not a mechanical part, for tutorial assume this part is a mechanical part.
    5. For Quantity, enter 2 and click Save.

      Figure 87.

      You can see the added mechanical part in the BOM list.

      Figure 88.
    6. Select the mechanical part and select Edit > Modify mechanical part.

      Figure 89.
    7. In the Modify mechanical part dialog, click search and select 0712-00062 part.

      Figure 90.
    8. Click Modification.

      Figure 91.
      The mechanical part is changed.
    9. Select the mechanical part and select Edit > Delete mechanical part.

      Figure 92.
    10. Click Apply.
      Then the BOM is checked in automatically.
  8. Add and modify alternative parts.
    You can see the added alternative part in the BOM list. Once you finish the modification, click Apply. With editing alternative part function, you can add and delete the alternative part.
    1. Select Altair-Demo-04 > MAIN > 2.0 in the BOM Tree and right-click and select Check In/Out > Check Out.
    2. Enable the C82 part checkbox and select Edit > Alternative Part.

      Figure 93.
    3. Search the 0202-000038 part and drag-and-drop the part from the part list to the right box.

      Figure 94.
    4. After moving the alternative part, click applied.
      You can then find the alternative part is added to the part.

      Figure 95.
    5. Click Apply.
      Then the BOM is checked in automatically.
  9. Export Excel File.
    You can export the part list as an excel sheet to check and distribute. The format of the exported excel is same with the part list page.
    1. Select Export excel file > All to export all data.

      Figure 96.
      In the lower-left side, the excel is exported.
    2. Click and select Open.

      Figure 97.
      The exported excel is like below.

      Figure 98.
  10. Unit price calculation.
    By using the unit price calculation menu, you can estimate the total cost of parts and this information can be exported to an excel as well.
    1. Click Unit price calculation.

      Figure 99.

      You can see the unit prices and total price.

      Part unit price is calculated based on the estimated price of the part entered in the part information. In this design the price is not accurate because some parts don’t have a unit price information. But if an ERP system is linked with the UPMS, the price data becomes more accurate.

    2. Click Export excel file and open the exported excel.
  11. Edit Variant BOM.
    When you proceed with a product design, the same product may be applied with some parts changed depending on the destination. In such cases, you can apply derivative parts to the same design drawing to create and manage BOMs for multiple destinations.
    1. Select Altair-Demo-04 > MAIN > 2.0, right-click, and select Variant > Add variant BOM.

      Figure 100.
    2. In the Add variant BOM dialog, select search and select PBA2003062 in the CPN column.

      Figure 101.
    3. Change the Variant Name to DOMESTIC and click Add.

      Figure 102.
      A new derived PCB assembly PBA2003062 is generated in the BOM Tree.

      Figure 103.
    4. Select PBA2003062 > 2.0, right-click, and select Check In/Out > Check Out.

      Figure 104.
    5. Enable the C82 part checkbox and select Edit > Part Change.

      Figure 105.
    6. Search and select 0202-000036 part.

      Figure 106.
    7. Click Apply.

      Figure 107.
    8. Select Altair-Demo-04 > MAIN > 2.0 to view the master and variant BOM.
      In the BOM list, the o mark means the part is same with the master BOM and part name means the part is different from the master BOM.

      Figure 108.

User Registration

There are two ways to register a user for UDE: administrator approves the account after a user has applied for it and administrator creates the account.

Request to register a new account.
  1. Execute a web browser and connect to the UDE server.
  2. Click Create an account.

    Figure 109.
  3. For ID, enter udeuser1.
  4. For Password, enter udeuser100.
  5. Click send to apply for creating an account.

    Figure 110.
  6. After requesting a new account, click OK.
    The request is sent to the administrator via e-mail, and if the administrator finds out about the registration request, the administrator can register the user account.
  7. Select Management > User Management.
  8. In the user list, locate the Temporary User and click the user ID.

    Figure 111.
  9. In the Change user information dialog, specify the user information and assign the user’s permission.
  10. Click Save.
    After saving the user information, the user can login the UDE system and approval message is sent to user via e-mail.
  11. Logout and login using the created user information.
    When you sign in to the UDE system, the Home screen displays.