Advanced Search and Download CAE Model
These features are explained in this tutorial.
Step 1: Use Advanced Search to find materials with specific criteria
- All materials should have Stress-Strain (computed) plots
- Young's Modulus between 200000 MPa and 210000 MPa
- Ultimate Tensile Strength < 600 MPa
- Equivalent Strain < 18%
- Carbon content < 8%
- Click Advanced Search.
Result: The panel on the right displays the Advanced Search options.
Figure 1. Advanced Search - To select Stress-Strain Plots (Computed), select
Plots from the Select
Category drop down list.Figure 2. Select Category
- Select Stress-Strain (computed) from the filtered list.Figure 3. Select Property NameNote: You can also search by the category name or the property name in the search field to filter the data.
- Deselect Plots from the Select
Category list to view material properties data of
Stress-Strain (computed) Plots category.Figure 4. Deselect Category Plots
- Enter the search input minimum and maximum values as 200000 MPa and 210000
MPa respectively for the mechanical property, Young's Modulus. Figure 5. Input Values for Young’s Modulus
- Enter the search input minimum and maximum values as 550 MPa and 600 MPa
respectively for the mechanical property, Ultimate Tensile Strength.Figure 6. Input Values for Ultimate Tensile Strength
- Enter the search input maximum value as 15 % for the mechanical property,
Equivalent Strain.Figure 7. Input Value for Equivalent Strength
- Enter the search input maximum value as 0.8 % for the chemical composition,
Carbon.Figure 8. Input Value for Carbon
- All your search queries are displayed on top. Figure 9. Search Queries
- Click
to close the Advanced Search window.
Result: The advanced search result is displayed.Figure 10. View Advance Search Result
Step 2: Compare Materials
Let us compare the advanced search results to understand the material properties data and its differences. You can compare materials data, view its differences among the selected materials, view material data in the form of a plot, overlay plots on an axes to compare material data, and view polar charts to visualize relationship and differences among the selected materials.
- Select the check box
of the materials from the advanced search result.
Figure 11. Select Materials - Click Compare. Result: The general information such as material name, description and its several properties data is displayed to compare.Figure 12. Compare Material Data
- Click the Show differences only check box to view the
difference in data among the selected materials.Figure 13. Compare Material Differences
You can also compare material data using the material plot data.
- Click Plot to compare the selected materials plots. Figure 14. Plot
- Select the required plot from the drop-down list.Figure 15. Select PlotResult: The plot data is displayed for all the selected materials.Figure 16. Material Data Chart
- Click Curve Overlay to view the selected plots overlayed
on an axes.Figure 17. Curve Overlay
- Select a plot from the drop-down list.Figure 18. Curve Values
Result: The material properties for the selected plot is displayed.
Figure 19. Material Properties - Select the required material properties.
Result: The overlayed curves are displayed.
Figure 20. Curves Overlay - Hover over the curve, to read the values.Figure 21. Chart Options
- Hover over the plot area to view chart options such as zoom in, zoom out, auto scale to original chart view, and reset axes.
- You can also export the chart data as a PDF document.
- Click the legend to view or hide the curve on the axes.
- Click Polar Chart to compare multiple properties and visualize the relationship between the materials data.
- Select the properties of the materials that you wish to compare.Figure 22. Properties Selection
- Click Polar Chart.
Result: The Polar chart is displayed. Each material property is displayed as an axis and its material data values are displayed for comparision.
Figure 23. Polar ChartClick
to export the polar chart data as a PDF document.
Step 3: Download CAE Materials for Simulations
Download CAE simulation-ready files to your local workstation. You can include generic data from the same class materials for the material properties that do not have values provided by the producer.
- Click
on a material.
Result: A panel displays the material information.Figure 24. Material Information - Click CAE Model.Figure 25. CAE Model
- From the Select Software list, select the solver or CAE
application name.Figure 26. Software List
- From the Select Model list, select the solver specific
model name.Figure 27. Select Model
- From the Select Unit list, select the required unit
system.Figure 28. Select UnitFigure 29. Preview of CAE Material Card
By default, the preview is collapsed, click
to preview the CAE Card details.
If the chart data is available the charts are displayed along with the material properties.Note: Use full screento view the data and charts together.
For example, for the ABS material, 20 / M 410 MG, and Simsolid software the chart data is displayed.Figure 30. Simsolid CAE Model Data - You can modify the values of the material properties to analyze the material
details. For example, modify the reduction factor to see the stress and strain
results of the selected material.Figure 31. Modify Material Properties
- Optional: Enter an identification number for the
material in Material IdNote: Use the arrow keys
to select a number. By default, the material id is 1000.
Figure 32. Material ID - Select Include generic data to view generic data for the
missing material properties. Figure 33. Include Generic Data
Result: The CAE Model download options such as Software, Model are extended with the generic data.
AMDC provides generic data from the same class of materials.
For example, for the selected ABS material 20 / M 410 MG, Optistruct software provides additional values.Figure 34. Optistruct CAE Model DataFrom the Select Model list, select the additional value MatS1(ABS) to view the generic data.Figure 35. Optistruct with Generic DataHover over the plot area to view chart options such as zoom in, zoom out, auto scale to original chart view, reset axes, and export it as a PDF document.Figure 36. Chart OptionsHover over the curve to read the curve values.
- Click DownloadNote: You can also encrypt the CAE file data before downloading it for Optistruct and Radioss Solvers.
Result: The CAE Model file is downloaded to your personalized download location on your local workstation.