Create a Remote Desktops

Remote desktops are activated when you submit an interactive job.

  1. Click the Desktops tab located in the upper left-hand of the page.
    A list of applications are displayed at the top of the Desktops page.
    Remote Desktops Applications/Solvers List
    Figure 1. Remote Desktops Applications/Solvers List
    Tip: Click to view the other applications/solvers.
    By default, the remote desktops list is displayed in the Tile view. Click to change the view to List view.
  2. Choose one of the following options:
    • Click an application to launch a remote desktops with default options.
    • Right-click an application and choose Launch Default or Launch Custom option from the menu to launch a remote desktops.
    Note: If Launch Default option is selected and if mandatory fields are empty, then a job submission form is displayed. If Launch Custom option is selected, then a job submission form is displayed.
    A job submission form is displayed.
    Job Submission Form
    Figure 2. Job Submission Form
    The following panes are displayed in the Job Submission Form:
    • Left pane - Displays the list of Solvers based on the category.
    • Center pane - Displays the Job Submission Form. First time when you select an Application, Generic Profile is selected and subsequent time Last Submitted profile is selected. Profiles are displayed in a drop-down list just below the application.
    • Right pane - Displays the File Management section. You can perform all the file related activities in this section. For example, selecting a file as an input file or include files, selecting a directory as an output directory, editing a file, uploading a files, searching a file from the list.

    By default, only the required fields are displayed. Move the toggle switch to the right to display all available application arguments.

    Note: The profile delete icon () and rename icon () will be enabled once you select a saved profile from the list.
  3. Fill in any required solver arguments.

    Application Arguments are based on the application selected.

    Tooltip displays the description of the application arguments when you mouseover the argument field.

    Note: The Server field will be displayed only if more than one Server Cluster is registered.
    Note: Click Reset at the top right-hand corner of the job submission form to reset the values of the application arguments.
  4. Click Submit Job.
    Note: By default, the remote desktops will be opened in a new Tab.
    Note: Due to browser restriction, the user must enable the pop-up blocker in the browser for the first time. The browser will notify about the pop-up blocker when you open remote desktops window in new tab.
A folder is created in the job output directory. It is named based on the job name and job submission time. Job result files are written to this folder. While the job is running results files are maintained on the remote PAS server. These files can be displayed by viewing the contents of the Running Folder tab. Once the job completes, the job results files are written to the Output tab.