Joining Definition List Dialog Box

In the Dynamic View, you can join report data to the data of all reports of a document type. The feature allows assembling the joined data into one final analysis form.

There are 2 types of Join Definitions:

  1. Dynamic Join Definition is not stored in the database and is valid only in the current view.

  2. Saved Join Definition is stored in the database and belongs to a View Definition. A Join Definition can’t be saved until the corresponding View Definition is saved.

To define a Join Definition

  1. On the Dynamic View Report page, click clip0104 to open the Joining Definition List dialog box. It displays joining definitions for the Dynamic View Report.

  2. Click Add to define a new Join Definition.

  3. In the Name box, enter the name of a new Join Definition.

  4. Select the Document type group and Document type in the appropriate fields.

  5. Select fields for joining from the list labeled Available Join Fields.

  6. Under the Join Type heading, click the drop-down arrow, to define the join type. Two standard database join types are supported:

    • Inner join. Inner join uses a comparison operator to match rows from the base data table and joining data table, based on the values in common columns from each table.

    • Outer join. The result set of an outer join includes all the rows from the base data table, not just the ones in which the joined columns match. When a row in the base data table has no matching rows in the joining data table, the associated result set row contains null values for all of the select list columns coming from the joining table.

  7. Define the Source Key Field and the Destination Key Field for joining. To display the list of available fields, click the drop-down arrow.

  8. In the box, in the lower-right corner of the dialog box, select fields for joining.

  9. Click OK to apply the created Join Definition to the current view.

The Join Definition is not saved to the database.

To save the Join Definition to the database, click Save View Definition on the Dynamic View page. The Join Definition cannot be saved separately from the View Definition. It is saved on the same level as filters and calculated fields.

The columns with joined data will be placed in the Dynamic View after the base data columns and will look like the original report data columns. Only the sort operation can be performed with the joined columns. All other operations on joined data are available via the Joining Definition dialog box only.


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