Copying Summary Data to Another Application
You can copy data from the Summary window to other applications using the Clipboard. When you copy data to the Clipboard, Monarch Classic creates a tab-delimited text image.
Select the data you want to copy by doing one of the following:
Selecting cells: To select a single cell, click on the cell. To select a range of cells, move the cell pointer to the first cell in the range. Using the mouse, click down and drag to highlight the range. Using the keyboard, hold down the Shift key and use the arrow keys to highlight the range.
Selecting rows: To select a single row, click on the row selector to the left of the row. To select a range of rows, click down on the row selector to the left of the first row, then drag up or down to highlight the range. To select multiple non-adjacent rows, click down on a row selector, drag up or down to select a range of rows, then release the mouse button. Hold down the CTRL key while repeating the selection process for additional rows.
Selecting columns: To select a single column, click on the column selector at the top of the column. To select a range of columns, click down on the column selector at the top of the first column, then drag left or right to highlight the range. To select multiple non-adjacent columns, click down on a column selector, drag left or right to select a range of columns, then release the mouse button. Hold down the CTRL key while repeating the selection process for additional column.
Selecting the entire summary: To select the entire summary select the blank cell at the upper left corner of the summary. Either action will highlight all of the data in the summary.
Copy the data to the Clipboard by selecting Copy from the Summary View ribbon or press CTRL+C. You can also right-click using your mouse to bring up the context menu and choose Copy or Copy with Formatting.
The Copy command can be used to simply copy lines of text (CSV form only), while the Copy with Formatting command can be used to copy blocks of text with the applied formatting (Excel form).
Paste the data into the target application.
To do so, open the target application, position the cursor at the point where you want to insert the data, and then select Paste from the application's menu.
Note: Some applications, such as Excel, contain both a Paste command and a Paste Special command. The Paste Special command lets you choose which Clipboard image to paste into the application.
In addition, copying a large number of rows and columns takes a few seconds before they can be pasted to another application.
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