HyperGraph Package#

AxisHorizontal class#

class AxisHorizontal(window: int | Window = None, page: int | str | Page = None, id: int | str = 0, **kwargs)#

A class representing a AxisHorizontal in XY Chart. Creates a Horizontal Axis for the given window and page. Raises an Exception if those parameters do not point to a valid HyperGraph window.

  • window (Union[int, Window]) – The window of the curve.

  • page (Union[int, Page]) – The page of the curve.


Set the attributes of the AxisHorizontal.


kwargs (dict) – Attributes of AxisHorizontal to set.


ValueError – If an invalid attribute is provided.

property color: Color#

Sets the color of the axes label

property db10Ref: int#

Sets the dB10 reference value for the axis.

property db20Ref: int#

Sets the dB20 reference value for the axis.

property font: Font#

Sets label font of the axis.

property fontSize: int#

Sets label font size of the axis..

property gridsPerTic: int#

Sets the number of grids between tics on the axis.

property lock: str#

Sets one of the three Lock option states for the axes. The three states include never, always, atImport

property max: float#

Sets the minimum value for the axis.

property min: float#

Sets the minimum value for the axis.

property name: str#

Sets the title of the axis.

property nameVisibility: bool#

Turn off the text displayed in the HyperGraph window.

property precision: int#

Precision specifies the number of digits displayed to the right of the decimal point.

property scaleType: str#

Sets the scale type for the axis. The scale options include: linear, log, dB10, dB20.

property text: str#

Sets new axis label/text displayed in the HyperGraph window.

property textAsDisplayed: str#

Gets display value for text in the HyperGraph window.

property ticFont: Font#

Sets the tics font of the axis.

property ticFontSize: int#

Sets the tics font size of the axis.

property ticFormat: str#

Axis values can be displayed using one of three formats. Supported formats are auto, scientific, fixed.

property ticIncrement: float#

Sets the spacing between tics for the axis.

property ticMethod: str#

Sets the method used for placing tics on the axis. Valid options are ticsPerAxis, ticIncrement.

property ticsPerAxis: int#

Sets the number of tics for the axis.

property type: str#

Gets the type of axis.

property unitMeasurement: str#

Sets unit of measure.

property unitType: str#

Sets unit type.

property visibility: bool#

Sets whether the axis is displayed or hidden.

property visualReverse: bool#

Switch the values and reverse the axis display.

property weighting: str#

Sets the weighting type for the axis. The weighting type options include: none, a, b, c, u.

property id: int#

Returns the ID.

property page: Page#

Returns the Page Object.

property window: Window#

Returns the Window Object.

AxisVertical class#

class AxisVertical(window: int | Window = None, page: int | str | Page = None, id: int | str = 0, **kwargs)#

A class representing a AxisVertical in XY Chart. Creates a Vertical Axis for the given window and page. Raises an Exception if those parameters do not point to a valid HyperGraph window.

  • window (Union[int, Window]) – The window of the curve.

  • page (Union[int, Page]) – The page of the curve.


Set the attributes of the AxisHorizontal.


kwargs (dict) – Attributes of AxisHorizontal to set.


ValueError – If an invalid attribute is provided.

property color: Color#

Sets the color of the axes label

property db10Ref: int#

Sets the dB10 reference value for the axis.

property db20Ref: int#

Sets the dB20 reference value for the axis.

property font: Font#

Sets label font of the axis.

property fontSize: int#

Sets label font size of the axis..

property gridsPerTic: int#

Sets the number of grids between tics on the axis.

property lock: str#

Sets one of the three Lock option states for the axes. The three states include never, always, atImport.

property max: float#

Sets the minimum value for the axis.

property min: float#

Sets the minimum value for the axis.

property name: str#

Sets the title of the axis.

property nameVisibility: bool#

Turn off the text displayed in the HyperGraph window.

property precision: int#

Precision specifies the number of digits displayed to the right of the decimal point.

property scaleType: str#

Sets the scale type for the axis. The scale options include: linear, log, dB10, dB20.

property text: str#

Sets new axis label/text displayed in the HyperGraph window.

property textAsDisplayed: str#

Gets display value for text in the HyperGraph window.

property ticFont: Font#

Sets the tics font of the axis.

property ticFontSize: int#

Sets the tics font size of the axis.

property ticFormat: str#

Axis values can be displayed using one of three formats. Supported formats are auto, scientific, fixed.

property ticIncrement: float#

Sets the spacing between tics for the axis.

property ticMethod: str#

Sets the method used for placing tics on the axis. Valid options are tics, increment.

property ticsPerAxis: int#

Sets the number of tics for the axis.

property type: str#

Gets the type of axis.

property unitMeasurement: str#

Sets unit of measure.

property unitType: str#

Sets unit type.

property visibility: bool#

Sets whether the axis is displayed or hidden.

property visualReverse: bool#

Switch the values and reverse the axis display.

property weighting: str#

Sets the weighting type for the axis.The weighting type options include: none, a, b, c, u.

property id: int#

Returns the ID.

property page: Page#

Returns the Page Object.

property window: Window#

Returns the Window Object.

