CM Card
The CM card is used to couple Feko with the transmission line simulation programs CableMod or CRIPTE or the PCB tool PCBMod to calculate the coupling of electromagnetic fields into transmission lines. (The AC card is used for the case of radiation by these lines.)
In the Request tab, in the Solution requests
group, click the Cable fields (CM)

- File name
- The name of the .rsd file created by CableMod, CRIPTE or PCBMod (enclosed in double quotation marks and starting at or after column 91)
The .rsd file contains geometry of the line. With the CM card Feko calculates the electric and magnetic nearfield at points along the line and write these to a .isd file for further processing by CableMod,CRIPTE or PCBMod. (The .isd file also contains additional data required by CableMod, CRIPTE or PCBMod, for example, the frequencies that were used during the solution.)
The complete geometry (without the transmission line) as well as the frequency and excitation(Ax cards) must be defined in Feko.