When Add is selected, the Add Material window appears, as shown in the next Figure.
Select the required parameters and click on Save. When clicking on this button, if the material exists, then a message is displayed informing the user that the material has already been defined. Otherwise, the material definitions are saved.
In the Add Material window, the following options are available:
Material Attributes - Name: The user specifies the desired name for the new material.
Material Attributes - Color: For more information, see APPENDIX A: Color Selection.
Material definition - Material defined by geometry:Used to define a material according to its physical properties. After clicking on the Set Parameters button, two different options are available in the Material defined by Geometry window:
- Constant
The information of this file can be modified by the user. Be sure not to modify the format and not to introduce any additional line break.
These parameters can also be set using formulas in function of the frequency values.
This option serves for completing the selected cells of the table with values depending on the selected function. After choosing the function that we want to apply, pressing the Load Formula button will load the formula f(p) in the field. The next step is choosing the initial and the final value for the function. The final step is selecting the cells that we want to apply the function to and press the button Apply. The cells will be auto-completed with the values created by the chosen function starting with the initial value and ending with the final one.
Material Definition - Material defined by reflection coefficient. Used to define a material according to its reflection coefficient. After clicking on the Set Parameters button, two different options are available in the Material defined by reflection window ( the following Figure):
To set the material properties invariable. Amplitude and Phase are defined using decibels (dB) and degrees (degrees).