This package provides predefined types, such as Mass, Angle, Time, based on the international standard on units, e.g.,
type Angle = Real(final quantity = "Angle", final unit = "rad", displayUnit = "deg");
Some of the types are derived SI units that are utilized in package Modelica (such as ComplexCurrent, which is a complex number where both the real and imaginary part have the SI unit Ampere).
Furthermore, conversion functions from non SI-units to SI-units and vice versa are provided in subpackage Conversions.
For an introduction how units are used in the Modelica standard library with package SIunits, have a look at: How to use SIunits.
Copyright © 1998-2019, Modelica Association and contributors
Extends from Modelica.Icons.Package
(Icon for standard packages).
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "Angle" |
unit | "rad" |
displayUnit | "deg" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "SolidAngle" |
unit | "sr" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "Length" |
unit | "m" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Modelica.SIunits.Length
Name | Value |
quantity | "Length" |
unit | "m" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Modelica.SIunits.Length
Name | Value |
quantity | "Length" |
unit | "m" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Modelica.SIunits.Length
Name | Value |
quantity | "Length" |
unit | "m" |
min | 0 |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Modelica.SIunits.Length
Name | Value |
quantity | "Length" |
unit | "m" |
min | 0 |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Modelica.SIunits.Length
Name | Value |
quantity | "Length" |
unit | "m" |
min | 0 |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Modelica.SIunits.Length
Name | Value |
quantity | "Length" |
unit | "m" |
min | 0 |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Modelica.SIunits.Length
Name | Value |
quantity | "Length" |
unit | "m" |
min | 0 |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Modelica.SIunits.Length
Name | Value |
quantity | "Length" |
unit | "m" |
min | 0 |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "Area" |
unit | "m2" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "Volume" |
unit | "m3" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "Time" |
unit | "s" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Modelica.SIunits.Time
Name | Value |
quantity | "Time" |
unit | "s" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "AngularVelocity" |
unit | "rad/s" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "AngularAcceleration" |
unit | "rad/s2" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "Velocity" |
unit | "m/s" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "Acceleration" |
unit | "m/s2" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "Time" |
unit | "s" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "Frequency" |
unit | "Hz" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "AngularFrequency" |
unit | "rad/s" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "Wavelength" |
unit | "m" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Modelica.SIunits.Wavelength
Name | Value |
quantity | "Wavelength" |
unit | "m" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "WaveNumber" |
unit | "m-1" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "CircularWaveNumber" |
unit | "rad/m" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "AmplitudeLevelDifference" |
unit | "dB" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "PowerLevelDifference" |
unit | "dB" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "DampingCoefficient" |
unit | "s-1" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "LogarithmicDecrement" |
unit | "1/S" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "AttenuationCoefficient" |
unit | "m-1" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "PhaseCoefficient" |
unit | "m-1" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "PropagationCoefficient" |
unit | "m-1" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Modelica.SIunits.DampingCoefficient
Name | Value |
quantity | "DampingCoefficient" |
unit | "s-1" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "Mass" |
unit | "kg" |
min | 0 |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "Density" |
unit | "kg/m3" |
displayUnit | "g/cm3" |
min | 0 |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "RelativeDensity" |
unit | "1" |
min | 0 |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "SpecificVolume" |
unit | "m3/kg" |
min | 0 |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "LinearDensity" |
unit | "kg/m" |
min | 0 |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "SurfaceDensity" |
unit | "kg/m2" |
min | 0 |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "Momentum" |
unit | "kg.m/s" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "Impulse" |
unit | "N.s" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "AngularMomentum" |
unit | "kg.m2/s" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "AngularImpulse" |
unit | "N.m.s" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "MomentOfInertia" |
unit | "kg.m2" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Modelica.SIunits.MomentOfInertia
Name | Value |
quantity | "MomentOfInertia" |
unit | "kg.m2" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "Force" |
unit | "N" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "TranslationalSpringConstant" |
unit | "N/m" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "TranslationalDampingConstant" |
unit | "N.s/m" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Modelica.SIunits.Force
Name | Value |
quantity | "Force" |
unit | "N" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "Torque" |
unit | "N.m" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "ElectricalTorqueConstant" |
unit | "N.m/A" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Modelica.SIunits.Torque
Name | Value |
quantity | "Torque" |
unit | "N.m" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "ImpulseFlowRate" |
unit | "N" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "AngularImpulseFlowRate" |
unit | "N.m" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "RotationalSpringConstant" |
unit | "N.m/rad" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "RotationalDampingConstant" |
unit | "N.m.s/rad" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "Pressure" |
unit | "Pa" |
displayUnit | "bar" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Modelica.SIunits.Pressure
Name | Value |
quantity | "Pressure" |
unit | "Pa" |
displayUnit | "bar" |
min | 0 |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
nominal | 100000 |
Extends from Modelica.SIunits.Pressure
Name | Value |
quantity | "Pressure" |
unit | "Pa" |
displayUnit | "bar" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Modelica.SIunits.AbsolutePressure
Name | Value |
quantity | "Pressure" |
unit | "Pa" |
displayUnit | "bar" |
min | 0 |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
nominal | 100000 |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
unit | "Pa" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Modelica.SIunits.Stress
Name | Value |
unit | "Pa" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Modelica.SIunits.Stress
Name | Value |
unit | "Pa" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "Strain" |
unit | "1" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Modelica.SIunits.Strain
Name | Value |
quantity | "Strain" |
unit | "1" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Modelica.SIunits.Strain
Name | Value |
quantity | "Strain" |
unit | "1" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "VolumeStrain" |
unit | "1" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "PoissonNumber" |
unit | "1" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Modelica.SIunits.Stress
Name | Value |
unit | "Pa" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Modelica.SIunits.Stress
Name | Value |
unit | "Pa" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "SecondMomentOfArea" |
unit | "m4" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Modelica.SIunits.SecondMomentOfArea
Name | Value |
quantity | "SecondMomentOfArea" |
unit | "m4" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "SectionModulus" |
unit | "m3" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "CoefficientOfFriction" |
unit | "1" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "DynamicViscosity" |
unit | "Pa.s" |
min | 0 |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "KinematicViscosity" |
unit | "m2/s" |
min | 0 |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "SurfaceTension" |
unit | "N/m" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "Work" |
unit | "J" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "Energy" |
unit | "J" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "EnergyDensity" |
unit | "J/m3" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Modelica.SIunits.Energy
Name | Value |
quantity | "Energy" |
unit | "J" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Modelica.SIunits.Energy
Name | Value |
quantity | "Energy" |
unit | "J" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "Power" |
unit | "W" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Modelica.SIunits.Power
Name | Value |
quantity | "Power" |
unit | "W" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "EnthalpyFlowRate" |
unit | "W" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "Efficiency" |
unit | "1" |
min | 0 |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "MassFlowRate" |
unit | "kg/s" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "VolumeFlowRate" |
unit | "m3/s" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "MomentumFlux" |
unit | "N" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "AngularMomentumFlux" |
unit | "N.m" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "ThermodynamicTemperature" |
unit | "K" |
displayUnit | "degC" |
min | 0 |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 288.15 |
nominal | 300 |
Extends from Modelica.SIunits.ThermodynamicTemperature
(Absolute temperature (use type TemperatureDifference for relative temperatures)).
