Rename Nodes

Renaming of nodes is a task for more advanced users. In most cases, it is simpler to forget all nodes and rebuild the trace from scratch.

You do not need to continue reading this section unless you really want to learn about renaming.

Occasionally, in the course of a design, directories get moved or renamed. Rather than forgetting the work done in the old directory and redoing it in the new directory, it is possible to tell VOV to rename the nodes in the trace.

Renaming Using the Command Line Interface (CLI)

The utility to change names is vovrename.

vovrename: Usage Message
      vovrename [-set <name>] [-n]  <old>  <new>
      -n                -- Show effect of substitution, do not do it.
      -set <name>       -- Restrict substitution to given set
      % vovrename abc xyz    

To affect the whole trace, or to affect only the elements in a given set use:

% vovrename -set setname oldstring newstring
This command affects the:
  • Name of files
  • Command line of jobs
  • Working directory of jobs
For oldstring and newstring, try to use long strings. If you use short strings, the change might affect more nodes than you want. An example to avoid would be the following command:
% vovrename a b   ### NEVER DO ANYTHING LIKE THIS!

which replaces all a's into b's with rbther drbmbtic effects on the usebbility of the trbce.


In this example, you have built a CHIP in a directory /users/mydesign/work and have decided to move all the files in another directory by doing the following:
% cd /users/mydesign
% mv work reallygoodchip
FlowTracer now is in a state of uncertainty: it knew about some files in the old directory, now it cannot find them.
  • First you need to get the logical canonical names of the two directories
    % set oldname = `vovequiv -p /users/mydesign/work`
    % set newname = `vovequiv -p /users/mydesign/reallygoodchip`
  • Then you can use vovrename to inform FlowTracer that some files have been moved:
    % vovrename $oldname $newname