CurveXY class#

class CurveXY(window: int | Window = None, page: int | str | Page = None, id: int | str = 0, id_type: str = None, **kwargs)#

A class representing a Curve in XY Chart. Create a CurveXY for the given window and page. Raises an Exception if those parameters do not point to a valid HyperGraph XY plot (Line Chart) window.

  • window (Union[int, Window]) – The window of the curve.

  • page (Union[int, Page]) – The page of the curve.


Set the attributes for CurveXY.


kwargs (dict) – Attributes of CurveXY to set.


ValueError – If an invalid attribute is provided.

property label: str#

Sets the label for the curve.

property labelAsDisplayed: str#

Gets the label as it is displayed.

property layer: int#

Sets the layer ID of the curve.

property lineColor: Color#

Sets the color of the line.

property lineStyle: int#

Sets the style of the line.

property lineThickness: int#

Sets the line thickness of the curve.

property prefix: str#

Sets the prefix for the label.

property prefixAsDisplayed: str#

Sets the prefix as it is displayed.

property reference: str#

Sets a reference for the curve.

property shadeAlpha: float#

Sets the alpha value for shading.

property shadeArea: str#

Sets the shaded area for the curve.

property shadeColor: Color#

Sets the color for shading.

property shadeSecondCurve: str#

Sets the second curve for shading.

property shadeStyle: str#

Sets the style for shading.

property showLabel: bool#

Controls the visibility of the label.

property showPrefix: bool#

Controls the visibility of the prefix.

property showSuffix: bool#

Controls the visibility of the suffix.

property suffix: str#

Sets the suffix for the label.

property suffixAsDisplayed: str#

Sets the suffix as it is displayed.

property symbolColor: Color#

Sets the symbol color of the curve.

property symbolFrequency: int#

Sets the frequency of the symbol.

property symbolScaleSize: float#

Sets the scale size of the symbol.

property symbolStyle: int#

Sets the style of the symbol.

property visibility: bool#

Controls the visibility of the curve.

property xAxisAssignment: str#

Sets the axis assignment for the X-datasource (vector).

property xComponent: str#

Sets the component for the X-datasource (vector).

property xDataType: str#

Sets the data type for the X-datasource (vector).

property xExpression: str#

Sets the expression for the X-datasource (vector).

property xFile: str#

Sets the file for the X-datasource (vector).

property xFirstValue: float#

Sets the first value for the X-datasource (vector).

property xFreeze: bool#

Freezes the X-datasource (vector).

property xMaximum: float#

Sets the maximum value for the X-datasource (vector).

property xMinimum: float#

Sets the minimum value for the X-datasource (vector).

property xOffset: float#

Sets the X-offset for the X-datasource (vector).

property xRequest: str#

Sets the X-request for the X-datasource (vector).

property xScale: float#

Sets the scale for the X-datasource (vector).

property xSource: str#

Sets the source for the X-datasource (vector).

property xSubcase: str#

Sets the subcase for the X-datasource (vector).

property xUnitsMeasure: str#

Sets the units of measure for the X-datasource (vector).

property xUnitsType: str#

Sets the units type for the X-datasource (vector).

property xUserExpression: str#

Sets the user expression for the X-datasource (vector).

property yAxisAssignment: str#

Sets the axis assignment for the Y-datasource (vector).

property yComponent: str#

Sets the Y-component for the Y-datasource (vector).

property yDataType: str#

Sets the data type for the Y-datasource (vector).

property yExpression: str#

Sets the expression for the Y-datasource (vector).

property yFile: str#

Sets the file for the Y-datasource (vector).

property yFirstValue: float#

Sets the first value for the Y-datasource (vector).

property yFreeze: bool#

Freezes the Y-datasource (vector).

property yMaximum: float#

Sets the maximum value for the Y-datasource (vector).

property yMinimum: float#

Sets the minimum value for the Y-datasource (vector).

property yOffset: float#

Sets the offset for the Y-datasource (vector).

property yRequest: str#

Sets the request for the Y-datasource (vector).

property yScale: float#

Sets the scale for the Y-datasource (vector).

property ySource: str#

Sets the source for the Y-datasource (vector).

property ySubcase: str#

Sets the subcase for the Y-datasource (vector).

property yUnitsMeasure: str#

Sets the units of measure for the Y-datasource (vector).

property yUnitsType: str#

Sets the units type for the Y-datasource (vector).

property yUserExpression: str#

Sets the user expression for the Y-datasource (vector).

mathAdd(name, parameter={}, **kwargs)#

Create new instance of stackmath operation and adds an operation to the curve. Raises an Exception parameter does not points to a valid stackmath operation.