Name | Value |
quantity | "ThermodynamicTemperature" |
unit | "K" |
displayUnit | "degC" |
min | 0 |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 288.15 |
nominal | 300 |
Extends from Modelica.SIunits.ThermodynamicTemperature
(Absolute temperature (use type TemperatureDifference for relative temperatures)).
Name | Value |
quantity | "ThermodynamicTemperature" |
unit | "K" |
displayUnit | "degC" |
min | 0 |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 288.15 |
nominal | 300 |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "ThermodynamicTemperature" |
unit | "K" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Modelica.SIunits.Conversions.NonSIunits.Temperature_degC
(Absolute temperature in degree Celsius (for relative temperature use SIunits.TemperatureDifference)).
Name | Value |
quantity | "ThermodynamicTemperature" |
unit | "degC" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "TemperatureSlope" |
unit | "K/s" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "LinearTemperatureCoefficient" |
unit | "1/K" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "QuadraticTemperatureCoefficient" |
unit | "1/K2" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "LinearExpansionCoefficient" |
unit | "1/K" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "CubicExpansionCoefficient" |
unit | "1/K" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "RelativePressureCoefficient" |
unit | "1/K" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "PressureCoefficient" |
unit | "Pa/K" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "Compressibility" |
unit | "1/Pa" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Modelica.SIunits.Compressibility
Name | Value |
quantity | "Compressibility" |
unit | "1/Pa" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Modelica.SIunits.Compressibility
Name | Value |
quantity | "Compressibility" |
unit | "1/Pa" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "Energy" |
unit | "J" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "Power" |
unit | "W" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "HeatFlux" |
unit | "W/m2" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "DensityOfHeatFlowRate" |
unit | "W/m2" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "ThermalConductivity" |
unit | "W/(m.K)" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "CoefficientOfHeatTransfer" |
unit | "W/(m2.K)" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Modelica.SIunits.CoefficientOfHeatTransfer
Name | Value |
quantity | "CoefficientOfHeatTransfer" |
unit | "W/(m2.K)" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "ThermalInsulance" |
unit | "m2.K/W" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "ThermalResistance" |
unit | "K/W" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "ThermalConductance" |
unit | "W/K" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "ThermalDiffusivity" |
unit | "m2/s" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "HeatCapacity" |
unit | "J/K" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "SpecificHeatCapacity" |
unit | "J/(kg.K)" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Modelica.SIunits.SpecificHeatCapacity
Name | Value |
quantity | "SpecificHeatCapacity" |
unit | "J/(kg.K)" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Modelica.SIunits.SpecificHeatCapacity
Name | Value |
quantity | "SpecificHeatCapacity" |
unit | "J/(kg.K)" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Modelica.SIunits.SpecificHeatCapacity
Name | Value |
quantity | "SpecificHeatCapacity" |
unit | "J/(kg.K)" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "RatioOfSpecificHeatCapacities" |
unit | "1" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "IsentropicExponent" |
unit | "1" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "Entropy" |
unit | "J/K" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "EntropyFlowRate" |
unit | "J/(K.s)" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "SpecificEntropy" |
unit | "J/(kg.K)" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Modelica.SIunits.Heat
Name | Value |
quantity | "Energy" |
unit | "J" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Modelica.SIunits.Heat
Name | Value |
quantity | "Energy" |
unit | "J" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Modelica.SIunits.Heat
Name | Value |
quantity | "Energy" |
unit | "J" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Modelica.SIunits.Heat
Name | Value |
quantity | "Energy" |
unit | "J" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "SpecificEnergy" |
unit | "J/kg" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Modelica.SIunits.SpecificEnergy
Name | Value |
quantity | "SpecificEnergy" |
unit | "J/kg" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Modelica.SIunits.SpecificEnergy
Name | Value |
quantity | "SpecificEnergy" |
unit | "J/kg" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Modelica.SIunits.SpecificEnergy
Name | Value |
quantity | "SpecificEnergy" |
unit | "J/kg" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Modelica.SIunits.SpecificEnergy
Name | Value |
quantity | "SpecificEnergy" |
unit | "J/kg" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "MassieuFunction" |
unit | "J/K" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "PlanckFunction" |
unit | "J/K" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
unit | "kg.s2/m5" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
unit | "s2/m2" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
unit | "kg/(m3.K)" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
unit | "J.m.s2/kg2" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
unit | "J.m3/kg" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
unit | "J.m.s2/kg" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
unit | "Pa.m3/kg" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
unit | "Pa/K" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "ElectricCurrent" |
unit | "A" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Modelica.SIunits.ElectricCurrent
Name | Value |
quantity | "ElectricCurrent" |
unit | "A" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "CurrentSlope" |
unit | "A/s" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "ElectricCharge" |
unit | "C" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Modelica.SIunits.ElectricCharge
Name | Value |
quantity | "ElectricCharge" |
unit | "C" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "VolumeDensityOfCharge" |
unit | "C/m3" |
min | 0 |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "SurfaceDensityOfCharge" |
unit | "C/m2" |
min | 0 |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "ElectricFieldStrength" |
unit | "V/m" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "ElectricPotential" |
unit | "V" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Modelica.SIunits.ElectricPotential
Name | Value |
quantity | "ElectricPotential" |
unit | "V" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Modelica.SIunits.ElectricPotential
Name | Value |
quantity | "ElectricPotential" |
unit | "V" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Modelica.SIunits.ElectricPotential
Name | Value |
quantity | "ElectricPotential" |
unit | "V" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "VoltageSecond" |
unit | "V.s" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "VoltageSlope" |
unit | "V/s" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "ElectricFluxDensity" |
unit | "C/m2" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "ElectricFlux" |
unit | "C" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "Capacitance" |
unit | "F" |
min | 0 |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "CapacitancePerArea" |
unit | "F/m2" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "Permittivity" |
unit | "F/m" |
min | 0 |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Modelica.SIunits.Permittivity
Name | Value |
quantity | "Permittivity" |
unit | "F/m" |
min | 0 |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "RelativePermittivity" |
unit | "1" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "ElectricSusceptibility" |
