Create a GUI with UI Designer

Create a graphical user interface with predefined objects from the UI Designer toolkit.

The UI Designer toolkit provides an easy drag-drop method to create graphical user interface designs without manual coding. The intuitive workflow lets you assemble a GUI design with predefined objects, preview and modify the design, then save the design as an OML code skeleton that you can further develop.
  1. From the ribbon, select GUI Utilities > UI Designer.
    The UI Designer opens in a new window.
  2. Drag objects from the Widget box into the Dialog to create your GUI design.
    The following example shows a simple GUI with a list box, slider, radio buttons, push button and labels.
  3. Modify the location, name, and properties of each object as required for your design.
    • To adjust location, select the object and move it with your mouse or arrow keys.
    • To modify properties, select an object, then modify the desired properties in the Property Editor.

      You can also right-click an object and define a number of properties through the context menu.

  4. From the UI Designer ribbon, select the Preview button.
    A preview of your graphical user interface design is displayed. Review your design, then close the Preview window.
  5. Save your design and specify your preferred file format:
    Save As Descrption
    *.ui Saves your design as a UI Designer file. Use this file format when you want to continue working on your design through UI Designer.
    *.oml Use this format to generate a code skeleton.
    Note: Once you save your design as code, you cannot load it back into the UI Designer. If you want to keep a working verision of your design that you can open through the UI Designer, save a version in .ui format before saving as code.
    When the design example from above is saved as an .oml file, the following code is produced:
    % Auto-generated code by UI Designer
    % GUI elements:
    Dialog = figure('units', 'pixels', 'position', [0 0 410 310] ...
        , 'numbertitle','off', 'name','Dialog');
    slider = uicontrol('parent', Dialog, 'style','slider' ...
        , 'callback','slider_callback', 'interruptible','off' ...
        , 'units','normalized', 'position',[0.25 0.50 0.21 0.07] ...
        , 'enable','on', 'max', 99 , 'min', 0 , 'orient','horizontal' ...
        , 'value', 0 , 'sliderstep', [1 10] ...
        , 'callbackdelay',0.000000, 'tag','slider', 'userdata',[], 'tooltipstring','', 'visible','on');
    text = uicontrol('parent', Dialog, 'style','text' ...
        , 'units','normalized', 'position',[0.07 0.47 0.15 0.10] ...
        , 'fontname','MS Shell Dlg', 'fontangle','regular', 'fontweight','normal', 'fontsize',7.80  ...
        , 'enable','on', 'string','Fast' ...
        , 'horizontalalignment','left' ...
        , 'verticalalignment','middle', 'foregroundcolor', [20 20 20], 'backgroundcolor', [246 246 246] ...
        , 'tag','text', 'userdata',[], 'tooltipstring','', 'visible','on');
    text_2 = uicontrol('parent', Dialog, 'style','text' ...
        , 'units','normalized', 'position',[0.47 0.47 0.15 0.10] ...
        , 'fontname','MS Shell Dlg', 'fontangle','regular', 'fontweight','normal', 'fontsize',7.80  ...
        , 'enable','on', 'string','Detailed' ...
        , 'horizontalalignment','left' ...
        , 'verticalalignment','middle', 'foregroundcolor', [20 20 20], 'backgroundcolor', [246 246 246] ...
        , 'tag','text_2', 'userdata',[], 'tooltipstring','', 'visible','on');
    radioButton = uicontrol('parent', Dialog, 'style','radiobutton' ...
        , 'callback','radioButton_callback', 'interruptible','off' ...
        , 'units','normalized', 'position',[0.05 0.67 0.25 0.10] ...
        , 'fontname','MS Shell Dlg', 'fontangle','regular', 'fontweight','normal', 'fontsize',7.80  ...
        , 'enable','on', 'string','Create Log File', 'value', 0 , 'foregroundcolor', [20 20 20] ...
        , 'tag','radioButton', 'userdata',[], 'tooltipstring','', 'visible','on');
    radioButton_2 = uicontrol('parent', Dialog, 'style','radiobutton' ...
        , 'callback','radioButton_2_callback', 'interruptible','off' ...
        , 'units','normalized', 'position',[0.05 0.77 0.38 0.10] ...
        , 'fontname','MS Shell Dlg', 'fontangle','regular', 'fontweight','normal', 'fontsize',7.80  ...
        , 'enable','on', 'string','Generate Animation', 'value', 0 , 'foregroundcolor', [20 20 20] ...
        , 'tag','radioButton_2', 'userdata',[], 'tooltipstring','', 'visible','on');
    pushButton = uicontrol('parent', Dialog, 'style','pushbutton' ...
        , 'callback','pushButton_callback', 'interruptible','off' ...
        , 'units','normalized', 'position',[0.53 0.77 0.25 0.10] ...
        , 'fontname','MS Shell Dlg', 'fontangle','regular', 'fontweight','normal', 'fontsize',7.80  ...
        , 'enable','on', 'string','Run', 'value', 0  ...
        , 'foregroundcolor', [0 0 0] ...
        , 'backgroundimage','' ...
        , 'backgroundcolor',[246,246,246], 'tag','pushButton', 'userdata',[], 'tooltipstring','', 'visible','on');
    popupMenu = uicontrol('parent', Dialog, 'style','popupmenu' ...
        , 'callback','popupMenu_callback', 'interruptible','off' ...
        , 'units','normalized', 'position',[0.03 0.17 0.25 0.10] ...
        , 'fontname','MS Shell Dlg', 'fontangle','regular', 'fontweight','normal', 'fontsize',7.80  ...
        , 'enable','on', 'value', 1 , 'string', {'Model' } ...
        , 'foregroundcolor', [20 20 20], 'backgroundcolor', [255 255 255] ...
        , 'tag','popupMenu', 'userdata',[], 'tooltipstring','', 'visible','on');
    % Callback functions:
    function slider_callback(handle, callstate)
      % Add callback implementation: [slider]
    function radioButton_callback(handle, callstate)
      % Add callback implementation: [radioButton]
    function radioButton_2_callback(handle, callstate)
      % Add callback implementation: [radioButton_2]
    function pushButton_callback(handle, callstate)
      % Add callback implementation: [pushButton]
    function popupMenu_callback(handle, callstate)
      % Add callback implementation: [popupMenu]
  6. Return to the Activate window and load the .oml file with your design.
  7. Run the file.
    The software produces a GUI based on the code file you saved through the UI Designer.