Engine Keyword With this keyword it is possible to modify grid formulation parameters, which initially were set in Starter keyword /ALE/GRID/STANDARD. (Altair standard method for grid velocity computation).



α γ β lc


Field Contents SI Unit Example
α Scale factor on maximum stiffness.


γ Nonlinearity factor for edge spring stiffness.


β Damping coefficient.


lc Characteristic length.


[ m ]


  1. Default values are taken from a previous run.
  2. As of v12.0.210, /ALE/4 was replaced by /ALE/GRID/STANDARD.
  3. Mesh auto correction can be introduced by giving more weight to anti-shear forces by either:
    • Setting l c parameter close to the mesh size.
    • Setting a negative value for α parameter (elastic forces on edges are set to 0 at the first cycle of current run).