unit | "1" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "ElectricPolarization" |
unit | "C/m2" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "Electrization" |
unit | "V/m" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "ElectricDipoleMoment" |
unit | "C.m" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "CurrentDensity" |
unit | "A/m2" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "LinearCurrentDensity" |
unit | "A/m" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "MagneticFieldStrength" |
unit | "A/m" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "MagneticPotential" |
unit | "A" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "MagneticPotential" |
unit | "A" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "MagnetomotiveForce" |
unit | "A" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "CurrentLinkage" |
unit | "A" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "MagneticFluxDensity" |
unit | "T" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "MagneticFlux" |
unit | "Wb" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "MagneticVectorPotential" |
unit | "Wb/m" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "Inductance" |
unit | "H" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Modelica.SIunits.Inductance
Name | Value |
quantity | "Inductance" |
unit | "H" |
min | 0 |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Modelica.SIunits.Inductance
Name | Value |
quantity | "Inductance" |
unit | "H" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "CouplingCoefficient" |
unit | "1" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "LeakageCoefficient" |
unit | "1" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "Permeability" |
unit | "H/m" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Modelica.SIunits.Permeability
Name | Value |
quantity | "Permeability" |
unit | "H/m" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "RelativePermeability" |
unit | "1" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "MagneticSusceptibility" |
unit | "1" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "ElectromagneticMoment" |
unit | "A.m2" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "MagneticDipoleMoment" |
unit | "Wb.m" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "Magnetization" |
unit | "A/m" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "MagneticPolarization" |
unit | "T" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "EnergyDensity" |
unit | "J/m3" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "PoyntingVector" |
unit | "W/m2" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "Resistance" |
unit | "Ohm" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "Resistivity" |
unit | "Ohm.m" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "Conductivity" |
unit | "S/m" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "Reluctance" |
unit | "H-1" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "Permeance" |
unit | "H" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "Angle" |
unit | "rad" |
displayUnit | "deg" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Modelica.SIunits.Resistance
Name | Value |
quantity | "Resistance" |
unit | "Ohm" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Modelica.SIunits.Resistance
Name | Value |
quantity | "Resistance" |
unit | "Ohm" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Modelica.SIunits.Resistance
Name | Value |
quantity | "Resistance" |
unit | "Ohm" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "QualityFactor" |
unit | "1" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "Angle" |
unit | "rad" |
displayUnit | "deg" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "Conductance" |
unit | "S" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Modelica.SIunits.Conductance
Name | Value |
quantity | "Conductance" |
unit | "S" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Modelica.SIunits.Conductance
Name | Value |
quantity | "Conductance" |
unit | "S" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Modelica.SIunits.Conductance
Name | Value |
quantity | "Conductance" |
unit | "S" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "Power" |
unit | "W" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "Power" |
unit | "W" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "Power" |
unit | "V.A" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "Power" |
unit | "var" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "PowerFactor" |
unit | "1" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "LinearTemperatureCoefficientResistance" |
unit | "Ohm/K" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "QuadraticTemperatureCoefficientResistance" |
unit | "Ohm/K2" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "Transconductance" |
unit | "A/V2" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "InversePotential" |
unit | "1/V" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "ElectricalForceConstant" |
unit | "N/A" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "Energy" |
unit | "J" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "EnergyDensity" |
unit | "J/m3" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "SpectralRadiantEnergyDensity" |
unit | "J/m4" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "Power" |
unit | "W" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "RadiantEnergyFluenceRate" |
unit | "W/m2" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "RadiantIntensity" |
unit | "W/sr" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "Radiance" |
unit | "W/(sr.m2)" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "RadiantExtiance" |
unit | "W/m2" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "Irradiance" |
unit | "W/m2" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "Emissivity" |
unit | "1" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "SpectralEmissivity" |
unit | "1" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "DirectionalSpectralEmissivity" |
unit | "1" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "LuminousIntensity" |
unit | "cd" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "LuminousFlux" |
unit | "lm" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "QuantityOfLight" |
unit | "lm.s" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "Luminance" |
unit | "cd/m2" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "LuminousExitance" |
unit | "lm/m2" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "Illuminance" |
unit | "lx" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "LightExposure" |
unit | "lx.s" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "LuminousEfficacy" |
unit | "lm/W" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "SpectralLuminousEfficacy" |
unit | "lm/W" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "LuminousEfficiency" |
unit | "1" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "SpectralLuminousEfficiency" |
unit | "1" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "CIESpectralTristimulusValues" |
unit | "1" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "CromaticityCoordinates" |
unit | "1" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "SpectralAbsorptionFactor" |
unit | "1" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "SpectralReflectionFactor" |
unit | "1" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "SpectralTransmissionFactor" |
unit | "1" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "SpectralRadianceFactor" |
unit | "1" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "AttenuationCoefficient" |
unit | "m-1" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "LinearAbsorptionCoefficient" |
unit | "m-1" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "MolarAbsorptionCoefficient" |
unit | "m2/mol" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "RefractiveIndex" |
unit | "1" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Modelica.SIunits.AbsolutePressure
Name | Value |
quantity | "Pressure" |
unit | "Pa" |
displayUnit | "bar" |
min | 0 |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
