Altair® Monarch® Server


Navigation Tree

After launching MSAdmin, at the left of the main window you see the Navigation Tree. It serves as navigation through the site. All items are expandable. It means that if you click a tree item or click an arrow by its name, the item will be expanded to the next tree level.

When you click a second-level option in the left pane, the right pane of the window displays the corresponding tab(s) with a list of items.

The Navigation Tree of MSAdmin contains links to the following sections of the system:

  • My Home: This page is displayed by default, when you log on to MSAdmin. The right pane contains links to all sections of the system.

  • Content System

    • Maintenance

      • Log Clearance Tasks: This link allows you to manage log clearance tasks. For more information, see Log Clearance Tasks.

      • Maintenance Processes: This link allows you to manage processes. For more information, see Maintenance Processes.

  • Automator

    • Server Status: This link allows you to check the current status of the Automator server. For more information, see Server Status.

    • Standard Processes

      • Processes: This link allows you to handle Standard Processes. For more information, see Processes.

      • Schedules: This link allows you to view schedules of Standard Processes. For more information, see Schedules.

      • Jobs: This link allows you to manage Automator jobs. For more information, see Jobs.

      • Distributions: This link allows you to specify distributions for items used in Standard Processes. For more information, see Distributions.

      • Alerts: This link allows you to set up alerts on Standard Processes, jobs, and other items. For more information, see Alerts.

      • Scripts: This link allows you to view scripts available for Standard Processes. For more information, see Scripts.

      • Project Editor: This link allows you to create project files. For more information, see Project Editor.

    • Visual Processes

      • Processes: This link allows you to handle Visual Processes. For more information, see Processes.

      • Templates: This link allows you to access available templates that can be used for process creation. For more information, see Templates.

      • Logs: This link allows you to view information about executed processes. For more information, see Logs.

      • Alerts: This link allows you to set up alerts on Visual Processes. For more information, see Alerts.

      • Scripts: This link allows you to view scripts available for Visual Processes. For more information, see Scripts.

    • Connection Definitions: This link allows you to add predefined/saved connection definitions that can be reused in multiple projects. For more information, see Connection Definitions.

  • Server Library

    • Folders: This link allows you to create server library folders that include particular models, projects, and templates. For more information see Folders.

    • Projects: This link allows you to add existing project files created with Monarch to the system and edit project files. For more information see Projects.

    • Models: This link allows you to manage models. For more information, see Models.

    • Workspaces: This link allows you to manage workspaces. For more information, see Workspaces.

    • Change Lists: This link allows you to manage change lists. For more information, see Change Lists.

    • Bulk EditsThis link allows you to apply text content bulk editing to Server Library items. For more information, see Bulk Edits.

  • Rights and Privileges

    • Security Provider: This link allows you to define a security provider. For more information, see Setting Security Provider.

    • Roles: This link allows you to manage roles. For more information, see Roles.

    • User Groups: This link allows you to manage user groups. For more information, see User Groups.

    • Users: This link allows you to manage users. For more information, see Users.

  • System Settings

    • System Preferences: This link allows you to set system preferences. For more information, see System Preferences.

    • Locale Management: This link allows you to manage locales. For more information, see Managing Locales.

    • Theme Management: This link allows you to manage color themes for all MS applications. For more information, see Theme Management.

    • Bulk Schedules Edits: This link allows you to apply bulk editing of schedules. For more information, see Bulk Schedules Edits.

  • System Reports

    • Configuration: This link allows you to generate configuration reports. For more information, see Configuration Reports.

    • Transaction: This link allows you to generate transaction reports. For more information, see Transaction Reports.

    • Active Users: This link allows you to monitor active users in the system. For more information, see Active Users.