How to solve a topology optimization problem?
- While in pre-processing, click the Solving menu;
- Select the command Run Topology Optimizaton.
At this point, Flux 2D will display the Run Topology Optimizaton dialog box and ask for the following data:
- The Faces to optimize, i.e., a list of geometrical faces representing the parts of the device that will be subjected to optimization.
- The Solving scenario previously created;
- The name of the Working directory that will store data generated by the Flux-OptiStruct coupling during the optimization procedure;
- The Optimization problem previously described;
- The Topology optimization method to be employed. Two options are
available from the drop-down menu:
- the Density method and
- the LevelSet method.
Once all the required data has been provided, click OK to launch the topology optimization. Flux 2D will them invoke the OptiStruct coupling and a new window will appear, displaying the OptiStruct iterations until convergence (or until the maximum number of iterations configured in the Optimization options has been reached).