Viewing Summaries in Data Prep Studio
You can create any number of summaries for a selected table and you can view each one using the Summary drop-down.
Viewing an ordinary summary
In the Prepare window, select a table from which summaries were created and then click the Analyze from the Data Prep Studio toolbar.
The Analyze drop-down displays.
Click the Summary drop-down and then select the summary you wish to view.
The summary displays in the Summary view.
Hovering your mouse over the summary name selected in the Summary drop-down displays its description, if one has been defined for it.
Viewing an across-key summary
An across-key summary is one where a Columns field is defined. When viewing an across-key summary, you can choose to view one measure at a time or view all measures either by key or by measure. Across-key summaries are viewed the same way ordinary summaries are viewed. However, you must also select a measure to view using the Active Measure drop-down.
In the Prepare window, select a table from which summaries were created and then click the Analyze from the Data Prep Studio toolbar.
The Analyze drop-down displays.
Click the Summary drop-down and then select the summary you wish to view.
Click the Active Measure drop-down and then select the measure you wish to view for your summary. Note that you can view all measures either by key or by measure.
The following examples show two measures defined for an across-key summary:
These two views are obtained from a single summary in which Customer is defined as a row, Media is defined as columns, and COUNT and Amount are defined as measures.
The following examples show a single summary in which all measures are viewed by key and by measure. Similarly, for this summary, Customer is defined as a row, Media is defined as columns, and Amount and Quantity are defined as measures.
All measures by key. Here, the main columns are the media types (i.e., key), which are then divided further into the two measures specified.
All measures by measure. Here, the main columns are the two measures specified, which are then divided further into the media types.
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