Export of N dimensions data table
A data table allows regrouping, in the same file (.oml, .txt or .csv). Data values contained in parameters (geometric or I/O parameters) and sensors after a parametric or transient solving.
The goal may be analyzing or reusing the data in another software.
Steps to export data tables
- Launch the command through
- Select the output parameters / sensors
- Select the file format (.oml / .txt / .csv) and the file name
(For .oml files, enter the name of the files folder of destination. Each file contains one output parameter data)
- The option Operation on a parameter intervalmay be enabled, it allows the
user to do a mathematical operation on the output parameter over a variating
parameter (time, angular or linear position, etc..):
- Select the parameter (time, angular or linear position, etc..) to apply the operation
- Select the type of operation:
- RMS value;
- Maximum value;
- Minimum value;
- Statistical average value;
- Integral average value.
OML file format for Twin Activate / Compose (LookUp Tables ND)