nominal | 100000 |
Extends from Modelica.SIunits.StaticPressure
Name | Value |
quantity | "Pressure" |
unit | "Pa" |
displayUnit | "bar" |
min | 0 |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
nominal | 100000 |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "Length" |
unit | "m" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "Velocity" |
unit | "m/s" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "Acceleration" |
unit | "m/s2" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "Velocity" |
unit | "m/s" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "EnergyDensity" |
unit | "J/m3" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "Power" |
unit | "W" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "SoundIntensity" |
unit | "W/m2" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "AcousticImpedance" |
unit | "Pa.s/m3" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "SpecificAcousticImpedance" |
unit | "Pa.s/m" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "MechanicalImpedance" |
unit | "N.s/m" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "SoundPressureLevel" |
unit | "dB" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "SoundPowerLevel" |
unit | "dB" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "DissipationCoefficient" |
unit | "1" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "ReflectionCoefficient" |
unit | "1" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "TransmissionCoefficient" |
unit | "1" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "AcousticAbsorptionCoefficient" |
unit | "1" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "SoundReductionIndex" |
unit | "dB" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "Area" |
unit | "m2" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "Time" |
unit | "s" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "LoudnessLevel" |
unit | "phon" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "Loudness" |
unit | "sone" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "LoundnessLevel" |
unit | "phon" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "Loundness" |
unit | "sone" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "RelativeAtomicMass" |
unit | "1" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "RelativeMolecularMass" |
unit | "1" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "NumberOfMolecules" |
unit | "1" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "AmountOfSubstance" |
unit | "mol" |
min | 0 |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "MolarMass" |
unit | "kg/mol" |
min | 0 |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "MolarVolume" |
unit | "m3/mol" |
min | 0 |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "MolarDensity" |
unit | "mol/m3" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "MolarEnergy" |
unit | "J/mol" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
nominal | 20000 |
Extends from Modelica.SIunits.MolarEnergy
Name | Value |
quantity | "MolarEnergy" |
unit | "J/mol" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
nominal | 20000 |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "MolarHeatCapacity" |
unit | "J/(mol.K)" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "MolarEntropy" |
unit | "J/(mol.K)" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Modelica.SIunits.MolarEnergy
Name | Value |
quantity | "MolarEnergy" |
unit | "J/mol" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
nominal | 20000 |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "MolarFlowRate" |
unit | "mol/s" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "NumberDensityOfMolecules" |
unit | "m-3" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "MolecularConcentration" |
unit | "m-3" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "MassConcentration" |
unit | "kg/m3" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "MassFraction" |
unit | "1" |
min | 0 |
max | 1 |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "Concentration" |
unit | "mol/m3" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "VolumeFraction" |
unit | "1" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "MoleFraction" |
unit | "1" |
min | 0 |
max | 1 |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "ChemicalPotential" |
unit | "J/mol" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "AbsoluteActivity" |
unit | "1" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Modelica.SIunits.AbsolutePressure
Name | Value |
quantity | "Pressure" |
unit | "Pa" |
displayUnit | "bar" |
min | 0 |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
nominal | 100000 |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "Fugacity" |
unit | "Pa" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "StandardAbsoluteActivity" |
unit | "1" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "ActivityCoefficient" |
unit | "1" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "ActivityOfSolute" |
unit | "1" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "ActivityCoefficientOfSolute" |
unit | "1" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "StandardAbsoluteActivityOfSolute" |
unit | "1" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "ActivityOfSolvent" |
unit | "1" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "OsmoticCoefficientOfSolvent" |
unit | "1" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "StandardAbsoluteActivityOfSolvent" |
unit | "1" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "Pressure" |
unit | "Pa" |
displayUnit | "bar" |
min | 0 |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "StoichiometricNumber" |
unit | "1" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "Affinity" |
unit | "J/mol" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "Mass" |
unit | "kg" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "ElectricDipoleMomentOfMolecule" |
unit | "C.m" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "ElectricPolarizabilityOfAMolecule" |
unit | "C.m2/V" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "MicrocanonicalPartitionFunction" |
unit | "1" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "CanonicalPartitionFunction" |
unit | "1" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "GrandCanonicalPartitionFunction" |
unit | "1" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "MolecularPartitionFunction" |
unit | "1" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "StatisticalWeight" |
unit | "1" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Modelica.SIunits.Length
Name | Value |
quantity | "Length" |
unit | "m" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "DiffusionCoefficient" |
unit | "m2/s" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "ThermalDiffusionRatio" |
unit | "1" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "ThermalDiffusionFactor" |
unit | "1" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "ThermalDiffusionCoefficient" |
unit | "m2/s" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "ElementaryCharge" |
unit | "C" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "ChargeNumberOfIon" |
unit | "1" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "FaradayConstant" |
unit | "C/mol" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "IonicStrength" |
unit | "mol/kg" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "DegreeOfDissociation" |
unit | "1" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "ElectrolyticConductivity" |
unit | "S/m" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "MolarConductivity" |
unit | "S.m2/mol" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "TransportNumberOfIonic" |
unit | "1" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "ProtonNumber" |
unit | "1" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "NeutronNumber" |
unit | "1" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "NucleonNumber" |
unit | "1" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "Mass" |
unit | "kg" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "Mass" |
unit | "kg" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "Mass" |
