Visualize Results

Use the Evaluate tool explore the results of the run.

Before you begin, make sure an evaluation has been completed using the Run Analysis tool.
  1. From the Evaluate tool group, click the Evaluate tool.
    Figure 1.

    The Results Explorer is displayed.
    Figure 2.

    Note: If unwelded components are a part of your evaluation domain, by default you will see the contour for the unwelded base material in the modeling window.
    For Unwelded evaluation domains, the weld line browser is replaced by a part browser in the Results Explorer.
    Figure 3.

  2. Select a contour result option from the drop-down menu.
    If you select a location or a layer, a second drop-down menu becomes available allowing you to select a utilization option (for both welded and unwelded domains) or specific stresses (for welded domains).
  3. Click to update the results in the modeling window.
  4. Using the legend on the right side of the modeling window, inspect the utilization values for desired elements.
  5. Optional: Click Export Result Table to export the Result Table as a *.cvs file to your working directory.
  • Drag the slider on the legend to exclude certain value ranges from the visualization.
  • Right-click on the legend to view options for numeric precision, format, level numbers, and model display.