  • name (str) – The name of the stackmath operation.

  • parameter (dict) – A dictionary containing parameters for the operation.

  • kwargs (dict) – Additional keyword arguments.


New instance of MathXY.

Return type:



Returns the complete math stack of the curve and its attributes.


args – The list of name/ID of the operation.


Complete math stack of the curve and its attributes.

Return type:



Removes the stackmath operation from the stack and returns a dictionary of all removed operation with attributes.


args – The list of name/ID of stackmath operation to be removed.


Complete math stack of the curve and its attributes.

Return type:



Move a stackmath operation one level down. Raises an Exception parameter does not point to a valid stackmath operation.


name (str or int) – The name/ID of the operation.

mathEdit(value, parameter={}, **kwargs)#

Edit the attributes of a stackmath operation. Raises an Exception parameter does not point to a valid stackmath operation.

  • value – The name/ID/MathXY object of the operation.

  • parameter (dict) – A dictionary containing parameters for the operation.

  • kwargs (dict) – Additional keyword arguments.



Return type:



Returns all the attributes of the stackmath operation. Raises an Exception parameter does not point to a valid stackmath operation.


name (str or int) – The name/ID of the operation.


All the attributes of the stackmath operation.

Return type:


mathPaste(inputdict, after=-1)#

Creates stackmath operation from the math Dictionary and add it to the end of stack or after a ID.

  • inputdict – The dict of stackmath operation and attributes.

  • after – The name/ID of the operation after which we need to add the new inputdict.

mathRemove(val: str | int)#

Removes a stackmath operation. Raises an Exception parameter does not point to a valid stackmath operation.


val – The name/ID of the operation.


Removes all stackmath operation.


Move a stackmath operation one level up. Raises an Exception parameter does not point to a valid stackmath operation.


name (str or int) – The name/ID of the operation.

property id: int#

Returns the ID.

property mathRef: str#

The math-reference of the curve.


Math reference of the curve.



property page: Page#

Returns the Page Object.

property window: Window#

Returns the Window Object.

property xValues: list#

The x values of the curve.


Returns x values of the curve.


Sets x values of the curve.



property xyValues#

The x and y values of the curve.


Returns x and y values of the curve.



property yValues: list#

The y values of the curve.


Returns y values of the curve.


Sets y values of the curve.



DatumHorizontal class#

class DatumHorizontal(window: int | Window = None, page: int | str | Page = None, id: int | str = 0, **kwargs)#

A class representing a DatumHorizontal in XY Chart. Creates a Horizontal Datum for the given window and page. Raises an Exception if those parameters do not point to a valid HyperGraph window.

  • window (Union[int, Window]) – The window of the curve.

  • page (Union[int, Page]) – The page of the curve.


Set the attributes of the DatumHorizontal.


kwargs (dict) – Attributes of DatumHorizontal to set.


ValueError – If an invalid attribute is provided.

property associatedAxis: str#

Sets the associated axis for the datum.

property font: Font#

Sets the font of the datum label.

property fontSize: int#

Sets the font size of the datum label.

property label: str#

Sets the label (displayed text) of the datum.

property labelAsDisplayed: str#

Gets the label (displayed text) of the datum.

property labelLocation: str#

Sets the label location for the datum. The label location includes: upperLeft, upperCenter, upperRight, lowerLeft, lowerCenter, lowerRight.

property layer: int#

Sets the layer ID of the datum.

property lineColor: Color#

Gets the line color of the datum.

property lineStyle: int#

Sets the line style of the datum.

property lineThickness: int#

Sets the line thickness of the datum.

property name: str#

Sets the title of the datum.

property position: str or float#

Sets the value/expression (position) of the datum.

property positionValue: float#

Gets the value (position) of the datum.

property type: str#

Gets the type of the Datum.

property visibility: bool#

Sets whether the datum is displayed or hidden.

property id: int#

Returns the ID.

property page: Page#

Returns the Page Object.

property window: Window#

Returns the Window Object.