unit | "kg" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "Mass" |
unit | "kg" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "Energy" |
unit | "J" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "MagneticMomentOfParticle" |
unit | "A.m2" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Modelica.SIunits.MagneticMomentOfParticle
Name | Value |
quantity | "MagneticMomentOfParticle" |
unit | "A.m2" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Modelica.SIunits.MagneticMomentOfParticle
Name | Value |
quantity | "MagneticMomentOfParticle" |
unit | "A.m2" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "GyromagneticCoefficient" |
unit | "A.m2/(J.s)" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "GFactorOfAtom" |
unit | "1" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "GFactorOfNucleus" |
unit | "1" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "AngularFrequency" |
unit | "s-1" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "AngularFrequency" |
unit | "s-1" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "AngularFrequency" |
unit | "s-1" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "NuclearQuadrupoleMoment" |
unit | "m2" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "Length" |
unit | "m" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "Length" |
unit | "m" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "Length" |
unit | "m" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "Mass" |
unit | "kg" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "Mass" |
unit | "kg" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "RelativeMassExcess" |
unit | "1" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "RelativeMassDefect" |
unit | "1" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "PackingFraction" |
unit | "1" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "BindingFraction" |
unit | "1" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "Time" |
unit | "s" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "LevelWidth" |
unit | "J" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "Activity" |
unit | "Bq" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "SpecificActivity" |
unit | "Bq/kg" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "DecayConstant" |
unit | "s-1" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "Time" |
unit | "s" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "Energy" |
unit | "J" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "Energy" |
unit | "J" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "Energy" |
unit | "J" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "Energy" |
unit | "J" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "Energy" |
unit | "J" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "Area" |
unit | "m2" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "Area" |
unit | "m2" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "AngularCrossSection" |
unit | "m2/sr" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "SpectralCrossSection" |
unit | "m2/J" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "SpectralAngularCrossSection" |
unit | "m2/(sr.J)" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "MacroscopicCrossSection" |
unit | "m-1" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "TotalMacroscopicCrossSection" |
unit | "m-1" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "ParticleFluence" |
unit | "m-2" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "ParticleFluenceRate" |
unit | "s-1.m2" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "EnergyFluence" |
unit | "J/m2" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "EnergyFluenceRate" |
unit | "W/m2" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "CurrentDensityOfParticles" |
unit | "m-2.s-1" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "MassAttenuationCoefficient" |
unit | "m2/kg" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "MolarAttenuationCoefficient" |
unit | "m2/mol" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "AtomicAttenuationCoefficient" |
unit | "m2" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "Length" |
unit | "m" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "TotalLinearStoppingPower" |
unit | "J/m" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "TotalAtomicStoppingPower" |
unit | "J.m2" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "TotalMassStoppingPower" |
unit | "J.m2/kg" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "Length" |
unit | "m" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "MeanMassRange" |
unit | "kg/m2" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "LinearIonization" |
unit | "m-1" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "TotalIonization" |
unit | "1" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "Mobility" |
unit | "m2/(V.s)" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "IonNumberDensity" |
unit | "m-3" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "RecombinationCoefficient" |
unit | "m3/s" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "NeutronNumberDensity" |
unit | "m-3" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "Velocity" |
unit | "m/s" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "NeutronFluenceRate" |
unit | "s-1.m-2" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "TotalNeutronSourceDesity" |
unit | "s-1.m-3" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "SlowingDownDensity" |
unit | "s-1.m-3" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "ResonanceEscapeProbability" |
unit | "1" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "Lethargy" |
unit | "1" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "Area" |
unit | "m2" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "Area" |
unit | "m2" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "Area" |
unit | "m2" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "SLength" |
unit | "m" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Modelica.SIunits.Length
Name | Value |
quantity | "Length" |
unit | "m" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Modelica.SIunits.Length
Name | Value |
quantity | "Length" |
unit | "m" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "NeutronYieldPerFission" |
unit | "1" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "NeutronYieldPerAbsorption" |
unit | "1" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "FastFissionFactor" |
unit | "1" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "ThermalUtilizationFactor" |
unit | "1" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "NonLeakageProbability" |
unit | "1" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "Reactivity" |
unit | "1" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "Time" |
unit | "s" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "Energy" |
unit | "J" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "Energy" |
unit | "J" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "SpecificEnergy" |
unit | "Gy" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "AbsorbedDose" |
unit | "Gy" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "DoseEquivalent" |
unit | "Sv" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "AbsorbedDoseRate" |
unit | "Gy/s" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "LinearEnergyTransfer" |
unit | "J/m" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "Kerma" |
unit | "Gy" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "KermaRate" |
unit | "Gy/s" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "MassEnergyTransferCoefficient" |
unit | "m2/kg" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "Exposure" |
unit | "C/kg" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "ExposureRate" |
unit | "C/(kg.s)" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "ReynoldsNumber" |
unit | "1" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "EulerNumber" |
unit | "1" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "FroudeNumber" |
unit | "1" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "GrashofNumber" |
