
class ImplementationNotes "Implementation Notes"
    extends Modelica.Icons.Information;

    annotation (Documentation(info = "<html>\n<p>\nBelow the major design decisions of this library are summarized.\n</p>\n<ul>\n<li> <strong>C-Function Interface</strong><br>\n     This library contains several interfaces to C-functions in order\n     to operate with the environment. As will become clear, it is usually\n     required that a Modelica tool vendor provides an implementation\n     of these C-functions that are suited for his environment.\n     In directory \"Modelica/Resources/C-Sources\" a reference implementation\n     is given for Microsoft Windows Systems and for POSIX environments.\n     The files \"ModelicaInternal.c\" and \"ModelicaStrings.c\" can be\n     used as a basis for the integration in the vendors environment.<br>&nbsp;</li>\n<li> <strong>Character Encoding</strong><br>\n     The representation of characters is different in operating systems.\n     The more modern ones (e.g., Windows-NT) use an early variant of\n     Unicode (16 bit per character)\n     other (e.g., Windows-ME) use 8-bit encoding. Also 32 bit per character\n     and multi-byte representations are in use. This is important, since e.g.,\n     Japanese Modelica users need Unicode representation. The design in this\n     library is done in such a way that a basic set of calls to the operating\n     system hides the actual character representation. This means, that all\n     functions of this package can be used independent from the underlying\n     character representation.<br>\n     The C-interface of the Modelica language provides only an 8-bit\n     character encoding passing mechanism of strings. As a result, the\n     reference implementation in \"Modelica.Utilities\\C-Source\" needs to\n     be adapted to the character representation supported in the\n     Modelica vendor environment.<br>&nbsp;</li>\n<li> <strong>Internal String Representation</strong><br>\n     The design of this package was made in order that string handling\n     is convenient. This is in contrast to, e.g., the C-language, where\n     string handling is inconvenient, cumbersome and error prone, but on the\n     other hand is in some sense \"efficient\".\n     The standard reference implementation in \"Modelica.Utilities\\C-Source\"\n     is based on the standard C definition of a string, i.e., a pointer to\n     a sequence of characters, ended with a null terminating character.\n     In order that the string handling in this package is convenient,\n     some assumptions have been made, especially, that the access to\n     a substring is efficient (O(1) access instead of O(n) as in standard C).\n     This allows to hide string pointer arithmetic from the user.\n     In such a case, a similar efficiency as in C can be expected for\n     most high level operations, such as find, sort, replace.\n     The \"efficient character access\" can be reached if, e.g.,\n     the number of characters\n     are stored in a string, and the length of a character is fixed,\n     say 16 or 32 bit (if all Unicode characters shall be represented).\n     A vendor should adapt the reference implementation in this\n     respect.<br>&nbsp;</li>\n<li> <strong>String copy = pointer copy</strong><br>\n     The Modelica language has no mechanism to change a character\n     of a string. When a string has to be modified, the only way\n     to achieve this is to generate it newly. The advantage is that\n     a Modelica tool can treat a string as a constant entity and\n     can replace (expensive) string copy operations by pointer\n     copy operations. For example, when sorting a set of strings\n     the following type of operations occur:\n     <pre>\n     String s[:], s_temp;\n      ...\n     s_temp := s[i];\n     s[i]   := s[j];\n     s[j]   := s_temp;\n     </pre>\n     Formally, three strings are copied. Due to the feature\n     sketched above, a Modelica tool can replace this\n     copy operation by pointer assignments, a very \"cheap\"\n     operation. The Modelica.Utilities functions will perform\n     efficiently, if such types of optimizations are supported\n     by the tool.</li>\n</ul>\n</html>"));
end ImplementationNotes;