Package HydraulicsByFluidon.​Components.​Volumes
Icon for standard packages


Standard package icon.

Extends from Modelica.​Icons.​Package (Icon for standard packages).

Package Contents


Model HydraulicsByFluidon.​Components.​Volumes.​BladderAccumulator


Model of a gas-loaded accumulator with a bladder separating the media. Fluid inertia or the stiffness of the bladder is not considered. The gas is modelled as an ideal gas.

The parameters Biasing pressure, Nominal volume and Dead volume describe the accumulator in the unconnected state. At the beginning of a simulation, the state variables of the accumulator are computed depending on the parameter Initial pressure of the hydraulic volume and Isothermal start.

If the bladder expands to its maximum volume, only the Dead volume remains in the accumulator. Due to the typically small dead volume, a high mathematical stiffness of the accumulator can result. This behavior might require choosing a correspondingly small timestep.

The parameter Polytropic exponent characterizes how pressure changes affect the volume and stiffness of the gas bladder. If Polytropic exponent is set to unity, the change of state within the gas is isothermal. This implies perfect heat transfer between the gas in the bladder and the environment such that no change of temperature occurs in the gas. This situation is encountered in hydraulic accumulators if the load cycles of the liquid are lengthy.

If the Polytropic exponent is set to the isentropic exponent (1.4 for air), the gas undergoes an adiabatic change of state which means that no heat exchange with the environment can occur. This is typically the case for very short load cycles.

If Isothermal start is set to true, it is assumed that the change from biasing pressure to the initial pressure happened at constant temperature. If Isothermal start is set to false, a polytropic process incorporating the parameter Polytropic exponent is assumed.


VolumenominalVolume0.005Nominal volume
VolumedeadVolume1e-4Dead volume
AbsolutePressurerelBiasingPressure5e+6Biasing pressure (rel.)
TemperaturebiasingTemperature293.1Biasing Temperature
RealpolytropicExponent1.4Polytropic exponent
BooleanisothermalStarttrueIsothermal start
AbsolutePressureinitialPressureenvironment.​pAmbientInitial pressure of the hydraulic volume
BooleanFixedInitialPressurefalsefixed initial pressure
BooleanenableVolumeOutputfalseEnable fluid volume output


FluidPortfluidPortHydraulic port
output RealOutputfluidVolumeFluid volume

Model HydraulicsByFluidon.​Components.​Volumes.​PistonAccumulator


Model of a gas-loaded accumulator with a piston separating the media. Fluid inertia is not considered. The gas is modelled as an ideal gas.

The parameters Biasing pressure, Nominal volume, Dead volume, and Additional gas volume describe the accumulator in the unconnected state.

At a piston stroke of 0 m only the Dead volume remains in the accumulator. Due to the typically small dead volume, a high mathematical stiffness of the accumulator can result. This behavior might require choosing a correspondingly small timestep.

The parameter Polytropic exponent characterizes how pressure changes affect the volume and stiffness of the gas volume. If Polytropic exponent is set to unity, the change of state within the gas is isothermal. This implies perfect heat transfer between the gas in the bladder and the environment such that no change of temperature occurs in the gas. This situation is encountered in hydraulic accumulators if the load cycles of the liquid are lengthy.

If the Polytropic exponent is set to the isentropic exponent (1.4 for air), the gas undergoes an adiabatic change of state which means that no heat exchange with the environment can occur. This is typically the case for very short load cycles.

The Biasing pressure (rel.) is converted according to the ratio of Biasing Temperature and fluid temperature and the Polytropic exponent at the beginning of the simulation.

The parameters Breakaway friction force, Constant friction/Coulomb force, Velocity dependent friction and Velocity parameter for Stribeck friction (velocity where the friction force begins to grow linearly) characterize the velocity dependence of the friction force between piston and cylinder.


LengthpistonDiameter0.2Diameter of piston
VolumenominalVolume0.005Nominal volume
VolumegasDeadVolume5e-4Additional gas volume
VolumedeadVolume1e-4Fluid dead volume
Angleangle0Inclination angle
MassmassPiston1Piston mass
PressurerelBiasingPressure5e+6Biasing pressure (rel.)
TemperaturebiasingTemperature293.1Biasing Temperature
RealpolytropicExponent1.4Polytropic exponent
RealfProp10000Velocity dependent friction
ForcefCoulomb25Constant friction/Coulomb force
ForcefBreakaway50Breakaway friction force
VelocityvM0.005Velocity parameter for Stribeck friction
BooleanenableStrokeOutputfalseEnable stroke output
BooleanenableVelocityOutputfalseEnable velocity output
BooleanenableVolumeOutputfalseEnable fluid volume output


FluidPortfluidPortHydraulic port
output RealOutputstrokeOutStroke of piston
output RealOutputvelocityOutVelocity of piston
output RealOutputvolumeOutFluid volume

Model HydraulicsByFluidon.​Components.​Volumes.​Volume


Model of a simple hydraulic capacity. It can be used to represent the volume of adjacent components that lack any spatial expansion, e. g. the IdealResistor component. The temporal change rate of pressure equals the net mass flow into the capacity.

The capacity C used to calculate the rate of pressure change takes into account the compression modulus of the fluid. The housing is assumed to be ideally rigid (in comparison to fluid). If the housing is to be taken into account, component VolumeExt must be used.


Volumecapacity0.001Size of the volume


FluidPortfluidPortHydraulic port

Model HydraulicsByFluidon.​Components.​Volumes.​VolumeExt


Model of a simple hydraulic capacity with consideration of surrounding housing. It can be used to represent the volume of adjacent components that lack any spatial expansion, e. g. the IdealResistor component. The temporal change rate of pressure equals the net mass flow into the capacity.

The capacity C used to calculate the rate of pressure change takes into account the compression modulus of the fluid and the Young's modulus of the housing.


Volumecapacity0.001Size of the volume
BulkModulusbulkModulus2.1e+11Bulk modulus housing


FluidPortfluidPortHydraulic port

Model HydraulicsByFluidon.​Components.​Volumes.​OpenTank


The OpenTank component is the model of an open tank with unlimited volume in the sense of a line termination. The pressure at fluidPort can either be set to environment.pAmbient pressure or a different pressure.


BooleanuseEnvironmentPressuretruePressure at the fluid port equals environment.pAmbient
AbsolutePressurepressureenvironment.​pAmbientPressure at the fluid port if useAmbientPressure = false


FluidPortfluidPortHydraulic port