Start Accelerator Plus

  1. The command to start and stop Accelerator Plus is wxmgr, in all ways similar to ncmgr. Use the default Accelerator Plus queue name wx.
    % wxmgr start
    wxmgr: message: Checking the license...
    wxmgr: message: ... the license is good.
    wxmgr: message: Starting Accelerator Plus
    wxmgr: message:   with name    wx
    wxmgr: message:   on host      hostname
    wxmgr: message:   in directory /remote/release/vov/vnc
    wxmgr: message:   as user      username
    Do you want to proceed? (yes/[no]) > yes
    wxmgr: message: Updating config file '/remote/release/vov/...../vwx.tcl'
    wxmgr: message: Waiting for server to be ready ...
    wxmgr: message: Sanity check...
    wxmgr: message: Accelerator Plus wx@hostname is ready.
    wxmgr: message: Sanity check...
    wxmgr: message: Confirming start of required daemons...
    wxmgr: message: 
    wxmgr: message: wx@mac01ac is ready. To access the web UI:
    wxmgr: message: 
    wxmgr: message:   http://mac01ac:6439    -- Requires login
    wxmgr: message: 
    wxmgr: message:  On C-Shell:  setenv NC_QUEUE /remote/release/vov/wx/wx.swd/setup.tcl
    wxmgr: message:  On Bash:     export NC_QUEUE=/remote/release/vov/wx/wx.swd/setup.tcl
  2. Try the command below, which is equivalent to wxmgr start, but with the explicit values of the working directory, port number and of and the queue name. You will use a command similar to this to start other Accelerator Plus instances.
    % wxmgr start -queue wx -port 6578 -dir $VOVDIR/../../wx
    ...output omitted...
  3. Once the queue has started, you need to be able to connect to it. This is done by setting the environment NC_QUEUE.
    Note: Same variable used in Accelerator! Not WX_QUEUE.
    This variable should be set to the setup.tcl file that has been created in the server working directory of the new Accelerator Plus instance. These values are shown clearly at the end of the start log (see above).
    ## Example for C-shell users 
    % setenv NC_QUEUE $VOVDIR/../../wx/wx.swd/setup.tcl
  4. Check that Accelerator Plus is responding:
    % wx hosts
      # TASKER       LOAD STATUS   JOBS      HB RESERVE             MESSAGE
      1 WXLauncher  0.00 ready    0/8      43s C=LauncherClass 1y334d Licensed for 8 slots

    This shows that there is already one vovtasker called "WXLauncher" which is reserved for a special class of jobs called "LauncherClass". This tasker is used to issue the requests to the underlying base scheduler on behalf of the users who submit workload.

  5. Connect the Accelerator Plus instance to the base scheduler. This can be done most easily by using the utility vovwxconnect. In the following example, the new Accelerator Plus instance is connected to the main Accelerator instance called "vnc"
    % wx cmd vovwxconnect  -nc vnc 
    vovwxconnect creates the appropriate daemon configuration file (vovwxd/config.tcl) and starts the daemon.
  6. The security file wx.swd/security.tcl determines who may connect to the system and from which host. By default, the owner of the vovserver has ADMIN privilege from all hosts. Check the file wx.swd/security.tcl to verify that the login name is correct and add any others needed.
  7. Check the file wx.swd/security.tcl to verify that the following lines exist:
    # All users can connect from anywhere
    vtk_security + USER +
    # You want to be ADMIN
    vtk_security YOURNAME ADMIN +
    # Root needs to have ADMIN privileges, to permit vovtaskerroot to connect
    vtk_security root ADMIN +
    # The cadmgrs VovUserGroup needs to have ADMIN privileges
    vtk_security -group cadmgrs ADMIN +
  8. Check the Accelerator Plus system status with the command:
    % wx cmd vsi
    Vov Server Information - 03/23/2018 17:04:04
    wx@mac01ac:6439                    | URL: http://mac01ac:6439
     Jobs:                           1 | Workload:
     Files:                          2 |  - running:                     0
     Sets:                          18 |  - queued:                      0
     Retraces:                       0 |  - done:                        0
                                       |  - failed:                      0
     Taskers:                         1 | Buckets:                        0
      - ready:                       1 | Duration:                      0s
     Slots:                          8 | SchedulerTime:              0.00s
     TotalResources:             1,685 | Pid:                        51213
                                       | Saved:                 26m41s ago
                                       | Size:                     16.00MB
                                       | TimeTolerance:                 3s
  9. Submit the first job to Accelerator Plus:
    # Open the GUI to monitor the job.
    % wx gui &   
    % wx run sleep 30
    After a few seconds, you will see the job turn from cyan to orange and then eventually green to represent successful execution.
If the server is not running, refer to Troubleshooting and FAQs.


Utility to setup a connector for Accelerator Plus to a primary queue.

vovwxconnect: Usage Message

    Utility to setup a connector for Accelerator Plus to a primary queue

    -h               -- This help.
    -v               -- Increase verbosity.
    -nc NCQ          -- Connect with specified Accelerator queue.
    -wx WXQ          -- Connect with specified Accelerator Plus queue
    -vovdir PATH     -- Specify VOVDIR for the Accelerator queue, if different
                        than that of Accelerator Plus.
    -ncconfigdir     -- Specify NC_CONFIG_DIR for the Accelerator queue, if
                        different than that of Accelerator Plus.
    -lsfemul NCQ     -- Connect with Accelerator but using the LSF emulation
                        interface (only for debugging)
    -dd              -- Connect with Direct Drive
    -pbs             -- Connect with PBS
    -pbsemul NCQ     -- Connect with Accelerator but using the PBS emulation
                        interface (only for debugging)
    -legacy          -- Connect using legacy daemons vovelasticd vovlsfd.
    -show            -- Show what is connected.
    -test            -- Validate connections by running a test job. The wx
                        queue is determined by the environment variable
                        VOV_PROJECT_NAME if set, otherwise by NC_QUEUE if set,
                        or the default wx queue name otherwise.
    -nostart         -- Do not start the vovwxd daemon.
    -loglevel L      -- Set verbosity level for vovwxd (0-6)

   % vovproject enable MY_WX_PROJECT
   % vovwxconnect -nc vnc1 vnc2
   % vovwxconnect -nc vnc1 -nc vnc2
   % vovwxconnect -nc vnc_test -vovdir /some/path/to/a/vovdir/used/by/vnc_test
   % vovwxconnect -pbs
   % vovwxconnect -show
   % vovwxconnect -test
   % vovwxconnect -lsfemul vnc_test

Multi-instance vovwxd

There may be situations where a multi-instance vovwxd connection can be useful.

To establish advanced configuration for multiple vovwxd daemons, use the following procedure:
% wxmgr start -queue wx -port 6578 -dir $VOVDIR/../../wx
% SWD=$(wx cmd vovserverdir -p .)
% mkdir $SWD/vovwx2d
% wx cmd vovwxconnect -nc vnc -nostart 
% vi $SWD/vovwxd/config.tcl
% vi $SWD/vovwx2d/config.tcl
% wx cmd vovdaemonmgr start vovwxd vovwx2d