unit | "1" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "WeberNumber" |
unit | "1" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "MachNumber" |
unit | "1" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "KnudsenNumber" |
unit | "1" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "StrouhalNumber" |
unit | "1" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "FourierNumber" |
unit | "1" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "PecletNumber" |
unit | "1" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "RayleighNumber" |
unit | "1" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "NusseltNumber" |
unit | "1" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Modelica.SIunits.NusseltNumber
Name | Value |
quantity | "NusseltNumber" |
unit | "1" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "StantonNumber" |
unit | "1" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "FourierNumberOfMassTransfer" |
unit | "1" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "PecletNumberOfMassTransfer" |
unit | "1" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "GrashofNumberOfMassTransfer" |
unit | "1" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "NusseltNumberOfMassTransfer" |
unit | "1" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "StantonNumberOfMassTransfer" |
unit | "1" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "PrandtlNumber" |
unit | "1" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "SchmidtNumber" |
unit | "1" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "LewisNumber" |
unit | "1" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "MagneticReynoldsNumber" |
unit | "1" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "AlfvenNumber" |
unit | "1" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "HartmannNumber" |
unit | "1" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "CowlingNumber" |
unit | "1" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Modelica.SIunits.Angle
Name | Value |
quantity | "Angle" |
unit | "rad" |
displayUnit | "deg" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "OrderOfReflexion" |
unit | "1" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "RangeOrderParameter" |
unit | "1" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "RangeOrderParameter" |
unit | "1" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "DebyeWallerFactor" |
unit | "1" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "CircularWavenumber" |
unit | "m-1" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "FermiCircularWavenumber" |
unit | "m-1" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "DebyeCircularWavenumber" |
unit | "m-1" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "AngularFrequency" |
unit | "s-1" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Modelica.SIunits.ThermodynamicTemperature
(Absolute temperature (use type TemperatureDifference for relative temperatures)).
Name | Value |
quantity | "ThermodynamicTemperature" |
unit | "K" |
displayUnit | "degC" |
min | 0 |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 288.15 |
nominal | 300 |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "SpectralConcentration" |
unit | "s/m3" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "GrueneisenParameter" |
unit | "1" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "MadelungConstant" |
unit | "1" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "DensityOfStates" |
unit | "J-1/m-3" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "ResidualResistivity" |
unit | "Ohm.m" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "LorenzCoefficient" |
unit | "V2/K2" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "HallCoefficient" |
unit | "m3/C" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "ThermoelectromotiveForce" |
unit | "V" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "SeebeckCoefficient" |
unit | "V/K" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "PeltierCoefficient" |
unit | "V" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "ThomsonCoefficient" |
unit | "V/K" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "RichardsonConstant" |
unit | "A/(m2.K2)" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "Energy" |
unit | "eV" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "Energy" |
unit | "eV" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "Energy" |
unit | "eV" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "Energy" |
unit | "eV" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "Energy" |
unit | "eV" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Modelica.SIunits.ThermodynamicTemperature
(Absolute temperature (use type TemperatureDifference for relative temperatures)).
Name | Value |
quantity | "ThermodynamicTemperature" |
unit | "K" |
displayUnit | "degC" |
min | 0 |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 288.15 |
nominal | 300 |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "ElectronNumberDensity" |
unit | "m-3" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "HoleNumberDensity" |
unit | "m-3" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "IntrinsicNumberDensity" |
unit | "m-3" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "DonorNumberDensity" |
unit | "m-3" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "AcceptorNumberDensity" |
unit | "m-3" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Modelica.SIunits.Mass
Name | Value |
quantity | "Mass" |
unit | "kg" |
min | 0 |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "MobilityRatio" |
unit | "1" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Modelica.SIunits.Time
Name | Value |
quantity | "Time" |
unit | "s" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Modelica.SIunits.Time
Name | Value |
quantity | "Time" |
unit | "s" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "Energy" |
unit | "eV" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Modelica.SIunits.ThermodynamicTemperature
(Absolute temperature (use type TemperatureDifference for relative temperatures)).
Name | Value |
quantity | "ThermodynamicTemperature" |
unit | "K" |
displayUnit | "degC" |
min | 0 |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 288.15 |
nominal | 300 |
Extends from Modelica.SIunits.ThermodynamicTemperature
(Absolute temperature (use type TemperatureDifference for relative temperatures)).
Name | Value |
quantity | "ThermodynamicTemperature" |
unit | "K" |
displayUnit | "degC" |
min | 0 |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 288.15 |
nominal | 300 |
Extends from Modelica.SIunits.Length
Name | Value |
quantity | "Length" |
unit | "m" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Modelica.SIunits.Length
Name | Value |
quantity | "Length" |
unit | "m" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "LandauGinzburgParameter" |
unit | "1" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "FluxiodQuantum" |
unit | "Wb" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "1/Modelica.SIunits.Time" |
unit | "1/s" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
quantity | "1/Modelica.SIunits.ElectricCharge" |
unit | "1/(A.s)" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
unit | "1" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Extends from Real
Name | Value |
unit | "1" |
min | -Modelica.Constants.inf |
max | Modelica.Constants.inf |
start | 0. |
Complex number defined as a record containing real and imaginary part, utilizing operator overloading.
Licensed by the Modelica Association under the 3-Clause BSD License
Copyright © 2010-2019, Modelica Association and contributors
This Modelica package is free software and the use is completely at your own risk; it can be redistributed and/or modified under the terms of the 3-Clause BSD license. For license conditions (including the disclaimer of warranty) visit
Extends from Complex
(Complex number with overloaded operators).
Type | Name | Description |
Current | re | Real part of complex current |
Current | im | Imaginary part of complex current |
Complex number defined as a record containing real and imaginary part, utilizing operator overloading.
