Using the Shift Templates Feature
With Monarch Classic’s shift templates feature you can easily shift traps and fields to the left or right while in the Template Definition dialog. This makes it much easier to redefine templates if data in a new iteration of a report has shifted left or right.
Go to Report Design and then select a Template from the Templates selector.
In most cases you will want to replace the current sample line, using a similar line from your altered report. To do so, select the desired line in the report, then click the Replace Sample Text button.
To shift a field or fields, click in the sample line with the cursor and use the Push Right
and the Pull left
buttons on the Template Editor action bar.
To shift a trap or traps, click in the trap line with the cursor, then click the Push Right or Pull Left button.
Note: Whether shifting fields or templates, the positioning of the cursor is important. If you wish to move a single field or template, place the cursor within the field or template and use the Pull Left or Push Right button. If you wish to move a set of fields or templates, place the cursor in a gap between the fields or templates and use the Pull Left or Push Right button.