Download Materials for CAE Applications

Download simulation-ready files to your local workstation.

You can choose a solver or CAE application name, material model, units and then export the selected material as CAE data.

To download a CAE file:

  1. Choose one of the following:
    • Double-click the material.
    • Hover over a material, click
    A window opens to the right.
    By default, the Info tab displays the general information of the selected material.
    Note: Click to view the material information in a full screen mode.
  2. Click CAE Model.
    The CAE Model tab is displayed.

    Figure 1. CAE Model
  3. Select the solver or CAE application name from the Select Software list.
    The exported file can be used in the selected solver or CAE application.
  4. Select the solver specific material law, from the Select Model list.
    Some applications supports only one material law, for example: Inspire and SimSolid.
  5. Select the required unit system from the Select Unit list.

    During export, the model will be converted to the chosen unit system.
  6. Enter an identification number for the material in Material Id.
    Note: You can use the arrow keys to select a number. By default, the material id is 1000.
  7. Click Download.
    The CAE Model is downloaded to your personalized download location on your local workstation.

For more information, see the following video demonstration: