Altair® Panopticon


Creating JDBC Database Output Connector

Allows periodical dumping of records from a Kafka topic into a JDBC database.


1.     On the Data Source tab, select Output > JDBC in the Connector drop-down list.


2.     You can either select:

·         JNDI Name

Enter the JNDI resource name to be used.



The JNDI resource name needs to be on the form:



·         URL

Enter the URL specific to the database’s JDBC driver, the Driver Class Name specific to the driver, and the User Id and Password.

3.     Select the appropriate SQL Dialect in the drop-down list to be able to generate the correct SQL for the required data repository.

You can select any of the following SQL dialects: AnsiSQL, MySQL, Oracle, SQL Server, Sybase IQ/ASA, Sybase ASE, Netezza, Vertica, SQLite, HadoopHive, DB2, PostgreSQL, Impala, Redshift, Informix, Teradata, dBase, SparkSQL.

4.     Enter the source Table (can be parameterized).

5.     You may opt to use the toolbar to complete the data source definition.

6.     Click . The new data source is added in the Data Sources list.