Using the Application Macro

Use the Compare CADFEKO models application macro to compare two CADFEKO models.

Restriction: Keep the order of collections the same between models as indexes are used to compare objects.
  1. Run the Compare CADFEKO models from the application macro library in CADFEKO
    The Compare CADFEKO Models dialog is displayed.

    Figure 1. The Compare CADFEKO Models dialog.
  2. In the Model 1 field, browse to the first CADFEKO model.
  3. In the Model 2 field, browse to the second CADFEKO model.
  4. Under Object properties, select the object1 properties to compare:
    • Labels
      Compare the labels of objects.
    • Names
      Compare the names of objects (variables and objects).
    • Values
      Compare the values of objects (variables).
    • Descriptions
      Compare the description of objects (variables).
    • Expressions
      Compare the expressions of objects (variables).
    • Paths
      Compare file paths of objects.
    • Solution settings
      Compare the model solution settings of objects.
    • Solver settings
      Compare the solution solver settings of objects.
    • Visibility
      Compare the visibility of objects.
    • Locked
      Compare the locked2 state of objects.
    • Included
      Compare the included3 state of objects.
    • Ground plane
      Compare ground planes (objects).
  5. Under Collections, select the collections4 to compare:
    • Geometry
      Compare the collections of geometry.
    • Meshes
      Compare the collections of editable meshes.
    • Media
      Compare the collections of media.
    • Named points
      Compare the collections of named points in the model.
    • Variables
      Compare the collections of variables in the model.
    • Workplanes
      Compare the collections of workplanes in the model.
    • Children
      Compare the operator's collection of child operators.
    • Edges
      Compare the operator's collection of edges.
    • Faces
      Compare the operator's collection of faces.
    • Regions
      Compare the operator's collection of regions.
    • Transforms
      Compare the operator's collection of transforms.
    • Wires
      Compare the operator's collection of wires.
  6. Click Compare to evaluate the models and start the comparison between model 1 and model 2.
    Under Results of model comparison, the results of the comparison are displayed.
  7. [Optional] In the Output file field, specify the text file to export the results for the model comparison.
An object is an entity within an object oriented programming language with two main characteristics: a state and a behaviour. The settings of the object are stored in its properties and its abilities are accessed through methods.
Lock a part to prevent modification to the simulation mesh (and prevent the part from being edited).
A geometry part (or mesh part) that does not contain any ports, sources or loads can be temporarily excluded from the model without having to delete the part.
A collection is a special object that contains objects of which there can be more than one. For example, there can be multiple sources, far fields, geometry parts and so on. When referencing an item in a collection, an index must always be specified, for example farfield[1] or farfield[FarField].