Altair HyperMesh

New Features

Support of the new Radioss 2023 profile
Joint Creation Tool
  • This new tool enables the automatic creation of KJOINT2 and CYL_JOINT elements, as well as the rigid attachments of the joint to the selected connected parts
  • The tool is accessible from the Model Ribbon:

    Figure 1.

    Figure 2.
Time Step Mass in Mass Summary Tool
  • A new option in the Mass Summary Tool enable the calculation of the solver numerical added mass due to the elemental time step
  • From the guide bar, click and select the Consider Time Step Mass checkbox.

    Figure 3.
  • The corresponding Time Step Mass column and total values are then display in the UI:

    Figure 4.


New Starter Keywords supported
  • /FAIL/TAB2
New Engine Keywords supported
  • Multiple new output options supported in /H3D/ELEM
  • Multiple new output options supported in /H3D/NODA
  • Multiple new output options supported in /H3D/SHELL
  • Multiple new output options supported in /H3D/SOLID
Updated Starter Keywords as per Radioss 2023 manual
  • /BEAM: 3rd node made optional
  • /INTER/TYPE8: New attribute Fn_last and Ft_last
  • /INTER/TYPE18: New attribute Igap
  • /MAT/LAW62: New attribute Form and Poisson ratios
  • /MAT/LAW88: New attribute value Tension=-2
  • /PROP/TYPE14: New attribute Iale
  • /RBODY: New attribute Ifail
  • /SENSOR/DIST: New attribute Tmin and Dflag
Support on nested SUBMODELs
Elements Entity Editor
The description of the Elements Entity Editor is updated and aligned to the solver manual description
Rigid Body Manager
The Rigid Body Manager is replaced by the new Rigid Body creation controller

Resolved Issues

  • Correction in reading the Engine keywords /DT/AMS
  • Correction of the dynamic graphical update of /RBODY when modifying the node set in case of a formula set
  • Correction in reading /VISC/PRONY when the keyword is encrypted
  • Correction in reading and exporting Area and Inertia attributes in /PROP/BEAM when Beamsection is Unresolved
  • In some cases, /GRNOD/NODE referred into /INTER keyword was exported as an empty /GRNOD/GENE set. This issue is now corrected.
  • CYL_JOINT is now implemented correctly.