Hardware Resources

All taskers offer a predefined set of hardware resources that can be requested by jobs.

All taskers offer a predefined set of hardware resources that can be requested by jobs. These resources are listed in the following table.

Hardware Resource Type Description
ARCH STRING The VOV architecture of the machine, for example "linux64", "win64", "armv8"
CORES INTEGER Consumable resource: the number of logical CPUs/processors used by a job.
CORESUSED INTEGER The total number of cores used by the running jobs. It is assumed that each job uses at least one core.
CLOCK INTEGER The CPU-clock of at least one of the CPUs on the machine in MHz. If the machine allows frequency stepping, this number can be smaller than expected.
GROUP STRING The tasker group for this tasker. Each tasker can belong to only one tasker group.
HOST STRING The name of the host on which the tasker is running. Typically this is the value you get with uname -n, except only the first component is taken and converted to lowercase, so that if uname -n returns Lnx0123.my.company.com the value of this field will be lnx0123.
LOADEFF REAL The effective load on the machine, including the self-induced load caused by jobs that just started or finished.
L1 REAL On UNIX, the load average in the last one minute.
L5 REAL On UNIX, the load average in the last five minutes.
L15 REAL On UNIX, the load average in the last fifteen minutes.
MACHINE STRING Typically the output of uname -m.
MAXNUMACORES INTEGER Highest total number of NUMA cores in a single NUMA node.
MAXNUMACORESFREE INTEGER Highest number of free cores in a single NUMA node. Note that free NUMA cores are correctly accounted for only if the user specified -jpp pack or -jpp spread for all jobs on the tasker.
NAME STRING The name of the tasker.
OS STRING The name of the operating system: "Linux" or "Windows".
OSCLASS STRING This can be unix or windows.
OSVERSION STRING The version of the OS. On Linux, this can usually be found in /etc/system-release.
OSRELEASE STRING Typically the output of uname -r.
PERCENT INTEGER Consumable resource: The percentage of the machine that is still available.
POWER INTEGER The effective power of the tasker, after accounting for both raw power and the effective load.
RAM INTEGER A consumable resource expressing the remaining RAM available to run job: RAMTOTAL-RAMUSED, in MB.
RAMFREE INTEGER The amount of RAM available to run other jobs. This metric comes from the OS, and on linux it includes both free memory and buffers. In MB.
RAMTOTAL INTEGER The total amount of RAM available on the machine, in MB.
RAMUSED INTEGER The aggregate quantity of RAM used by all jobs currently running on the tasker, in MB. For each job, the amount of RAM is calculated as the maximum of the requested RAM resource (REQRAM) and the actual RAM usage of the job (CURRAM).
RELEASE STRING On Linux machines, this is the output of lsb_release -isr, with spaces replaced by dashes. For example, CentOS-6.2
SLOT INTEGER A consumable resource indicating how many more jobs can be run on the tasker.
SLOTSUSED INTEGER Corresponding to the number of jobs running on the tasker.
SWAP INTEGER A consumable resource. The swap space in MB.
SWAPFREE INTEGER The amount of free swap.
SWAPTOTAL INTEGER Total about of swap configured on the machine.
TIMELEFT INTEGER The number of seconds before the tasker is expected to exit or to suspend. This value is always checked against the expected duration of a job.
TMP INTEGER On UNIX, free disk space in /tmp, in MB.
USER STRING The user who started the vovtasker server, which is usually the same user account associated with the vovserver process.
VOVVERSION STRING The version of the vovtasker binary (such as '2015.03').

Request Hardware Resources

Each job can request hardware resources.
Note: The consumable resources are CORES, CPUS, PERCENT, RAM, SLOT, SLOTS, and SWAP.
  • To request a machine with the name bison, request NAME=bison. To request any linux64 machine, request ARCH=linux64.
  • Consumable resources are added together. For example -r CORES/2 CORES/4 CORES/6 is a request for a total of 12 cores.
  • If redundant resources are specified, the largest value will be taken. For example, if -r RAMTOTAL#2000 RAMTOTAL#4000 is specified then RAM#TOTAL4000 will be the resource that is used.

Request examples are listed in the following table:

Request Objective Syntax for the Request
A specific tasker NAME=bison
Not on bison NAME!=bison
One of two taskers NAME=bison,cheetah
A preference: bison, if it is available; otherwise, cheetah (NAME=bison OR NAME=cheetah)
A specific architecture, such as Linux ARCH=linux
A specific tasker group, such as prodLnx GROUP=prodLnx
2 GB of RAM RAM/2000
Two cores CORES/2
Two slots SLOTS/2
Exclusive access to a machine PERCENT/100
1 minute load less than 3.0 L1<3.0