Create and View Section Cuts

Use the Section Cuts tool to cut planar or spherical sections through a model.

Create Section Cuts

  1. From the View Controls toolbar, click .
  2. In the Section Cuts dialog, click to create a new section cut.
  3. Click of the left side of the microdialog to select either a planar or spherical section cut.
    Note: For aerodynamic/aeroacoustic setup, only section planes are available. Click the section plane preview or elsewhere on the model to create the section cut then drag to reposition.
  4. Change the display and position of the section cut using the other microdialog options.
    • Display only the section cut by clicking .
    • Reverse the part of the model that is hidden by clicking .
    • Trim elements along the plane/sphere to create a smooth section cut by clicking .
    • Translate or rotate the section cut using graphical manipulators by clicking . For spherical section cuts, the yellow manipulator can be used to adjust the radius of the sphere.
      Tip: You can also click and drag the frame directly. After exiting the section cut tool, these frames remain visible, allowing you to translate or rotate a section cut at any time. For planar section cuts, click and drag the center of the frame to translate. Click and drag a corner or an edge to rotate.
    • Align the section plane to the x, y, or z-axis by clicking .
      Note: Only available for planar section cuts.
    • Reposition the section plane to the model center by clicking .

    Figure 1. Planar Section Cut

    Figure 2. Spherical Section Cut

    Figure 3. Aerodynamic/Aeroacoustic Section Cut
Tip: Use the right-click context menu in the Section Cuts/Planes dialog to edit, show/hide, and delete, section cuts.

View Section Cuts

  1. From the View Controls toolbar, click .
  2. In the Section Cuts dialog, enable the checkboxes of the section cuts you wish to view.

    Figure 4.