DatumVertical class#

class DatumVertical(window: int | Window = None, page: int | str | Page = None, id: int | str = 0, **kwargs)#

A class representing a DatumVertical in XY Chart. Creates a Vertical Datum for the given window and page. Raises an Exception if those parameters do not point to a valid HyperGraph window.

  • window (Union[int, Window]) – The window of the curve.

  • page (Union[int, Page]) – The page of the curve.


Set the attributes of the DatumVertical.


kwargs (dict) – Attributes of DatumVertical to set.


ValueError – If an invalid attribute is provided.

property associatedAxis: str#

Sets the associated axis for the datum.

property font: Font#

Sets the font of the datum label.

property fontSize: int#

Sets the font size of the datum label.

property label: str#

Sets the label (displayed text) of the datum.

property labelAsDisplayed: str#

Gets the label (displayed text) of the datum.

property labelLocation: str#

Sets the label location for the datum. The label location includes: upperLeft, upperCenter, upperRight, lowerLeft, lowerCenter, lowerRight.

property layer: int#

Sets the layer ID of the datum.

property lineColor: Color#

Gets the line color of the datum.

property lineStyle: int#

Sets the line style of the datum.

property lineThickness: int#

Sets the line thickness of the datum.

property name: str#

Sets the title of the datum.

property position: str or float#

Sets the value/expression (position) of the datum.

property positionValue: float#

Gets the value (position) of the datum.

property type: str#

Gets the type of the Datum.

property visibility: bool#

Sets whether the datum is displayed or hidden.

property id: int#

Returns the ID.

property page: Page#

Returns the Page Object.

property window: Window#

Returns the Window Object.

ExportCurves class#

class ExportCurves(**kwargs)#

Bases: object

Class providing functionality to export plot data in several different formats.


Exports plot data.

isoMmeTrimCurveLabel(startCharacterId, endCharacterId)#

To enter a start and end point to remove data outside of the specified range.


Set the attributes of the ExportCurves object.


kwargs (dict) – Attributes of ExportCurves object to set.


ValueError – If an invalid attribute is provided.

property exportAxisValues#

Enables the export of original curve values over dB scaled values.

property file#

Attribute to set or get the export file name.


Gets the capture image file name.


Sets the capture image file name.



property format#

The type of format that you want to set for the export file. The different types include: Excel, Column, XY Data, X GRAPH, Summary, Adams Spline, Altair Binary, CSV Blocks, DAC, RPC, and Excel Europe.


Gets the export format.


Sets the export format.



property isoMmeDeleteExistingFiles#

Option to delete any existing files in the channel directory upon export.

property range#

The range of curves to export. Valid values include are all, plot, page or a list representing a range of pages.

Header class#

class Header(window: int | Window = None, page: int | str | Page = None, **kwargs)#

A class representing a Header in XY Chart. Returns a Header for the given window and page. RRaises an Exception if those parameters do not point to a valid HyperGraph window.

  • window (Union[int, Window]) – The window of the curve.

  • page (Union[int, Page]) – The page of the curve.


Set the attributes of the Header.


kwargs (dict) – Attributes of Header to set.


ValueError – If an invalid attribute is provided.

property alignment: str#

Sets the text alignment for the Header. The options includes: left, right, center.

property color: Color#

Sets the text color of the Header.

property fontPrimary: Font#

Sets the font primary font of the Header.

property fontPrimarySize: int#

Sets the primary font size of the Header.

property fontSecondary: Font#

Sets the secondary font of the Header.

property fontSecondarySize: int#

Sets the secondary font size of the Header.

property fontTertiary: Font#

Sets the tertiary font of the Header.

property fontTertiarySize: int#

Sets the tertiary font size of the Header.

property text: str#

Sets the text of the Header.

property textAsDisplayed: str#

Gets the label (displayed text) of the Header.

property type: str#

Gets the type of the title.

property visibility: bool#

Sets whether the Header is displayed or hidden.

property id: int#

Returns the ID.

property page: Page#

Returns the Page Object.

property window: Window#

Returns the Window Object.

Legend class#

class Legend(window: int | Window = None, page: int | str | Page = None, **kwargs)#

A class representing a Legend in XY Chart. Returns a Legend for the given window and page. Raises an Exception if those parameters do not point to a valid HyperGraph window.

  • window (Union[int, Window]) – The window of the curve.

  • page (Union[int, Page]) – The page of the curve.


Set the attributes of the Legend.


kwargs (dict) – Attributes of Legend to set.


