Image is used to capture image of specified quantity.


IMAGE(“name”) { parameters}


User-given name


name (string)
User-given name of the command. The instance of a given command is referenced using this parameter.
cut_planes (string)
Cut planes to include in the image
parts (string)
Parts to include in the image
iso_surfaces (string)
Iso surfaces to include in the image
streamlines (string)
Streamlines to include in the image
image_type (enum)
Type of images to be generated
Options: static, cut_plane_sweep, animation
views (string)
Views to capture the image from
sweep_planes (string)
Planes to use in sweep
sweep_range_type (enum)
Sweep range parameters
Options: direct, sweep_increment, number_of_sweep_locations
number_of_sweep_locations (integer)
Number of sweep locations to generate images from. Looks at model size to determine range then automatically sets the plane locations (computes interval by diving length by number of sweep locations).
sweep_increment (real)
Increment at which to generate images
sweep_range (sequence)
If type = direct comma separated values and sequences 1:10:3
clip_parts (boolean)
Clips part at location of sweep plane
Is based on view requested
reverse_clip_direction (boolean)
Reverses direction of clip part
active_flag (boolean)
Read and process the command or ignore it
start_frame (integer)
The solution step that marks the beginning of the animation.
end_frame (integer)
The solution step that marks the end of the animation.
frame_increment (integer)
The stride to take while sweeping through the solution steps.
frame_rate (integer)
The frame rate to control playback of the animation. Used only when creating mp4 files.


IMAGE("Solid blades with mesh, transparent walls"){
    parts                      = {"Inlet - solid - transparent","Blades - solid","Blades - mesh",
                                  "Tube - solid - transparent", "Outlet - solid - transparent",
                                  "Tube - outline"}
    views                      = {"front_top_left","front_top_left","Blade iso","Blade iso",
                                  "Downstream iso","Downstream iso"}
    image_type                 = static
IMAGE("Cut plane animation"){
    cut_planes                 = {"z-plane","User CP 1", "User CP 2", "User CP 3"}
    parts                      = {"all - outline"}
    views                      = {"iso view","+z"}
    zoom_factors               = {1,0.9}
    image_type		   = animation
    start_frame		  = 1
    end_frame		    = 10
    frame_increment	     = 4
    frame_rate                 = 5    

An animation is created for each view that is listed in the views parameter. The frame_rate option is only valid when the image_type=animation option is set to mp4 (this is the default).

Animations are automatically embedded into the ppt files.