Adding a Role
Roles allow you to quickly assign specific access rights and privileges to a user or user group. Because access rights and privileges in Monarch Server are cumulative, when you add a user or user group to a role, the user or user group members are granted the role's access rights and privileges in addition to their own.
To add a role
On the Navigation Tree, click Rights and Privileges, and select Roles.
Click on the Roles page. The Role page containing the following items appears:
Role Name: Enter a unique name of a new role.
Description: Optionally, enter any text defining the role.
Privileges: By selecting check boxes, an administrator can grant the following privileges:
Administrator: Allows the user to log on to MSAdmin.
RMS User: Allows the user to connect to RMS Client.
RMS Administrator: Allows the user to log on to RMSAdmin.
Members: Click this heading to expand hidden sections.
Available User Groups: Displays all available user groups from which you can select ones to assign to the current role. To add a user group, drag it from the left pane to the right pane.
Selected User Groups: The user groups in this pane will be assigned to the current role. To remove a user group, drag it from the right pane to the left pane.
Available Users: Displays all available users from which you can select ones to assign to the current role. To add a user, drag it from the left pane to the right pane.
Selected Users: The users in this pane will be assigned to the current role. To remove a user, drag it from the right pane to the left pane.
Save: Click to save a new role and close the page.
Clear: Click to clear all the boxes.
Save/Edit: Click to save a new role and display additional tabs.
Cancel: Click to cancel the operation.
Copy Profile: Opens a dialog box, where you can select a role. All its settings will be copied. You can make the necessary changes.
Fill in the boxes of the page and click Save. The system saves the new role to the database and displays the updated Roles page, if the operation is completed successfully.
NOTE: After you have created a role, you can assign access rights to it. For details, see Assigning Access Rights.
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