Run a Solver

Run a solver by selecting a solver input file and running a job.

You can monitor your job using application on your home page under Favorite Apps.

The job results files are generated and written to the same directory as the input folder. If your job results have any model files, Altair Drive provides you a facility to view your model files in 3D view. You can also preview the model file using the Image viewer, view text related result files using Text viewer.

  1. Navigate to the file.
  2. Choose one of the following options:
    • Hover over a job input file, click > Solve With.
    • Select the job input file and click Solve With on the Action Ribbon.
    • Right-click the job input file and click Solve With.
    The associated solvers for the selected input file are displayed.

    Figure 1. Solve With
  3. Select the solver name.
    A job submission form is displayed.

    Figure 2. Submit Job
  4. Enter the required application arguments.
    Each application will have its own unique arguments.
    Tip: To view all application arguments, click the All Fields tab.
  5. Optional: Click Save as Default to save the specified arguments as a default arguments for the selected solver.
    Note: Click Restore Defaults to view the default arguments.
  6. Click Submit Job.
    A folder is created in the current directory. The name of the folder is based on the name of the job input file. Job result files are written to this folder.

    If the job result files has any animation supported output files, you can generate a preview to read the model files details using the 3D view.