Altair HyperMesh

New Features

New Keywords Supported
The following new keywords are supported: /DT1/BRICK, /DT/BRICK/DEL/1, /EBCS/NRF.
Mass Summary Tool
A new option has been added to consider Lumped Mass in Solver Mass and get the correct solver mass on components and assembly levels:

Figure 1.


Updated Keywords
The following keywords have been updated:
  • /INTER/TYPE24 and /INTER/TYPE25: new attributes Istf=7, Ipstif, Stfacm, Dtstif added
  • /LOAD/PBLAST: new attribute Tstop added
  • /PROP/TYPE6, /PROP/TYPE14, /PROP/TYPE20, /PROP/TYPE21, /PROP/TYPE22: new attributes Vdef_min, Vdef_max, APS_max, COL_min added
  • /SENSOR/TIME: new attribute Tstop added
  • /TH/BRICK: following output variables added: STRAIN, LOCSTRN, LEPSii, VK, VX, VY, VZ, SSP, MACH, NL_PLAS, NL_PLSR, QVIS
  • /TH/QUAD: following output variables added: VX, VY, VZ, AUX1, AUX2, AUX3, SSP, MACH
  • /TH/INTER: following output variables added: CAREA
  • /TH/SPRING: following output variables added: LENGTH, FAIL
  • /TH/BEAM: following output variables added: SX, SXY, SZX, EPSP, EPSD
Engine File Assistant Tool
From Radioss 2018 onwards, the tool generates /H3D engine keywords instead of /ANIM engine keywords.
Rigid Controller
New options to automatically create Time History on RBODY and Independent Node have been added in the rigid controller for RBODY element creation.

Resolved Issues

  • Probelem for nested SUBMODELs in large models has been corrected.
  • HyperMesh files without composites data that was saved without attribute values for Plies would be exported with random values for those empty attributes. This export issue has been resolved.
  • HyperMesh files saved with version 2019 may have an issue exporting /GRNOD/NODE sets as empty /GRNOD/GENE sets. The export issue for such HyperMesh files has been fixed.
  • For /SKEW/MOV, an update has been made in keyword Entity Editor to have DIR attribute mapped to the previous Axis attribute.
  • For /TH/GAUGE, /GAUGE/SPH are now selectable.