ultraFluidX Post-Processing Toolbox


The ultraFluidX post-processing toolbox performs simple operations on time series of EnSight files, aerodynamic coefficients, or forces and moments data for a check of results via command line or scripts.

The capabilities of the tool are the following:
  • Indicate minimum and maximum values of a quantity within a given time interval.
  • Calculate the arithmetic mean and standard deviation of a quantity within a given time interval.

Details of the operations to be performed are indicated in an .xml file or passed directly as arguments in the command line.

Output of the toolbox is a file corresponding to the input data format which contains the requested values or results. For example, if the post-processing is run on a time series of surface data, requesting the minimum value of velocity between t=1 s and t=2 s, then the output will be an EnSight file that indicates for each surface element the minimal velocity observed during this period of time.

Launch the ultraFluidX Post-Processing Toolbox

The toolbox can be called from the command line with

>>ultraFluidX --analyze

Details of the operation to be performed need to be specified as indicated below.

Indicating parameters in command line option

Specify input file

input_file.sos [input_file.case, input_file.txt]

Provide the path and name of the input data set. This can be an .sos, .case, or .txt file.

Specify operation

--compute [maximum minimum arithmetic_mean standard_deviation]

Indicate one of the operations to be performed on the data set. This operation will work on the data per element, selecting the minimal or maximal value during the given time interval, or computing arithmetic mean or standard deviation for each element.

Specify variable

--variable [pressure velocity …]

Indicate the variable to be considered. This is relevant only for usage on .sos and .case files. All variables available in the file in question can be called.
Note: At least one of the variables must be selected.
Specify output location

-o output_folder

Indicate a folder where the output file (either EnSight or text file, depending on the input) is written.

Specify time interval (optional)

--start_time [float]

--end_time [float]

Indicate the time in [s] to be considered.

If nothing is indicated for start_time, end_time or both, the default settings used are start_time=0 and end_time=100.


ultraFluidX --analyze testcases/uFX_output.sos --compute maximum --variable pressure -o outputfolder/task1 --start_time 0.3 --end_time 2.0