Altair® Monarch® Server



All schedules for Standard Processes are listed on the Schedules page. You can use this page to add, edit or delete schedules.

To add a new schedule for a Standard Process

  1. On the Schedules page under Standard Processes, click Add button. The Schedule page will be displayed.

  2. Select the Suspended check box if you want to suspend the task.

  3. Specify the process to which the schedule will be assigned.

  4. Select the task execution frequency from the following options: One Time, Hourly, Daily, Weekly, Monthly.

  5. Set the time you want the process to run.

  6. Set the start date of the schedule.

  7. Select the appropriate timezone from the drop-down list.

  8. Click the Save button, to save the schedule or Run Now to start the task immediately.

To edit a schedule for a Standard Process

  1. Click the name of the schedule you want to change or select the schedule, by clicking anywhere on the row, and then click Edit button.

  2. On the displayed page, make the necessary changes and save the schedule.

For details about how to change the schedule settings please refer to Adding a Schedule.

To delete a schedule for a Standard Process

  1. Click Delete end row at the end of the row of the schedule you want to delete. A dialog box appears.

  2. Click Delete to remove the schedule from the list.