Altair® Panopticon


Creating Folders


A user with a Designer role can create folders.



Users that log on with a Designer role:

·           will have their own personal folder created and displayed on the Workbooks page (e.g., ~designer). This personal folder is where Designers can create workbooks and build dashboards.

·           is not allowed to create a folder on the root folder.



1.     On the Workbooks tab, right-click on the personal folder, and select New Folder.


The Create Folder dialog displays.



·           The Designer user is available under the Allowed section by default with Read, Write, and Modify permissions.

·           Removing the Designer user will mean they will not have access to this folder and its subfolders.

2.     Enter a Folder Name.

3.     Proceed to defining the Authorization to Allowed or Denied groups and users.

4.     Click  .

The new folder is displayed on the expanded Folder hierarchy list and on the Folders/Workbooks list.



·           Folders and subfolders can be deleted as long as they do not contain published workbooks.

·           The folders and subfolders on the Workbooks page will also be available on the Data Library, Webhooks, and Themes pages.