Licensed by the Modelica Association under the 3-Clause BSD License
Copyright © 2010-2019, Modelica Association and contributors
This Modelica package is free software and the use is completely at your own risk; it can be redistributed and/or modified under the terms of the 3-Clause BSD license. For license conditions (including the disclaimer of warranty) visit
Extends from Complex
(Complex number with overloaded operators).
Type | Name | Description |
CurrentSlope | re | Real part of complex current slope |
CurrentSlope | im | Imaginary part of complex current slope |
Complex number defined as a record containing real and imaginary part, utilizing operator overloading.
Licensed by the Modelica Association under the 3-Clause BSD License
Copyright © 2010-2019, Modelica Association and contributors
This Modelica package is free software and the use is completely at your own risk; it can be redistributed and/or modified under the terms of the 3-Clause BSD license. For license conditions (including the disclaimer of warranty) visit
Extends from Complex
(Complex number with overloaded operators).
Type | Name | Description |
CurrentDensity | re | Real part of complex current density |
CurrentDensity | im | Imaginary part of complex current density |
Complex number defined as a record containing real and imaginary part, utilizing operator overloading.
Licensed by the Modelica Association under the 3-Clause BSD License
Copyright © 2010-2019, Modelica Association and contributors
This Modelica package is free software and the use is completely at your own risk; it can be redistributed and/or modified under the terms of the 3-Clause BSD license. For license conditions (including the disclaimer of warranty) visit
Extends from Complex
(Complex number with overloaded operators).
Type | Name | Description |
ElectricPotential | re | Imaginary part of complex electric potential |
ElectricPotential | im | Real part of complex electrical potential |
Complex number defined as a record containing real and imaginary part, utilizing operator overloading.
Licensed by the Modelica Association under the 3-Clause BSD License
Copyright © 2010-2019, Modelica Association and contributors
This Modelica package is free software and the use is completely at your own risk; it can be redistributed and/or modified under the terms of the 3-Clause BSD license. For license conditions (including the disclaimer of warranty) visit
Extends from Complex
(Complex number with overloaded operators).
Type | Name | Description |
PotentialDifference | re | Real part of complex potential difference |
PotentialDifference | im | Imaginary part of complex potential difference |
Complex number defined as a record containing real and imaginary part, utilizing operator overloading.
Licensed by the Modelica Association under the 3-Clause BSD License
Copyright © 2010-2019, Modelica Association and contributors
This Modelica package is free software and the use is completely at your own risk; it can be redistributed and/or modified under the terms of the 3-Clause BSD license. For license conditions (including the disclaimer of warranty) visit
Extends from Complex
(Complex number with overloaded operators).
Type | Name | Description |
Voltage | re | Imaginary part of complex voltage |
Voltage | im | Real part of complex voltage |
Complex number defined as a record containing real and imaginary part, utilizing operator overloading.
Licensed by the Modelica Association under the 3-Clause BSD License
Copyright © 2010-2019, Modelica Association and contributors
This Modelica package is free software and the use is completely at your own risk; it can be redistributed and/or modified under the terms of the 3-Clause BSD license. For license conditions (including the disclaimer of warranty) visit
Extends from Complex
(Complex number with overloaded operators).
Type | Name | Description |
VoltageSlope | re | Real part of complex voltage slope |
VoltageSlope | im | Imaginary part of complex voltage slope |
Complex number defined as a record containing real and imaginary part, utilizing operator overloading.
Licensed by the Modelica Association under the 3-Clause BSD License
Copyright © 2010-2019, Modelica Association and contributors
This Modelica package is free software and the use is completely at your own risk; it can be redistributed and/or modified under the terms of the 3-Clause BSD license. For license conditions (including the disclaimer of warranty) visit
Extends from Complex
(Complex number with overloaded operators).
Type | Name | Description |
ElectricFieldStrength | re | Real part of complex electric field strength |
ElectricFieldStrength | im | Imaginary part of complex electric field strength |
Complex number defined as a record containing real and imaginary part, utilizing operator overloading.
Licensed by the Modelica Association under the 3-Clause BSD License
Copyright © 2010-2019, Modelica Association and contributors
This Modelica package is free software and the use is completely at your own risk; it can be redistributed and/or modified under the terms of the 3-Clause BSD license. For license conditions (including the disclaimer of warranty) visit
Extends from Complex
(Complex number with overloaded operators).
Type | Name | Description |
ElectricFluxDensity | re | Real part of complex electric flux density |
ElectricFluxDensity | im | Imaginary part of complex electric flux density |
Complex number defined as a record containing real and imaginary part, utilizing operator overloading.
Licensed by the Modelica Association under the 3-Clause BSD License
Copyright © 2010-2019, Modelica Association and contributors
This Modelica package is free software and the use is completely at your own risk; it can be redistributed and/or modified under the terms of the 3-Clause BSD license. For license conditions (including the disclaimer of warranty) visit
Extends from Complex
(Complex number with overloaded operators).
Type | Name | Description |
ElectricFlux | re | Real part of complex electric flux |
ElectricFlux | im | Imaginary part of complex electric flux |
Complex number defined as a record containing real and imaginary part, utilizing operator overloading.
Licensed by the Modelica Association under the 3-Clause BSD License
Copyright © 2010-2019, Modelica Association and contributors
This Modelica package is free software and the use is completely at your own risk; it can be redistributed and/or modified under the terms of the 3-Clause BSD license. For license conditions (including the disclaimer of warranty) visit
Extends from Complex
(Complex number with overloaded operators).
Type | Name | Description |
MagneticFieldStrength | re | Real part of complex magnetic field strength |
MagneticFieldStrength | im | Imaginary part of complex magnetic field strength |
Complex number defined as a record containing real and imaginary part, utilizing operator overloading.
