Application and Validation
As the aim of this manual is not to describe the modeling techniques, the readers are invited to consult the available publications (for example 1 2 3 4 and the proceeding of International Radioss User Conference).
1 Sakurai M., Endo M., and Périé F.,
Development of the exhaust systems radiation noise technology, Proceedings of Insert ASMEFEDSM'03, ASME 2003 Fluids Engineering Division Summer Meeting, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, July 6-11, 2003.
2 Vergne S., Auger J.M., G'Styr N., and Périé F.,
Simulation of cavity Aero-Elastic Noise induced by an external turbulent flow perturbed by a small ruler, Workshop on LES for Acoustics October 2002, DLR Goettingen, Germany 2002.
3 Obrist D., Nicolopoulos D., and Jacques A.,
Aero Acoustic Simulation of a side mirror compared with experimental results, The 2002 International Congress and Exposition on Noise Control Engineering, Dearborn, 2002.
4 Fukui Y. and Périé F.,
Methodological developments for vibrating pipes noise prediction, The 2002 International Congress and Exposition on Noise Control Engineering, Dearborn, 2002.