Import Feko Near Field (.EFE, .HFE)
Allows the user to import an equivalent near field antenna using Feko near field files. Only Cartesian
and Cartesian Boundary types are supported.
- Source Files
- The user can import the E-Field (.efe) and H-Field (.hfe) files from Feko by pressing the Browse button and selecting the files in their hard drive.
- Displacement
- This parameter is a vector that specifies the translation applied to the points when added to the simulation.
- Orientation
- This parameter allows the rotation applied to the points. There are several ways the user can specify this rotation: by giving each of the axis directions of the transformation, by specifying spherical rotation angles, by specifying rotation angles on each axis or by specifying the Z axis and a rotation angle.
If the Relative to reference plane check box is selected, the displacement and rotation will be relative to the current reference plane coordinate system.
When the user has finished setting up the parameters of the Feko Near Field Source, they need to press the
Save button in order to add the antenna to the