Nastran Interface
- Moved Non-structural Mass and Non-structural Material Damping Cards
- These cards are migrated from Group to Solver Mass entity.
- NSM1/NSM/NSML1/NSML bulk cards are now mapped to Solver Mass entity.
- NSMADD bulk data card is now mapped to Solver Mass entity.
- Loadstep Browser
- The Loadstep Browser is available in MSC and NX Nastran profiles.
- Model Checker
- Free 1D element nodes check is now available in the model checker.
Resolved Issues
- The CWELD card can now be edited.
- Component organization is no longer lost when importing input with includes created in previous releases.
- In the Beam Orient tool, orientation in displacement is streamlined.
- System selection and toggle basic/displacement to define orientation vector are removed from the microdialog. A direct option to enter components in the displacement system is available. A vector tool with user system selection to enter orientation vector is always in basic.
- The OFFT key assigned to elements when assigning orientation in the displacement system no longer has issues.
Figure 1.Figure 2.