ValueError – If an invalid attribute is provided.

property autoPositioning: str#

Automatically positions the legend within the modeling window..

property backgroundColor: Font#

Sets the legend background to the specified color.

property borderColor: int#

Sets the legend border to the specified color.

property borderStyle: int#

Sets the border line style of the legend.

property curveTextColor: int#

Sets the curve color for legend.

property font: int#

Sets the font of the legend.

property fontSize: Color#

Sets the font size of the legend.

property leaderPosition: int#

Sets the leader position for the legend. The leader position includes: left, below, none.

property placement: int#

Sets the legend placement in the modeling window. Options include: insideLeftTopCorner, insideLeftBottomCorner, insideRightTopCorner, insideRightBottomCorner, outsideTop, outsideBottom, outsideLeft, outsideRight, insideUserDefined.

property visibility: Color#

Sets whether the legend is displayed or hidden.

property xCoordinate: int#

Sets the X relative position of the legend.

property yCoordinate: int#

Sets the Y relative position of the legend.

property id: int#

Returns the ID.

property page: Page#

Returns the Page Object.

property window: Window#

Returns the Window Object.

MathXY class#

class MathXY(curve, id: int = 1)#

Returns a stackmath operation object, defined by curve and ID. Raises an Exception if those parameters do not point to a valid curve in a HyperGraph XY plot (Line Chart) window.

  • curve (Union[int, CurveXY]) – The curve for the stackmath operation.

  • id (int) – The id of the stackmath operation.


Set the attributes of the stackmath object.


kwargs (dict) – Attributes of stackmath object to set.


ValueError – If an invalid attribute is provided.

property curve: CurveXY#

Returns the CurveXY Object.


Returns the CurveXY Object.



property enabled: bool#

Enable/disable stackmath operation.


Enable stackmath operation.


Disable stackmath operation.



property id: int#

Get the ID of the stackmath operation.


Returns the ID.



property operation: bool#

Returns name of the stackmath operation


Enable stackmath operation.

Note class#

class Note(window: int | Window = None, page: int | str | Page = None, id: int | str = 0, **kwargs)#

A class representing a Note in XY Chart. Creates a Note for the given window and page. Raises an Exception if those parameters do not point to a valid HyperGraph window.

  • window (Union[int, Window]) – The window of the curve.

  • page (Union[int, Page]) – The page of the curve.


Set the attributes of the Note.


kwargs (dict) – Attributes of Note to set.


ValueError – If an invalid attribute is provided.

property alignment: str#

Sets the text alignment for the note to left, right, center.

property attachTo: str#

Sets the attachment method for the note.The attachment can be: window, view, curve, coordinates.

property attachmentCurve: int#

Sets the index of the curve to which the note is attached.

property attachmentPoint: int#

Sets the index of the point on the curve to which the note is attached.

property attachmentXcoordinate: str#

Sets the expression for the x value to which the note is attached.

property attachmentYcoordinate: str#

Sets the expression for the y value to which the note is attached.

property autoPosition: bool#

Sets auto-positioned note

property autoPositionOffset: float#

Sets the padding/distance between notes as a percentage of the screen

property autoPositionStrategy: str#

Sets to specify the relative location of the note.The options can be: noOverlap, aboveLeft, aboveCenter, aboveRight, left, center, right, belowLeft, belowCenter, belowRight.

property backgroundColor: Color#

Sets the background border color of the note.

property borderColor: Color#

Sets the text border color of the note.

property borderThickness: int#

Sets the border thickness of the note.

property curveColor: Color#

Sets the note text color same as curve color.

property font: Font#

Sets the font of the note text.

property fontSize: int#

Sets the font size of the note text.

property format: str#

Sets scientific or fixed format in a note.

property formatScalarValues: bool#

Select this option to format scalar values in a note

property minimized: bool#

Sets note represented with an icon.

property minimizedColor: Color#

Sets the minimized icon color.

property minimizedRadius: float#

Sets the minimized icon radius.

property name: str#

Sets the title of the note.

property notePosition: float#

Sets the position of the note.

property placement: str#

Sets position your note in a specific location within the modeling window. Options include: default, leftTopCorner, leftBottomCorner, rightTopCorner, rightBottomCorner, userDefined.

property positionX: float#

Sets X Coordinate field to enter specific coordinates for the note’s placement

property positionY: float#

Sets Y Coordinate field to enter specific coordinates for the note’s placement

property precision: float#

Sets precision of Scientific or Fixed format in a note.

property text: str#

Sets the unevaluated text of the note.

property textAsDisplayed: str#

Gets the evaluated text of the note.

property textColor: int#

Sets the curve color for legend.

property visibility: bool#

Sets whether the note is displayed or hidden.

property id: int#

Returns the ID.

property page: Page#

Returns the Page Object.

property window: Window#

Returns the Window Object.