Licensed by the Modelica Association under the 3-Clause BSD License
Copyright © 2010-2019, Modelica Association and contributors
This Modelica package is free software and the use is completely at your own risk; it can be redistributed and/or modified under the terms of the 3-Clause BSD license. For license conditions (including the disclaimer of warranty) visit
Extends from Complex
(Complex number with overloaded operators).
Type | Name | Description |
MagneticPotential | re | Real part of complex magnetic potential |
MagneticPotential | im | Imaginary part of complex magnetic potential |
Complex number defined as a record containing real and imaginary part, utilizing operator overloading.
Licensed by the Modelica Association under the 3-Clause BSD License
Copyright © 2010-2019, Modelica Association and contributors
This Modelica package is free software and the use is completely at your own risk; it can be redistributed and/or modified under the terms of the 3-Clause BSD license. For license conditions (including the disclaimer of warranty) visit
Extends from Complex
(Complex number with overloaded operators).
Type | Name | Description |
MagneticPotentialDifference | re | Real part of complex magnetic potential difference |
MagneticPotentialDifference | im | Imaginary part of complex magnetic potential difference |
Complex number defined as a record containing real and imaginary part, utilizing operator overloading.
Licensed by the Modelica Association under the 3-Clause BSD License
Copyright © 2010-2019, Modelica Association and contributors
This Modelica package is free software and the use is completely at your own risk; it can be redistributed and/or modified under the terms of the 3-Clause BSD license. For license conditions (including the disclaimer of warranty) visit
Extends from Complex
(Complex number with overloaded operators).
Type | Name | Description |
MagnetomotiveForce | re | Real part of complex magnetomotive force |
MagnetomotiveForce | im | Imaginary part of complex magnetomotive force |
Complex number defined as a record containing real and imaginary part, utilizing operator overloading.
Licensed by the Modelica Association under the 3-Clause BSD License
Copyright © 2010-2019, Modelica Association and contributors
This Modelica package is free software and the use is completely at your own risk; it can be redistributed and/or modified under the terms of the 3-Clause BSD license. For license conditions (including the disclaimer of warranty) visit
Extends from Complex
(Complex number with overloaded operators).
Type | Name | Description |
MagneticFluxDensity | re | Real part of complex magnetic flux density |
MagneticFluxDensity | im | Imaginary part of complex magnetic flux density |
Complex number defined as a record containing real and imaginary part, utilizing operator overloading.
Licensed by the Modelica Association under the 3-Clause BSD License
Copyright © 2010-2019, Modelica Association and contributors
This Modelica package is free software and the use is completely at your own risk; it can be redistributed and/or modified under the terms of the 3-Clause BSD license. For license conditions (including the disclaimer of warranty) visit
Extends from Complex
(Complex number with overloaded operators).
Type | Name | Description |
MagneticFlux | re | Real part of complex magnetic flux |
MagneticFlux | im | Imaginary part of complex magnetic flux |
Since magnetic material properties like reluctance and permeance often are anisotropic resp. salient, a special operator instead of multiplication (compare: tensor vs. vector) is required. Modelica.Magnetic.FundamentalWave uses a special record Salient which is only valid in the rotor-fixed coordinate system.
Note: To avoid confusion, no magnetic material properties should be defined as Complex units.
Extends from Complex
(Complex number with overloaded operators).
Type | Name | Description |
Reluctance | re | Real part of complex reluctance |
Reluctance | im | Imaginary part of complex reluctance |
Complex number defined as a record containing real and imaginary part, utilizing operator overloading.
Licensed by the Modelica Association under the 3-Clause BSD License
Copyright © 2010-2019, Modelica Association and contributors
This Modelica package is free software and the use is completely at your own risk; it can be redistributed and/or modified under the terms of the 3-Clause BSD license. For license conditions (including the disclaimer of warranty) visit
Extends from Complex
(Complex number with overloaded operators).
Type | Name | Description |
Resistance | re | Real part of complex impedance (resistance) |
Reactance | im | Imaginary part of complex impedance (reactance) |
Complex number defined as a record containing real and imaginary part, utilizing operator overloading.
Licensed by the Modelica Association under the 3-Clause BSD License
Copyright © 2010-2019, Modelica Association and contributors
This Modelica package is free software and the use is completely at your own risk; it can be redistributed and/or modified under the terms of the 3-Clause BSD license. For license conditions (including the disclaimer of warranty) visit
Extends from Complex
(Complex number with overloaded operators).
Type | Name | Description |
Conductance | re | Real part of complex admittance (conductance) |
Susceptance | im | Imaginary part of complex admittance (susceptance) |
Complex number defined as a record containing real and imaginary part, utilizing operator overloading.
Licensed by the Modelica Association under the 3-Clause BSD License
Copyright © 2010-2019, Modelica Association and contributors
This Modelica package is free software and the use is completely at your own risk; it can be redistributed and/or modified under the terms of the 3-Clause BSD license. For license conditions (including the disclaimer of warranty) visit
Extends from Complex
(Complex number with overloaded operators).
Type | Name | Description |
ActivePower | re | Real part of complex power (active power) |
ReactivePower | im | Imaginary part of complex power (reactive power) |
Complex number defined as a record containing real and imaginary part, utilizing operator overloading.
Licensed by the Modelica Association under the 3-Clause BSD License
Copyright © 2010-2019, Modelica Association and contributors
This Modelica package is free software and the use is completely at your own risk; it can be redistributed and/or modified under the terms of the 3-Clause BSD license. For license conditions (including the disclaimer of warranty) visit
Extends from Complex
(Complex number with overloaded operators).
Type | Name | Description |
PerUnit | re | Real part of complex per unit quantity |
PerUnit | im | Imaginary part of complex per unit quantity |